Join Us

End user partners

Interested mining operators are invited to join us.

Who will benefit?

Operations with complex, poly-metallic, and variable value and gangue mineralogy that require relatively high operating cost downstream processing will benefit from this initiative.

Partnership types

Partnership level Challenge partner Research partner
Involvement Discrete research and/or translation projects that address the sponsor's site-specific challenges. Select from the Consortium's suite of projects or a selected new research project. Discrete research projects selected from the Consortium suite of research projects or a selected new research project.
Examples of in-kind contributions required Site data feeds, ore model data, samples Site data feeds, ore model data, samples
Cash contributions required Dependent on number and type of research and translation projects required. Dependent on number and types of research projects required.


The Consortium is set up to meet the specific needs of End User Partners. If you join as an End User Partner, the benefits may include:

  • a dedicated team focused on your unique mine site challenge within one or more defined Projects
  • identification of approaches for integration of new technologies at your mine sites
  • a place on the Governing Board, where you will help select and specify the technical specifications of the Translation and Research Projects and thus have a key influencing role on the Consortium overall
  • monthly updates on progress.

Specific IP and Commercialisation Agreements pertaining to each discrete project will be set up.

End-user partners may participate in one or both of the Programs and may select research and translation projects of the most interest and their technical specifications, depending on the partnership level.

See our list of project ideas or propose a new one.

Translation partners

We invite mining, engineering and technology services (METS) companies and other organisations to join us.

The opportunities are many, and you may have one or more of the following roles:

  • Evaluate technology, identify performance gaps and opportunities for research
  • Translate research outcomes to prototypes and field deployable solutions
  • Make innovative contributions
  • Extend technology platforms available to research through access to workshops, equipment, people, training
  • Host or supervise a postgraduate student (perhaps as a form of succession planning)
  • Evaluate commercial impacts.

See our list of project ideas or propose a new one.

Contact us

To express interest in joining, please contact :

To discuss project ideas, please contact:

Dr Tatiana Khmeleva, Consortium Manager