Dr Zhang Wei

Dr Zhang Wei
 Position Grant-Funded Researcher (C)
 Org Unit Future of Employment and Skills Research Centre
 Email zhang.wei@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 4674
 Location Floor/Room 5 ,  Nexus 10 ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Dr Zhang Wei is an economist. He joined the Future of Employment and Skills Research Centre at the 成人大片 in January 2018. Prior to this, he was a senior research fellow at the National Institute of Labour Studies of Flinders University. Also, he had been employed as an associate lecturer (2005-2008) and research assistant (2004-2005) by the School of Economics at the 成人大片.

  • Qualifications

    Ph. D. Economics, the 成人大片, Australia, 2009

    Master of Economics, the 成人大片, Australia, 2005

    Bachelor of Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China, 2003

    Bachelor of Laws, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China, 2003

  • Research Interests

    Zhang Wei's research interests are in the areas of labour economics, health economics, education economics, international trade, and applied game theory. 

    His PhD thesis focuses on international trade agreements, primarily on the debate between multilateral and bilateral trade liberalisation. In recent years, he has worked on a number of projects on the topics of the evaluation of the trial of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, ageing and retirement, work and health, job mismatches and impacts of education on labour market outcomes. He has involved in a project funded by the ARC/NHMRC Research Network in Ageing Well, focusing on the impacts of the ageing of the population on the productivity and economic security in Australia and three projects funded by NCVER, focusing on the impacts of job mismatches on the labour market outcomes in Australia and job mobility of new VET completers. In addition, he has contributed to commissioned research projects for Depart ment of Social Services, Department of Health and Ageing, Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Department of Immigration and Citizenship and Service Skills Australia.


  • Publications


    Scholarly Books/Monographs

    1. Mavromaras, K., Knight, G.M., Isherwood, L.M., Crettenden, A.D., Flavel, J.M., Karmel, T., Moskos, M., Smith, L., Walton, H. and Wei, Z. (2017). The 2016 National Aged Care Census and Survey - The Aged Care Workforce, 2016. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Health.
    1. Mavromaras, K., Mahuteau, S. and Wei, Z. (2013). Labour Mobility and Vocational Education and Training in Australia. Adelaide: NCVER.
    1. King, D., Mavromaras, K., Wei, Z., He, B., Healy, J., Macaitis, K., et al. (2013). The Aged Care Workforce, 2012. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing.
    1. Mavromaras, K., Mahuteau, S., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. (2012). The Persistence of Overskilling and Its Effects on Wages. Adelaide: NCVER.
    1. Mavromaras, K., McGuinness, S., Richardson, S., Sloane, P.J. and Wei, Z. (2011). Overskilling and Job Satisfaction in the Australian Labour Force. Adelaide: NCVER.

    Refereed Journal Articles

    1. Jones, M., Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. (2018). The Dynamic Effect of Disability on Work and Subjective Well-being. Oxford Economic Papers, forthcoming. (ERA Rank: A).
    1. King, D., Svensson, S. and Wei, Z. (2017). Not Always a Quick Fix: The Impact of Employing TAWs on Retention in the Australian Aged Care Workforce. Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(1), pp. 85-103. (ERA Rank: A).
    1. Knight, G. and Wei, Z. (2015). Isolating the Determinants of Temporary Agency Worker Use by Firms: An Analysis of Temporary Agency Workers in Australian Aged Care, Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 18(2), pp. 205-237. (ERA Rank: B).
    1. Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. (2015). The Scarring Effects of Unemployment, Low Pay and Skills Under-utilization in Australia Compared. Applied Economics, 47(23), pp. 2413-2429. (ERA Rank: A).
    1. Jones, M., Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. (2014). Disability, Job Mismatch, Earnings and Job satisfaction in Australia. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38(5), pp. 1221-1246. (ERA Rank: A).
    1. Mavromaras, K., Mahuteau, S., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. (2013). The Effect of Overskilling Dynamics on Wages. Education Economics, 21(3), pp.281-303. (ERA Rank: A).
    1. Mavromaras, K., McGuinness, S., O'Leary, N., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. (2013). Job Mismatches and Labour Market Outcomes: Panel Evidence on University Graduates. Economic Record, 89(286), pp.382-395. (ERA Rank: A).
    1. King, D., Wei, Z. and Howe, A. (2013). Work Satisfaction and Intention to Leave among Direct Care Workers in Community and Residential Aged Care in Australia. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 17(4), pp.75-94. (ERA Rank: A).
    1. Howe, A., King, D., Ellis, J., Wells, Y., Wei, Z. and Teshuva, K. (2012). Stabilising the Aged Care Workforce: An Analysis of Worker Retention and Intention. Australian Health Review, 36(1), pp.83-91. (ERA Rank: C).
    1. Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. (2012). The Role of Education Pathways in the Relationship between Job Mismatch, Wages and Job Satisfaction: A Panel Estimation Approach. Education Economics, 20(3), pp.303-321. (ERA Rank: A).
    1. Wei, Z. (2011). Regional Trade Liberalisation: A Theoretical Review on Dynamic Time-path and Stability Issues. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 25(1), pp.1-14. (ERA Rank: C).
    1. Wei, Z. and Richardson, S. (2010). Are Older Workers Less Productive? A Case Study of Aged Care Workers in Australia. Economic Record, 86(Special), pp.115-123. (ERA Rank: A).

