Academic Publications

Some of these publications may be behind the publisher鈥檚 paywall. You can access these via your library or by contacting the author for a copy.

  • Adam Graycar

    Graycar & Adam B (2022) 鈥淏ureaucratic bastardry: Robodebt/debt recovery, AI and the stigmatisation of citizens by machines and systems鈥 , pp 333-344

    Graycar, Adam (2022) 鈥淐orrupt procurement: rethinking the roles of principals and agents鈥, Policy Design and Practice, Vol 5:3, 276-293

  • Carol Johnson

    Johnson, C. A., & Mackie, V. (2020). Sexual citizenship in a comparative perspective. In N. Naples (Ed.), Companion to Sexuality Studies (1st ed., pp. 337-356). Oxford, OX; United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. doi:

    Johnson, C. (2019). Social democracy and the crisis of equality: Australian social democracy in a changing world. Singapore: Springer. doi:

    Johnson, C. (2019). Gender research and discursive policy framing. In M. Sawer, & K. Baker (Eds.), Gender Innovation in Political Science New Norms, New Knowledge (pp. 195-217). London: Springer. doi:

    Carol Johnson, 鈥淲hat COVID-19 revealed about gender equality policy framing鈥, Australian Journal of Political Science, 57:1, 93-112, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/10361146.2021.2023094

    Carol Johnson, 鈥淔eeling Protected: Protective masculinity and femininity from Donald Trump and Joe Biden to Jacinda Ardern鈥,听 Emotions and Society,听 4 (1), 2022, pp.7-26.

  • Connie Musolino

    Baum, F., Paremoer, L., Flavel, J., Musolino, C., & Labonte, R. (2022). Can the world become a place where the planet and all people flourish after the pandemic?.听BMJ,377. (SJR 2.29, Top 10% in Medicine (miscellaneous)).

    Flavel, J., McKee, M., Freeman, T., Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Tesfay, F. H., & Baum, F. (2022). The need for improved Australian data on social determinants of health inequities.听Medical Journal of Australia,听216(8), 388-391. (SJR 1.32, Q1 of Medicine (miscellaneous)).

    Flavel, J., Musolino, C., Freeman, T. (2022)"The need for improved Australian data on social determinants of health inequities." Medical Journal of Australia

    Foley, K., Dean, N., Musolino, C., Long, R., & Ward, P. (2022). Modifying my self: A qualitative study exploring agency, structure and identity for women seeking publicly funded plastic surgery in Australia. Journal of Sociology.

    Freeman, T., Townsend, B., Mackean, T., Musolino, C., Friel, S. & Baum, F. (2022). Advancing Indigenous self-determination and health equity: lessons from a failed Australian public policy. SSM Qualitative Research in Health, 2, 100117.

    Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., MacDougall, C., Williams, C., & Baum, F. (2022). Reviving health promotion in South Australia: The role of ideas, actors and institutional forces. Health Promotion International, 37, daac154.

    Freeman, T., Townsend, B., Mackean, T., Musolino, C., Friel, S., McDermott, D., & Baum, F. (in press). Why are Indigenous affairs policies framed in ways that undermine Indigenous health and equity? Examining Australia鈥檚 Northern Territory Emergency Response. International Indigenous Policy Journal.

    Flavel, J., McKee, M., Tesfay, F., Musolino, C., Freeman, T., van Eyk, H., & Baum, F. (2022). Explaining health inequalities in Australia: the contribution of income, wealth, and employment. Australian Journal of Primary Health. Online Early, .

    Roesler, A., Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Flavel, J., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., MacDougall, C., & Baum, F. (2022). Conducting a rapid health promotion audit in suburban Adelaide, South Australia: can it contribute to revitalizing health promotion? Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33, 488-498.

    McGreevy, M., Musolino, C. & Baum, F. Will neighbourhood liveability be promoted by new housing related planning policy in Adelaide, South Australia?. J Hous and the Built Environ (2022).

