Selection Criteria

Addressing selection criteria.

There are three key steps you will need to take when addressing the selection criteria in any ³ÉÈË´óƬ job application:

  • Create a new document. Your statement addressing the position’s specified selection criteria should be separate from your cover letter and resume.
  • List each criterion separately. Give each a title, using exactly the same wording as appears on the Position Description (e.g. Excellent verbal communication skills).
  • Address each criterion. Under each heading, write two short paragraphs explaining how your experience, skills, education and training equip you to meet that specific requirement. Dot points are also acceptable.

Please note that failing to submit a statement addressing the selection criteria could result in your application not being considered.

Some helpful writing tips

There are a number of steps you can take when putting together your responses to increase their clarity and impact.

  • Give details of one or two specific things you’ve done that are good examples of the relevant experience or knowledge required. For example: ‘I was responsible for organising an event attended by… This involved…'
  • Preface these examples with a short overview that shows you appreciate the relevance of the specific criterion.
  • Quantify your experience (number of years worked, staff supervised, etc.). For example: ‘I delivered a presentation to an industry forum with an audience of 80 people.’
  • Where possible, indicate how successfully you meet the criterion. You could do this by referring to feedback from others, or things you've set up that are still being used. For example: ‘A report I wrote about… was endorsed by the… Committee and circulated to all stakeholders for discussion.’

You could also consider using the STAR method as a structural framework when describing examples of your work. This involves describing, in the order listed here, the:

  • situation you faced
  • task required, and desired outcome
  • action you took to complete the task
  • results you achieved, and lessons you learned.