Coursework Academic Programs Policy
The 成人大片 (hereafter the University) offers coursework academic programs leading to awards which comply with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). This policy sets out the requirements and structure of coursework programs at the University.
The Provost may exercise some of the Vice-Chancellor's authorities in this policy - see D2024/647279.
The Program Differentiation Guidelines provide information on program differentiation and examples of cohort specific streaming. The guidelines are available at: /learning/ua/media/2178/CAPP-Principle-5-Program-differentiation-guidelines.pdf
Related Procedures, Forms
Title Version Coursework Academic Programs Policy D2022/186979 Schedule A: Workplace Based Learning (WBL) D2022/186976 Schedule B: Learning Management Systems D2022/186975 Schedule C: Recording of Teaching Activities D2022/186973 Schedule D: Program Management D2022/186972 Schedule E: Course Coordinator Responsibilities D2022/186971 -
Administration, Approval and Review
RMO File No. 2020/13496 Policy custodian Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) Responsible policy officer Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Learning) Endorsed by Academic Board on 5 October 2022 Approved by Vice-Chancellor and President on 5 October 2022 Related Policies Schedule A: Workplace-based Learning Schedule B: Learning Management Systems
Schedule C: Recording of Teaching Activities
Schedule D: Program Management
Schedule E: Course Coordinator Responsibilities
Effective from 1 January 2023 Review Date 31 December 2025 Contact for queries about the policy Educational Compliance:
Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.
To link to this policy:
Please use the following URL instead of linking to individual documents: