Risk Committee


  • The Chair, a Member of Council appointed by Council on the nomination of the Chancellor - Mr Michael (Mike) Barber
  • Vice-Chancellor and President (or nominee)聽ex-officio -聽Professor Peter H酶j AC FAA FTSE FNAI (US)
  • No less than one and no more than two additional members of Council appointed by Council:
    • Mr Lachlan Coleman
    • Ms Susy Daw
  • Up to three additional members (not being members of Council or staff members of the University) appointed by Council:
    • Ms Samantha Hellams -聽external member

In attendance:

  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Chief Risk Officer
  • Director, Governance Services (Secretary to the Committee)
  • Internal Auditor representative(s)

Any other person may attend a meeting of the Committee at the invitation of the Chair.

Internal and External Audit
  • The University's Internal Auditors are EY.
  • The University's External Auditor is the South Australian Auditor-General's Department.