Policy Analysis and Policy Advice: Perspectives from Canada

The Stretton Institute invites you to a seminar聽on Policy Analysis and Policy Advice: Perspectives from Canada presented by , Professor of Political Science, Simon Fraser University (Vancouver).

The seminar will explore two questions. What policy analysts do? What is the nature of the Canadian policy advice system? The Canadian experience has many lessons for Australia. There is a common set of skills of policy analysts in Australia and Canada, and as both are federal systems, there are special issues of federalism. The policy advice landscape has changed over time, and this also has implications for the way policy analysts identify issues, shape their work and communicate. As well as mapping the policy analysis and advice landscape, the material in this seminar has implications for policy training and practice.

About the presenter

is Professor of Political Science, Simon Fraser University (Vancouver) and holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1). He has published extensively on all aspects of public policy. His most cited book is Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems (Oxford University Press). He works across the globe and has taught comprehensively in Asia and Canada. Michael also served as Co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Political Science and Editor in Chief of Policy Sciences, as well as Co-editor of the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Policy & Society, and Policy Design and Practice.

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