News: Conference

2 papers in the latest PAMI

Our researchers have 2 articles in the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence from April 2012 (vol. 34 no. 4).  PAMI is the best journal in the field.

[Read more about 2 papers in the latest PAMI]

Best Colour Paper awarded to David Sandberg

Congratulations to David Sandberg, programmer for SNAP Network Surveillance, who has won the â€˜Best Colour Paper’ prize awarded by Canon Information Systems Research Australia (CiSRA) at the recent 2011 DICTA conference.

[Read more about Best Colour Paper awarded to David Sandberg]

Great ICCV result

Our researchers have had 5 papers accepted to The International Conference on Computer Vision 2011, which will be held in Barcelona in November.

[Read more about Great ICCV result]

Great CVPR result

The members of the ACVT have had 7 papers accepted to this year’s CVPR.  CVPR is one of the top 2 conferences in Computer Vision, receives over 1,500 submissions per year, and has an acceptance rate of around 25%.

[Read more about Great CVPR result]

ISMAR prize

The paper Real-time Modelling for AR Applications won second prize in the best paper awards at the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2010 in Seoul, Korea.

[Read more about ISMAR prize]

3D user created content at Saarbruecken

Anton van den Hengel gave a talk at the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication in Saarbreuken (Germany) about 3D User-Created Content (3DUCC).   Anton was in Saarbrueken visiting the Computer Graphics Department of  there, and particularly the group of Dr. Thorsten Thormaehlen. 

[Read more about 3D user created content at Saarbruecken]

ISMAR 2009 Paper

Anton van den Hengel recently attended ISMAR 2009 in Orlando, Florida.

[Read more about ISMAR 2009 Paper]

WACV 2009

Following DICTA, Rhys Hill attended WACV 2009 in Snowbird, Utah.

[Read more about WACV 2009]

DICTA 2009

Rhys Hill and Wojciech Chojnacki recently attended DICTA 2009 in Melbourne.

[Read more about DICTA 2009]

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