  • Cornelia Koch

    Eamonn Carpenter, Cornelia Koch, Matthew Stubbs, ''Really Engages Students': Flipped and Inquiry Learning in Law in the 21st Century' (2022) 8 Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law 38-70, available at

    Stubbs, M. Olijynk, A., Hill, L., Koch, C., Louth, J. and Grenfell, L.听 2022. Public Law and Policy Research Unit Submission on the Draft Bill for a First Nations Voice to South Australia鈥檚 Parliament.

  • Emma Baker

    Baker, E., Pham, A., Leishman, C., Daniel, L., & Bentley, R. (2021). Urban social housing pathways: a linked administrative data analysis. Urban Policy and Research, 39(1), 1-15. doi:

    Daniel, L., Baker, E., Beer, A., & Pham,A. (2021). Cold housing: evidence, risk and vulnerability.听Housing Studies, 36(1), 110-130. doi:听

    Baker, E. & Daniel, L. (Eds.) (2020). Rental Insights: A COVID-19 Collection, The Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne, . doi:

    Baker, E., Pham, N., Daniel, L. R., & Bentley, R. (2020). New evidence on mental health and housing affordability in cities: a quantile regression approach. Cities, 96, 1-7. doi:

    Singh, A., Daniel, L., Baker, E., & Bentley, R. (2019). Housing Disadvantage and Poor Mental Health: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 57(2), 262-272. doi:

    Baker, E., Lester, L., Beer, A., & Bentley, R. (2019). An Australian geography of unhealthy housing. Geographical Research, 57(1), 40-51.

    Bentley, R., Baker, E., & Aitken, Z. (2019). The 鈥榙ouble precarity鈥 of employment insecurity and unaffordable housing and its impact on mental health. Social Science and Medicine, 225, 9-16. doi:

    Bentley, R., Baker, E., Simons, K., Simpson, J.A., & Blakely, T. (2018). The impact of social housing on mental health: longitudinal analyses using marginal structural models and machine learning-generated weights.听International Journal of Epidemiology, 47 (5), 1414鈥1422.

  • Fran Baum

    Mialon, M., Anaf, J, Baum, F.听 Learning from Experience: Identifying Key Intervention Points Around Corporate Practices to Improve Health. In: Maani, N,, Petticrew, M., Galea, S (eds) Commercial Determinants of Health. Oxford University Press. Chapter听 6, pp 330-340.

    Anaf, J., Baum, F., Fisher, M.听 Global Health and Equity Burden of Commercial Determinants of Health. In: Maani, N,, Petticrew, M., Galea, S (eds) Commercial Determinants of Health. Oxford University Press. Chapter 3, pp 17-28, DOI:10.1093/oso/9780197578742.001.0001

    Baum, F., Paremoer, L., Flavel, J., Musolino, C., & Labonte, R. (2022). Can the world become a place where the planet and all people flourish after the pandemic?.听BMJ,377. (SJR 2.29, Top 10% in Medicine (miscellaneous)).

    Anaf, J., Fisher, M., Baum, F. (2022). Using Critical Theory to Research Commercial Determinants of Health: Health Impact Assessment of the Practices and Products of Transnational Corporations. In: Potvin, L., Jourdan, D. (eds) Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research, Vol. 1. Springer, Cham. Pages 497-511.

    Flavel, J., McKee, M., Freeman, T., Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Tesfay, F. H., & Baum, F. (2022). The need for improved Australian data on social determinants of health inequities.听Medical Journal of Australia,听216(8), 388-391. (SJR 1.32, Q1 of Medicine (miscellaneous)).

    Baum, F & Anaf, J (2022) A World Beyond Transnational Corporations: Meeting Human Rather Than Corporate Need; Comment on 鈥溾楶art of the Solution鈥: Food Corporation Strategies for Regulatory Capture and Legitimacy鈥 International Journal of Health Policy and Management,

    Baum, F., van Eyk, H., MacDougall, C., Williams, C. (2022). Researching Health for All in South Australia: Reflections on Sustainability and Partnership. In: Potvin, L., Jourdan, D. (eds) Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research, Vol. 1. Springer, Cham. Pages 759-780.

