Associate Professor Susan Hazel

Associate Professor  Susan Hazel
 Position Associate Professor
 Org Unit School of Animal and Veterinary Science
 Telephone +61 8 8313 7828
 Location Floor/Room Ground Floor ,  J.S. Davies Building ,   Roseworthy
  • Biography/ Background

    I graduated in Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney in 1987 and then worked in veterinary practice in Australia and the UK; completed a PhD at the Womens & Childrens Hospital in Adelaide; had postdoctoral positions in Stockholm, Sweden and in Sydney; ran a research laboratory at the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science (IMVS) in Adelaide, and; worked as a systematic reviewer for and as an independent reviewer for the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC). In 2006 I took up my present position in the School of Animal & Veterinary Sciences at the Roseworthy Campus of the 成人大片. My research group is the Animal Behaviour, Welfare and Anthrozoology Lab (ABWAL) with projects in animal behaviour and human-animal interactions (see I am on the Dog & Cat Management Board of South Australia, a Board member of RSPCA South Australia, a member of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee of South Australia, the Animal Wellness and Wellbeing Committee of the World Small Animal Veterinary Assocation and a Scientific Advisor for the Center for Companion Animal Welfare, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. I have more than 65 scientific publications, have supervised 9 PhD and 29 Honours students and am Program Coordinator for the BSc(Animal Behaviour) at the 成人大片. 

  • Awards & Achievements

    Exceptional Teaching Performance, School of Animal & Veterinary Sciences, 成人大片 (2012)

  • Teaching Interests

    Course Coordination and Teaching

    • Companion Animal & Equine Studies (Year 2 Animal Science)
    • Principles of Animal Behaviour, Welfare & Ethics (Year 1 Animal Science & Pre-veterinary)

    Teaching Grants

    • Nationally shared curriculum resources for veterinary undergraduate learning in animal welfare and ethics (Prof Paul McGreevy, Prof Andrew Fisher, Prof Kevin Stafford, Prof Clive Phillips, Dr Teresa Collins, Dr Janice Lloyd, Dr Raf Freire) OLT Grant ($378,000)
    • A multidisciplinary approach to flexible learning and improving student feedback through implementation of the Peer Assisted Study Scheme (PASS) at the 成人大片  (Cathy Snelling, Sophie Karanicolas, Eleanor Pierce, Mario Ricci, Susan Hazel) LTC Implementation Grant ($16,000)
    • A Team Based Approach to improve student learning outcomes and enhance graduate attributes at the 成人大片 (Susan Hazel) LTC Implementation Grant ($5,000)
    • Outcomes and uptake of explicit research skill development across degree programs: 'It's got a practical application in my world.' (ALTC Grant, $403,725) (Dr John Willison Project Leader + 24 in Project Team)
  • Research Interests

    • Human-Animal Interactions (Convenor of the Human-Animal Research Group in Adelaide; see )
    • Animal assisted therapy
    • Animal Welfare
    • Animal Behaviour

    Current PhD Projects

    • Heat stress in greyhounds (Dr Jane McNicholl, co-supervised with & )
    • Behavioural effects of placental restriction, neonatal growth and dietary methyl supplementation in lambs (Damien Hunter, co-supervised with Prof Julie Owens, Kathy Gatford, Julia Pitcher, Karen Kind)

    • Maternal behaviour and its relationship to stress responses in puppies (Veronika Czerwinski, co-supervised by Prof Phil Hynd, Dr Brad Smith and Dr Michelle McArthur)
    • Canine separation anxiety: Nature or nurture? (Jasmin Peacock, co-supervised by Dr Brad Smith, Dr Michelle McArthur)

    Completed PhD Project

    • The relationship between lamb temperament and meat quality (Cathy Dodd, co-supervised by Prof Wayne Pitchford & Dr Janelle Hocking-Edwards; Accepted Dec 2014)

    Current Hons Projects

    • A study of dog training harnesses and halters (Petra Edwards)
    • An exploratory study of bacterial contamination of eggs from the free range production system and the potential association with welfare measures (Talia Moyle; supervised by Dr Vaibhov Gole, Dr Kapil Chousalkar, Dr Kelly Drake)
    • Lairage factors affecting dark cutting beef (Farrah Preston; supervised with Prof Wayne Pitchford, Dr Steven Lee, Dr Cathy Burnard, Michael Wilkes)

