The 2021 PRIF Mining Consortium Annual Assembly

The 2021 PRIF Mining Consortium Annual Assembly was successfully held on Friday 1st October 2021 at the National Wine Centre and online.

Objectives of the Annual Assembly were to give an overview of progress across all projects, identify opportunities for collaboration within and between Programs, share knowledge with industry partners, discuss usefulness of conducted research and value proposition. We had 14 high quality presentations from our young Researchers. Our guest speakers were Prof Caroline McMillen, Chief Scientist (DIS) and Gavin Yeates, the Chair of the PRIF Consortium Governing Board. The assembly was well attended both in person and virtually (over 80 participants). Positive feedback was received from our speakers and guests.

Group photo - Annual Assembly 2021

Note: project summaries and presentation slides are available on the UoA Box on request.

Watch the 2021 PRIF Mining Consortium Annual Assembly

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Tagged in PRIF, PRIF Consortium, Annual Assembly