    Flavel, J. and Baum, F. (2022) "The influence of socio-economic conditions on the epidemiology of COVID-19 in Australia." Medical Journal of Australia ,

    Schram, Ashley, et al Baum, F, Friel S. (2022)听 Promoting action on structural drivers of health inequity: principles for policy evaluation, Evidence and Policy

    Harris, P, Fisher, M, Friel, S, Sainsbury, P, Harris, E, De Leeuw, E, Baum, F. (2022) City deals and health equity in Sydney, Australia. Health & Place. 2022:73, January, 102711.

    Flavel, J., Wood, L., Freeman, T., Vallesi, S., Foley, K., & Parry, Y.. Baum, F. (in press). Counting homelessness: working creatively to generate complex descriptive profiles of the health and demographics of people experiencing homelessness in Adelaide. Australian Journal of Social Issues.

    Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., MacDougall, C., Williams, C., & Baum, F. (2022). Reviving health promotion in South Australia: The role of ideas, actors and institutional forces. Health Promotion International, 37, daac154.

    Freeman, T., Townsend, B., Mackean, T., Musolino, C., Friel, S., McDermott, D., & Baum, F. (in press). Why are Indigenous affairs policies framed in ways that undermine Indigenous health and equity? Examining Australia鈥檚 Northern Territory Emergency Response. International Indigenous Policy Journal.

    Flavel, J., McKee, M., Tesfay, F., Musolino, C., Freeman, T., van Eyk, H., & Baum, F. (2022). Explaining health inequalities in Australia: the contribution of income, wealth, and employment. Australian Journal of Primary Health. Online Early, .

    Baum, F., Dollard, M., Fisher, M., Freeman, T., & Newman, L. (2022). The corporate university and its impact on health in Australia. Social Alternatives, 41, 52-62.

    Freeman, T., Townsend, B., Mackean, T., Musolino, C., Friel, S. & Baum, F. (2022). Advancing Indigenous self-determination and health equity: lessons from a failed Australian public policy. SSM Qualitative Research in Health, 2, 100117.

    Fisher, M., Freeman, T., Mackean, T., Friel, S. and Baum F. (2022) Universal Health Coverage for Health Equity: From Principle to Practice; A response to recent commentaries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management.

    Roesler, A., Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Flavel, J., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., MacDougall, C., & Baum, F. (2022). Conducting a rapid health promotion audit in suburban Adelaide, South Australia: can it contribute to revitalizing health promotion? Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33, 488-498.

    Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Ziersch, A., & Freeman, T. (2022). A Framework to Determine the Extent To Which Regional Primary Health Care Organisations Are Comprehensive Or Selective In Their Approach. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11, 479-488.

    Baum, F., Freeman, T. (2022). Why community health systems haven鈥檛 flourished in high income countries: What the Australian experience indicates. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11, 49-58.

    Browne-Yung, K., Ziersch, A., Friel, S., Freeman, T., & Baum, F. (2022) Deindustrialising economies, plant closures and affected communities: identifying potential pathways to health inequities. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33, 904-908.

    McGreevy, M., Musolino, C. & Baum, F. Will neighbourhood liveability be promoted by new housing related planning policy in Adelaide, South Australia?. J Hous and the Built Environ (2022).

  • Georgina Drew

    Drew, G., M. G., D., Jyotishi, A., & Suripeddi, S. (2021). Water insecurity and patchwork adaptability in Bangalore鈥檚 low-income neighbourhoods. Water International, 46(6), 900-918. doi:

    Drew, G. (2021). Coca-Cola and the Moral Economy of Rural Development in India. South Asia: Journal of South Asia Studies, 44(3), 1-21. doi:

    Barlow, M., & Drew, G. (2020). Slow infrastructures in times of crisis: unworking speed and convenience. Postcolonial Studies, 24(2), 212-233. doi:10.1080/13688790.2020.1804105

    Lord, A., Drew, G., & Gergan, M. D. (2020). Timescapes of Himalayan hydropower: promises, project life cycles, and precarities. WIREs Water, 7(6), 1-15. doi:

    Drew, G. R. (2020). Political ecologies of water capture in an Indian 'smart city'. Ethnos, 85(3), 435-153. doi:

    Williams, S., & Drew, G. (2020). 鈥楥o-creating meeting spaces鈥: feminist ethnographic fieldwork in Bangladesh. Gender, Place and Culture, 27(6), 831-853. doi:

    Drew, G. (2019). Pushing back Delhi鈥檚 鈥榙ay zero鈥 centralised efforts needed for rainwater harvesting. Economic and Political Weekly, 54(43), 41-48.