    Previous Hons Projects

    • A study of dog learning and behaviour in an animal shelter (Lucy Braendler)
    • Pet relinquishment by the elderly entering care (Hayleigh Bridgman, co-supervised by Dr Anne Hamilton-Bruce and Dr Lisel O/Dwyer)
    • A comparison of learning in dingos and domestic dogs (Suzanne Hallett; co-supervised by Dr Brad Smith, CQU)
    • Alternative sources of puppies (Mark Seaman; co-supervisor Dr Michelle McArthur, supported by Dog and Cat Management Board)
    • Effect of methyl supplementation on stress responses in lambs with intrauterine growth retardation (Alexandra Jordan; co-supervisor Dr Kathy Gatford)
    • Impact of intrauterine growth retardation in lambs on stress responses, and neuronal density and glucocorticoid receptor expression in the hippocampus (Kaitlyn Crabb; co-supervisors Dr Kathy Gatford, Prof Stefan Hiendleder)
    • A study of dog attacks in Charles Sturt Council (Ian Buxton)
    • The impact of intrauterine growth restriction on stress related behaviour in sheep (Danila Marini)
    • Puppy & Up: A longitudinal study of puppy temperament and owner attachment (Ashwin Nathan, co-supervisor Dr Michelle McArthur)
    • Formal evaluation of the 'We are Family' program (Alicia Kemp, co-supervisors Prof Anna Chur-Hansen, Dr Michelle McArthur, supported by the Dog and Cat Management Board)
    • Feeding strategies to reduce 'frustration' and aggression amongst group housed sows and gilts (Anthony Martyniuk, co-supervisor Dr Will van Wettere, supported by APL)
    • Puppy socialisation programs in Adelaide (Abbie Matheson, supported by the Dog and Cat Management Board)
    • Effect of treatment and behaviour of prime cattle pre-slaughter and energy reserves as indicated by ultimate pH of beef. (Cathy Dodd, co-supervised with and Dr Dave Rutley)
    • Obesity in dogs (Tegan Hadley, co-supervised with Dr Karen Kind, Prof Phil Hynd and Dr Jane McNicholl)
    • Role of shelter belts in free range systems in reducing the need for beak trimming (Emma Borland; co-supervised with Phil Glatz, SARDI)
    • A study of the optimal method of euthanasia in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio) (Tim Trainor, co-supervised with )
    • Evaluation of Ganoderma for treatment of surgical mulesing wounds (Danielle Davis; co-supervised with )
    • Genotype by nutrition interactions on duration of postpartum anoestrus in beef cows via assessment of cow behaviour (Rachel Savage, co-supervised with Dr Karen Kind & )
    • Behavioural and Physiological Methods to Predict Future Success in Guide Dog Puppies in the Royal Society for the Blind Guide Dogs Program (Ally Hirst, co-supervised with Chris Muldoon)

    Past Masters Project

    A longitudinal pilot study comparing the link between attachment and RSB Guide Dog puppy educator's physical and psychological health (Lucy-Kate Werner, co-supervised with Prof Anna Chur-Hansen)


  • Publications


  • Professional Associations

    • , Animal Welfare Chapter
    • Scientific Advisor, Companion Animal Center, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
    • Dog and Cat Management Board of South Australia
    • Animal Welfare Advisory Committee of South Australia
    • Animal Wellbeing and Welfare Committee, World Small Animal Veterinary Association
  • Community Engagement

    • Member, Dog & Cat Management Board of SA (



  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesAnimals & Veterinary Science
    ExpertiseAnimal Welfare; Animal Behaviour; Human-Animal Interactions
    NotesMember, SA Animal Welfare Advisory Committee
    Member, Australian College of Veterinary Scientists, Animal Welfare Chapter
    Member, Australian Veterinary Association
    Mobile0402 325876
    After hours0402 325876

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Entry last updated: Friday, 21 Jul 2023

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