Adelaide Medical School

Dean of Medicine

Local Compliance Officers

Acts that apply to Adelaide Medical School specifically (tier 3 and 4 legislation)

Relevant to fundraising activity inÌýthe Florey Medical Research Foundation

Tier Act Purpose Local contact

An Act for the promotion of animal welfare; and for other purposes.

Professor Guy Maddern
Discipline Lead (Surgery)

The Code encompasses all aspects of the care and use of animals for scientific purposes where the aim is to acquire, develop or demonstrate knowledge or techniques in any area of science—for example, medicine, biology, agriculture, veterinary and other animal sciences, industry and teaching.

Compliance with the Code is a prerequisite for receipt of NHMRC funding. From 1 January 2014, the NHMRC Funding Agreement will reflect the need for compliance with the 8th edition of the Code.

Professor Guy Maddern
Discipline Lead (Surgery)
3 An Act relating to diseases and pests that may cause harm to human, animal or plant health or the environment, and for related purposes. Mr Martin Hutchens
Team Leader Research Operational Support
4 An Act to regulate the cremation of human remains; and for other purposes. Mr Jim Manavis
FHMS Histology Services Manager
3 An Act to regulate or prohibit the manufacture, production, sale, supply, possession, handling or use of certain poisons, drugs, therapeutic and other substances, and of certain therapeutic devices; to repeal the Food and Drugs Act 1908; and for other purposes.

Linda Knobben
Faculty Health Safety & Wellbeing Coordinator

3 ÌýÌý

An Act to regulate the keeping, handling, transporting, conveyance, use and disposal, and the quality, of dangerous substances; and for other purposes.

Linda Knobben
Faculty Health Safety & Wellbeing Coordinator

An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to explosives.

Linda Knobben
Faculty Health Safety & Wellbeing Coordinator

An Act to impose charges on licences issued under the Gene Technology Act 2000, and for related purposes.

Mr Nick HatzirodosÌý/
Ms Natalie Kibble
Faculty Research Support Officers

An Act to regulate activities involving gene technology, and for related purposes.

Mr Nick HatzirodosÌý/
Ms Natalie Kibble
Faculty Research Support Officers

An Act to regulate activities involving gene technology; and for other purposes.

Mr Nick HatzirodosÌý/
Ms Natalie Kibble
Faculty Research Support Officers

An Act to provide for the administration of hospitals and other health services; to establish the Health Performance Council and Health Advisory Councils; to establish systems to support the provision of high-quality health outcomes; to provide licensing systems for ambulance services and private hospitals; to assist with the provision of laboratory services and facilities associated with veterinary science; to make related amendments to other Acts.

NOTE: The primary obligation is on the hospitals, but our staff and students as individuals would be required to comply with the requirements. The only section of the Act specifically relevant to theÌýUniversity, concernsÌýprivacy of information and non-disclosure.

Professor Danny Liew
Dean and Head of the Adelaide Medical School

An Act to provide for healthcare identifiers, and for related purposes.

Professor Danny Liew
Dean and Head of the Adelaide Medical School

An Act to make provision for a national legislative scheme for the regulation of health practitioners; to make provision for local matters associated with the regulation of health practitioners, the registration of pharmacy premises and pharmacy depots and the supply of optical appliances; to make related amendments to other Acts; to repeal certain Acts associated with the regulation of health professions; and for other purposes.

Professor Danny Liew
Dean and Head of the Adelaide Medical School

An Act to make provision for the treatment, care and rehabilitation of persons with serious mental illness with the goal of bringing about their recovery as far as is possible; to confer powers to make orders for community treatment, or detention and treatment, of such persons where required; to provide protections of the freedom and legal rights of mentally ill persons; to repeal the Mental Health Act 1993; and for other purposes.

Dr Scott Clark
Clinical Academic

An Act to provide for a system of access to electronic health records, and for related purposes

Dr Scott Clark
Clinical Academic
3 An Act to provide for the control of activities related to radioactive substances and radiation apparatus, and for protecting the environment and the health and safety of people against the harmful effects of radiation; and for other purposes. Linda Knobben
Faculty Health Safety & Wellbeing Coordinator

An Act relating to therapeutic goods.

Professor Guy Ludbrook
Discipline Lead (Acute Care)

An Act to make provision for and in relation to the removal of human tissues for transplantation, for post-mortem examinations, and for the regulation of schools of anatomy; and for other purposes.

Associate Professor Renee Turner
Discipline Lead (Anatomy &ÌýPathology)

Refer to the A-Z LegislationÌýlist for the Tier 1 and 2 ActsÌýthat apply to the whole of the University, including Adelaide Medical School.

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