    Cattelino, J., Drew, G. R., & Morgan, R. A. (2019). Water flourishing in the Anthropocene. Cultural Studies Review, 25(2), 135-152. doi:

    Drew, G. R. (2019). Pushing back Delhi's 'Day Zero': Centralised efforts needed for rainwater harvesting. Economic and Political Weekly, 54(43), 1-9. Retrieved from

    Drew, G. (2017). River Dialogues: Hindu Faith and the Political Ecology of Dams on the Sacred Ganga. USA: University of Arizona Press. Retrieved from

  • Henrietta McNeill

    Joanne Wallis, Henrietta McNeill, James Batley, and Anna Powles, 鈥楽ecurity cooperation in the Pacific Islands: architecture, complex, community, or something else?, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, .

    Joanne Wallis, Henrietta McNeill, James Batley, and Anna Powles, Security Cooperation in the Pacific: Workshop Report, Canberra: Department of Pacific Affairs, Australian National University, 2022, .

  • Joanne Flavel

    Baum, F., Paremoer, L., Flavel, J., Musolino, C., & Labonte, R. (2022). Can the world become a place where the planet and all people flourish after the pandemic?.听BMJ,377. (SJR 2.29, Top 10% in Medicine (miscellaneous)).

    Kyu, H. H., Flavel, J. & Dao, A. T. M. (2022). Age鈥搒ex differences in the global burden of lower respiratory infections and risk factors, 1990鈥2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.听The Lancet Infectious Diseases (SJR 10.2, Top 10% in Infectious Diseases - ranked 3/301).

    Flavel, J., McKee, M., Freeman, T., Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Tesfay, F. H., & Baum, F. (2022). The need for improved Australian data on social determinants of health inequities.听Medical Journal of Australia,听216(8), 388-391. (SJR 1.32, Q1 of Medicine (miscellaneous)).

    Flavel, J., Musolino, C., Freeman, T. (2022)"The need for improved Australian data on social determinants of health inequities." Medical Journal of Australia

  • Joanne Wallis

    Joanne Wallis, Henrietta McNeill, James Batley, and Anna Powles, 鈥楽ecurity cooperation in the Pacific Islands: architecture, complex, community, or something else?, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, .

    Joanne Wallis, Angus Ireland, Isabel Robinson, and Alicia Turner, 鈥楩raming China in the Pacific Islands鈥, Australian Journal of International Affairs (2022) 75(5): 487-506.

    Joanne Wallis and Rebecca Strating, 鈥楳aritime sovereignty and territorialisation: Comparing the Pacific Islands and South China Sea鈥, Marine Policy (2022) 141, .

    Joanne Wallis and Rebecca Strating, 鈥楽trategic Competition in Oceania鈥, in Tells, A.J., Szalwinski, A., and Willis, M. (eds.). Strategic Asia 2021-22: Navigating Tumultuous Times in the Indo-Pacific, Washington: National Bureau of Asian Research, 2022, pp. 187-222.

    Joanne Wallis, Good neighbours? Australia鈥檚 Pacific Policy, In-Depth Briefing #34, Camberley: Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research, British Army, 2022, .

    Joanne Wallis, Henrietta McNeill, James Batley, and Anna Powles, Security Cooperation in the Pacific: Workshop Report, Canberra: Department of Pacific Affairs, Australian National University, 2022, .

