Dr Tiffany Brooks

Dr Tiffany Brooks
 Position Senior Lecturer Pastoral Care years 4-6
 Org Unit Adelaide Medical School
 Email tiffany.brooks@adelaide.edu.au
 Mobile +61 4 3174 8552
 Location Floor/Room Fourth Floor ,  AHMS - Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences ,   West End Health Precinct
  • Biography/ Background

    My name is Tiff and I am a Senior Lecturer providing postoral care support to years 4 to 6 students at the Adelaide Health and Medical School. I am a health psychologist by trade and have completed a Master of Psychology (Health), endorsement in health psychology and more recently a PhD. I also work clinically and specialise in seeing clients who have concerns related to chronic pelvic pain, chronic pain conditions, women's health concerns, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, personality disorders and irritable bowel syndrome. I utlize theraputic approaches drawn from cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behaviour therapy, acceptance and committment therapy and schema therapy. I also utlize relaxation and hypnotherapy techniques where appropriate. In terms of research, my PhD investigated psychological interventions for women with persistent pelvic pain conditions and I am interested in the overlap between chronic health conditions and mental health. 

    My best contact is by email at tiffany.brooks@adelaide.edu.au

  • Professional Associations

    Registered with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency

    Member of the Health Psychology board for South Australia 

    Australian Psychological Society member

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Entry last updated: Saturday, 29 Oct 2022

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