Funding from the Tobacco Industry Policy
Policy reviewed and affirmed by Vice-Chancellor and President on 6 May 2008; subsequently reviewed and re-affirmed by Vice-Chancellor and President 15 November 2011; reviewed and re-affirmed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research) 10 November 2014; 10 January 2018; reviewed and re-affirmed with minor amendment by Interim Vice-Chancellor and President 5 February 2021. Reviewed and re-affirmed with no amendments by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research) 16 February 2024.
Related Procedures, Forms
Title Version Funding from the Tobacco Industry Policy D2021/25010 -
Administration, Approval and Review
RMO File No. 2008/1601 Policy custodian Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research) Responsible policy officer Executive Director, Research Services Approved by University Council on 16 April 1997 Effective from 5 February 2021 Review Date 4 February 2027 Contact for queries about the policy Executive Director, Research Services on 35551
Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.
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