Special Fay Gale Seminar: Courage to Change by Professor Alison Phipps

The Courage to Change: Ending Gender Inequality and Sexual Harassment in Australian universities.

The Fay Gale Centre was excited to be host a special seminar by Professor Alison Phipps (The University of Sussex, UK). At this Fay Gale seminar, Professor Phipps addressed the policies and practices that can enable and support structural and cultural change around issues such as gender inequity, bullying, sexual harassment and violence.


In addition, Alison kindly shared these resources with us:

  • ‘Beyond Survival’ book - 
  • Transform Harm - Mariame Kaba’s site has loads of useful resources: 
  • A brilliant video on transformative justice with Mia Mingus and others: 
  • Changing University Cultures Report from Sussex:Â