  • Julia Anaf

    Anaf, J., Baum, F., Fisher, M.听 Global Health and Equity Burden of Commercial Determinants of Health. In: Maani, N,, Petticrew, M., Galea, S (eds) Commercial Determinants of Health. Oxford University Press. Chapter 3, pp 17-28, DOI:10.1093/oso/9780197578742.001.0001

    Mialon, M., Anaf, J, Baum, F.听 Learning from Experience: Identifying Key Intervention Points Around Corporate Practices to Improve Health. In: Maani, N,, Petticrew, M., Galea, S (eds) Commercial Determinants of Health. Oxford University Press. Chapter听 6, pp 330-340.

    Anaf, J., Baum, F., Fisher, M., Haigh, F., Miller, E., Gesesew, H., & Freudenberg, N. (2022). Assessing the health impacts of transnational corporations: a case study of Carlton and United Breweries in Australia.听Globalization and Health,听18(1), 1-22. (SJR: 2.04, Top 10% in Health Policy & Top 10% in Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health).

    Anaf, J., Fisher, M., Baum, F. (2022). Using Critical Theory to Research Commercial Determinants of Health: Health Impact Assessment of the Practices and Products of Transnational Corporations. In: Potvin, L., Jourdan, D. (eds) Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research, Vol. 1. Springer, Cham. Pages 497-511.

    ,听Anaf, J.听&听, (2022) 听21,听1,听14 p., 109.

  • Katie Logos

    Brewer, R., Westlake, B. G., Swearingen, T., Patterson, S., Bright, D., Ross, A., Logos, K., & Michalski, D. (2022). Advancing child sexual abuse investigations using biometrics and social network analysis, Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice

    Westlake, B. G., Brewer, R., Swearingen, T., Ross, A., Patterson, S., Michalski, D., Hole, M., Logos, K., Frank, R., Bright, D., & Afana, E. (2022). Developing automated methods to detect and match face and voice biometrics in child sexual abuse videos. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, no. 648, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, (SJR 0.2 Q2; IF 1.3)

  • Lisa Hill

    Hill, L. (2021). Compulsory Voting: Activating the Demos and Enhancing Procedural Democracy in Australia鈥. In M. Bonotti, & P. Strangio (Eds.), A Century of Compulsory Voting in Australia Genesis, Impact and Future. Springer Nature.

    Malkopoulou, A., & Hill, L. (2020). The politics of voter presence. International Political Science Review, OnlinePubl., 1-16. doi:

    Hill, L. (2017). Compulsory voting and the promotion of human rights in Australia. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 23(2), 188-202. doi:

    Lisa Hill, Max Douglass and Ravi Baltutis, 2022, How and Why to Regulate False Political Advertising in Australia, London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Coram, V., Louth, J. and Hill, L. 2022. 鈥淒oes My Vote Matter? The Electoral Behaviour and Attitudes of People Experiencing Homelessness鈥,European Journal of Homelessness 16 (2): 47-71.

    Lisa Hill, M.Douglass and R. Baltutis, 2022. Submission to the JSCEM Inquiry into the 2022 Federal Election, 鈥楾he Desirability of Truth in Election Advertising Laws鈥.

  • Matt Fisher

    Anaf, J., Baum, F., Fisher, M.听 Global Health and Equity Burden of Commercial Determinants of Health. In: Maani, N,, Petticrew, M., Galea, S (eds) Commercial Determinants of Health. Oxford University Press. Chapter 3, pp 17-28, DOI:10.1093/oso/9780197578742.001.0001

    Fisher, M. (2022). Moving Social Policy from Mental Illness to Public Wellbeing. Journal of Social Policy, 51(3), 567-581. (SJR 1.16, Top 10% Social Sciences (miscellaneous))

    Anaf, J., Fisher, M., Baum, F. (2022). Using Critical Theory to Research Commercial Determinants of Health: Health Impact Assessment of the Practices and Products of Transnational Corporations. In: Potvin, L., Jourdan, D. (eds) Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research, Vol. 1. Springer, Cham. Pages 497-511.

    Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., MacDougall, C., Williams, C., & Baum, F. (2022). Reviving health promotion in South Australia: The role of ideas, actors and institutional forces. Health Promotion International, 37, daac154.