    Refereed Conference Papers

    1. Cai, L., Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. (2016). Labour Mobility and Hours Worked Mismatch in Australia. In the 27th Australian Labour Market Research Workshop.
    1. Clark, A., Mavromaras, K. and Wei, Z. (2015). Happy to Stay: Job Satisfaction and Retirement. In the Scottish Economic Society 2015 Annual Conference.
    1. Mahuteau, S., Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. (2014). Horizontal and Vertical Educational Mismatch and Wages. In the 25th Australian Labour Market Research Workshop.
    1. Mavromaras, K. and Wei, Z. (2014). Work and Retirement: The Role of Job Satisfaction. In the 24th Australian Labour Market Research Workshop.
    1. Bender, K., Mavromaras, K., Theodossiou, I. and Wei, Z. (2011). The Effect of Wealth and Earned Income on the Decision to Retire: A Dynamic Probit Examination of Retirement. In the 25th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics.

    Working Papers

    1. Mavromaras, K., Wei, Z. and Zhu, R. (2014). An Examination of the Effect of Wealth and Earned Income on the Decision to Retire in Australia. Working paper no 208, National Institute of Labour Studies.
    1. Knight, G. and Wei, Z. (2014). Labour Mobility and Public-private Earning and Job-satisfaction in Australia. Working paper no 204, National Institute of Labour Studies.
    1. Mavromaras, K., Wei, Z. and He, B. (2012). Educational Pathways and Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence on Australian University Graduates. Working paper no 193, National Institute of Labour Studies.

    Research Reports

    1. Healy, J., Karmel, T., Wei, Z. and Mavromaras, K. (2015). Skills Needs of the Service Industries. Report prepared for Service Skills Australia.
    1. Wei, Z. and Knight, G. (2014). Use of Agency Staff in Residential Aged Care. Melbourne: Report prepared for Recruitment & Consulting Services Association Australia & New Zealand.
    1. Mavromaras, K., Healy, J., Richardson, S., Sloane, P., Wei, Z. and Zhu, R. (2013). A System for Monitoring Shortages and Surpluses in the Market for Skills. Report prepared for the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency.
    1. Mavromaras, K., Mahuteau, S. and Wei, Z. (2013). Young Veterans' Transitions to Civilian Occupations: The Role of Further Education. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs.
    1. Hancock, K., Healy, J., Mavromaras, K., Sloane, P. and Wei, Z. (2011). Public Sector Pay and Productivity. Report prepared for the Community and Public Sector Union, Victoria.
    1. Sobels, J., Richardson, S., Turner, G., Maude, A., Tan, Y., Beer, A. and Wei, Z. (2010). Research into the Long-term Physical Implications of Net Overseas Migration: Australia in 2050. Report prepared for the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
    1. Tan, Y., Richardson, S., Fitzpatrick, D. and Wei, Z. (2010). Review of Approach to Skilled and Business Migration in South Australia. Report prepared for the South Australian Government Department of Trade and Economic Development.



  • Professional Associations

    Secretary, the SA Branch of the Economic Society of Australia, 2015-Present

    Committee Member, the SA Branch of the Economic Society of Australia, 2010-Present

    Founding Committee Member, the Young Economists Group SA, 2012

    State Representative of Young Economists in SA, 2012-2016

    Founding Federal Committee Member, Young Economists Group, 2013-2016

    Organising Committee and Scientific Committee Member, of the 25th Australian Labour Market Research Workshop, 2014

    Organising Committee and Scientific Committee Member of the 45th Australian Conference of Economists, 2016

  • Community Engagement

    Referees for the Economic Journal, Industrial Relations, Social Science & Medicine – Population Health, Economic Record, Journal of Industrial Relations, Education Economics, Singapore Economic Review, Australian Economic Papers, Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management


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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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