Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy


The 成人大片 aims to create and engender a University culture that values health, safety and wellbeing as fundamental components of the work environment, supported by safe systems of work, appropriate governance, training, management structures and operational strategies.


The Provost may exercise some of the Vice-Chancellor's authorities in this policy - see D2024/647279.

For Procedures related to this policy, please refer to the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Handbook

  • Related Procedures, Forms

  • Administration, Approval and Review

    RMO File No. 2022/4566
    Policy custodian Chief Operating Officer
    Responsible policy officer Director, HSW, Gerald Buttfield, ext 36079
    Endorsed by Vice-Chancellors Executive on 7 September 2022
    Approved by Vice-Chancellor and President on 14 September 2022
    Related Policies Health, Safety and Wellbeing Handbook

    Related legislation Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act 2012 (SA) and WHS Regulations 2012 (SA)

    Return to Work SA Act 2014 (SA)

    Approved Codes of Practice

    Superceded Policies Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy (Version 4.0), 9 October 2019.
    Effective from 14 September 2022
    Review Date 14 September 2025
    Contact for queries about the policy Director, HSW, Gerald Buttfield, ext 36079

Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.