    Fisher, M., Freeman, T., Mackean, T., Friel, S. and Baum F. (2022) Universal Health Coverage for Health Equity: From Principle to Practice; A response to recent commentaries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management.

    Roesler, A., Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Flavel, J., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., MacDougall, C., & Baum, F. (2022). Conducting a rapid health promotion audit in suburban Adelaide, South Australia: can it contribute to revitalizing health promotion? Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33, 488-498.

  • Matthew Stubbs

    Eamonn Carpenter, Cornelia Koch, Matthew Stubbs, ''Really Engages Students': Flipped and Inquiry Learning in Law in the 21st Century' (2022) 8 Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law 38-70, available at

    Matthew Stubbs and Dale Stephens, 鈥極pportunities for Enhancing Naval Cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region in the Presence of Strategic Competition鈥 in John F Bradford et al (eds), Maritime Cooperation and Security in the Indo-Pacific Region: Essays in Honour of Sam Bateman (Brill, 2022) 253-275.

    Dale Stephens and Matthew Stubbs, 鈥楳ilitary Law鈥 in Michael Kirby (ed), The Laws of Australia (Thomson Reuters, 2022) (forthcoming).

    Matthew Stubbs, 鈥楽pace Traffic Management: Essential Yet Elusive?鈥 (2022) 44(5) Law Society Bulletin 18-19.

  • Russell Brewer

    Holt, T. J., Cale, J., Brewer, R., & Goldsmith, A. (2021). Assessing the role of opportunity and low self-control in juvenile hacking. Crime and Delinquency, 67(5), 662-688. doi:

    Holt, K. M., Holt, T. J., Cale, J., Brewer, R., & Goldsmith, A. (2021). Assessing the role of self-control and technology access on adolescent sexting and sext dissemination. Computers in Human Behavior, 125, 106952-1-106952-8. doi:

    Brewer, R., Vel-Palumbo, M. D., Hutchings, A., Holt, T., Goldsmith, A., & Maimon, D. (2019). Cybercrime prevention: theory and applications. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:

    Brewer, R., Westlake, B. G., Swearingen, T., Patterson, S., Bright, D., Ross, A., Logos, K., & Michalski, D. (2022). Advancing child sexual abuse investigations using biometrics and social network analysis, Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice

    Westlake, B. G., Brewer, R., Swearingen, T., Ross, A., Patterson, S., Michalski, D., Hole, M., Logos, K., Frank, R., Bright, D., & Afana, E. (2022). Developing automated methods to detect and match face and voice biometrics in child sexual abuse videos. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, no. 648, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, (SJR 0.2 Q2; IF 1.3)

  • Tim Legrand

    Legrand, T. (2021). The Architecture of Policy Transfer Ideas, Institutions and Networks in Transnational Policymaking. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:

    Legrand, T., & Stone, D. (2021). Governing global policy: what IPE can learn from public policy? Policy & Society, 40 (3). doi :

    Legrand, Timothy, and Diane Stone,听(2022) 'Policy Transfer',听in Jon C. W. Pevehouse, and Leonard Seabrooke (eds),听The Oxford Handbook of International Political Economy 听(online edn,听Oxford Academic),听

    T. Legrand. 2022Risk and Malignity in Public Policy. International Journal of Public Policy. International Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 17, Nos. 2/3/4 (with Mike Howlett).

    T. Legrand. 2022 The malign system in policy studies: strategies of structural and agential political exclusion, International Journal of Public Policy, 16(2/3/4), pp.88鈥105.

  • T Nyugen

    Nguyen, T. P. 2022, 鈥淎ddressing Gender Discrimination in Vietnam鈥檚 Light Manufacturing Industry: What Role for Labor Law鈥, Asian Journal of Social Science 50 (1), 44鈥52.

    Nguyen, T. P. 2022, 鈥淔lexible and Compassionate, or Violent and Intimidating?: Various Accounts of Law in Vietnam鈥, Critical Asian Studies 54 (1), 67鈥85.

    Nguyen, T. P. 2022. 鈥淏ook Review: Ethnic dissent and empowerment: Economic migration between Vietnam and Malaysia鈥,听Asian and Pacific Migration Journal,听31 (3), 338鈥340.

  • Tiziana Torresi

    Balint, P., & Torresi, T. (2021). Migration, Integration, and the City<sup>1</sup>. Journal of Applied Philosophy, 10 pages. doi:

    Torresi, T. (2019). Legal transplants, temporary migration projects and special rights. In V. Breda (Ed.), Legal Transplants in East Asia and Oceania (pp. 297-320). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi:

    Ottonelli, V., & Torresi, T. (2019). Temporary Migration Projects, Special Rights and Social Dumping. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 22(2), 267-281. doi:

    Torresi, T., Balint, P., & Eriksson, L. (2017). State Power and Breastfeeding Promotion: A critique. Contemporary Political Theory, 17(3), 306-330. doi:

    Tiziana Torresi 鈥淭he Right not to Stay: Reply to Critics鈥 Law Ethics and Philosophy, 2022 (with Valeria Ottonelli)

    Tiziana Torresi 鈥淧r茅cis of The Right not to StayLaw Ethics and Philosophy, 2022 (with Valeria Ottonelli)

    Tiziana Torresi 鈥淚talian-Australian Scientific and Research Cooperation鈥 Italy and Australia: Redefining bilateral relations for the twenty-first century Gabriele Abbondanza & Simone Battison eds., Palgrave, 2022 (with Ilaria Pagani)

    Tiziana Torresi 鈥淭he Failure of Cosmopolitanism? National Identity, Citizenship, and Migration鈥 in The Australian Constitution and National Identity, Alex Reilly and Anna Olijnyk eds., Australian National University Press, 2022

    Valeria Ottonelli and Tiziana Torresi The Right not to Stay Oxford University Press, 2022

  • Toby Freeman

    Flavel, J., McKee, M., Freeman, T., Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Tesfay, F. H., & Baum, F. (2022). The need for improved Australian data on social determinants of health inequities.听Medical Journal of Australia,听216(8), 388-391. (SJR 1.32, Q1 of Medicine (miscellaneous)).

    Flavel, J., Wood, L., Freeman, T., Vallesi, S., Foley, K., & Parry, Y.. Baum, F. (in press). Counting homelessness: working creatively to generate complex descriptive profiles of the health and demographics of people experiencing homelessness in Adelaide. Australian Journal of Social Issues.

    Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., MacDougall, C., Williams, C., & Baum, F. (2022). Reviving health promotion in South Australia: The role of ideas, actors and institutional forces. Health Promotion International, 37, daac154.

    Freeman, T., Townsend, B., Mackean, T., Musolino, C., Friel, S., McDermott, D., & Baum, F. (in press). Why are Indigenous affairs policies framed in ways that undermine Indigenous health and equity? Examining Australia鈥檚 Northern Territory Emergency Response. International Indigenous Policy Journal.

    Flavel, J., McKee, M., Tesfay, F., Musolino, C., Freeman, T., van Eyk, H., & Baum, F. (2022). Explaining health inequalities in Australia: the contribution of income, wealth, and employment. Australian Journal of Primary Health. Online Early, .

    Baum, F., Dollard, M., Fisher, M., Freeman, T., & Newman, L. (2022). The corporate university and its impact on health in Australia. Social Alternatives, 41, 52-62.

    Freeman, T., Townsend, B., Mackean, T., Musolino, C., Friel, S. & Baum, F. (2022). Advancing Indigenous self-determination and health equity: lessons from a failed Australian public policy. SSM Qualitative Research in Health, 2, 100117.

    Fisher, M., Freeman, T., Mackean, T., Friel, S. and Baum F. (2022) Universal Health Coverage for Health Equity: From Principle to Practice; A response to recent commentaries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management.

    Roesler, A., Musolino, C., van Eyk, H., Flavel, J., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., MacDougall, C., & Baum, F. (2022). Conducting a rapid health promotion audit in suburban Adelaide, South Australia: can it contribute to revitalizing health promotion? Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33, 488-498.

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