Professor Simon Barry

Professor Simon Barry
 Position University Professorial Research Fellow (E)
 Org Unit Medical Sciences
 Telephone +61 8 8161 6562
 Location Floor/Room 2 ,  WCH - Clarence Rieger Building ,   Womens & Childrens Hospital
  • Biography/ Background

    I am a molecular biologist studying the basis of immunological defects giving rise to autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes. I am interested in regulatory T cells ( the policemen of the immune system), aiming to understand what genes drive their formation and their normal function with a view to developing novel cell and drug based therapies and diagnostic biomarkers. Specifically I wish to identify how the transcription factor FOXP3 regulates genes in the immune system, and I have also begun to investigate its role as a tumour suppressor. It is apparent that the molecular mimicry of tolerance mechanisms is a means by which solid tumours may evade immune detection. This reinforces the observation that tissues and systems strongly interact, and that global gene regulation plays a key role in disease progression.

  • Qualifications

    B.SC (Hons) Biochemistry (Kings College, London) 1988, Supervisor: Dr Paul Brown
    Ph.D (Kings College, London) 1991 Research carried out at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London. Supervisor Prof Colin Sanderson

  • Awards & Achievements

    1987-1991 MRC Postgraduate Scholarship
    1997-2000 Boehringer Ingelheim Postdoctoral Fellowship

  • Research Funding

    1. NHMRC Project Grant #399123; Barry, Shannon, D'Andrea, Zola
    ‘The molecular identification of FoxP3 +ve regulatory T cells.'

    NHMRC Project Grant #565314; Barry, Shannon, D'Andrea, Zola
    ‘Defining the functional role of FoxP3 target genes in human Treg formation and action.'
    2009-2011, $545,250.

    NHMRC Project Grant #626947 D'Andrea R, Ramshaw H, Barry SC
    Acute myeloid leukaemia: defining the role of the IL-3 receptor
    2010-12, $570,000 2011
    NHMRC Project Grant #1003185; Barry, Krumbiegel, Zola
    ‘PI16, a novel biomarker on human regulatory T cells.'
    2011-2013, $410,000.

    1. NHMRC Project Grant #1022326; Barry SC. McColl S
    FOXP3 regulated microRNAs: a novel component of FOXP3 tumour suppressor function in breast epithelial cells
    2012-14 $589,000

    2. NHMRC Project Grant #1021586; Barry SC. Schultze, J
    MicroRNAs: Critical regulators of Treg genes
    2012-14 $642,000

    NHMRC Project Grant #1041332; Robertson S, Barry SC, Print C
    Male-female sperm signalling - a novel pathway for peri-conceptual health?
    2013-15 $665,000

    1. JDRFi / ARC/Helmsley Trust CRE/ ENDIA
    2015-2018: $10,000,000

    2. CRC for Cell Therapy Manufacturing: T cell manufacturing
    2015-19 $53,000,000


    NHMRC Project Grant # 1099461 Robertson Barry Hutchinson
    Priming the maternal immune response to resist inflammatory disorders of pregnancy
    2016-2019: $950,138.56

    15. NHMRC Project Grant #1120543 Barry Breen Beyer Forrest Couper
    Identification of the conformation dependant targets of autoimmune disease linked variation in human regulatory T cells.
    2017-2020: $1,001,900

    1. NHMRC Project Grant #1139509 Robertson, Tremellen, Lane, Sharkey, Barry, Decker. The male partner contribution to pregnancy immune tolerance deficit in women  2018-2021; $1,462,925

    2. JDRFi Beta cell protection Grey, Goodnow, Sprent, Kikuchi, Barry
    2018-20 $2,000,000 (with Garvan Institute, Sydney)


    JDRFi / ARC/Helmsley Trust CRE/ ENDIA
    2019-2021; $8,462,925



  • Publications

    25.       Gregory PA, Bert AG, Paterson EL, Barry SC, Tsykin A, Farshid G, Vadas MA, Khew-Goodall Y and Goodall GJ: The microRNA-200 family and miR-205 regulate epithelial-mesenchymal transition by targeting the E-cadherin repressors, ZEB1 and SIP1. Nature Cell Biology 2009 10 (5)593-601  IF = 18.1, [3396]


    26.       Hutton JF, Gargett T, Sadlon T, Bresatz S, Brown CY, Zola H, Shannon MF, D'Andrea RJ, Barry SC, Development of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Regulatory T cells from Cord Blood Haemopoietic Progenitor Cells. Journal of Leukocyte Biology  2009 vol. 85 no. 3 445-451 IF = 4.3,  [38]


    27.       Li S, Floess S, Hamann A, Gaudieri S, Lucas A, Hellard M, Roberts S, Paukovic G, Plebanski M, Loveland BE, Aitken C, Barry S, Schofield L, Gowans EJ. Analysis of FOXP3+ regulatory T cells that display apparent viral antigen specificity during chronic hepatitis C virus infection. PLoS Pathog. 2009 Dec;5(12)  IF = 6.1, [42]


    28.       Eastaff-Leung N, Mabarrack N, Barbour A, Cummins A, Barry S. Foxp3+ regulatory T cells, Th17 effector cells, and cytokine environment in inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Clinical Immunology. 2010;30(1):80-9..IF4.2, [381]


    29.       .Brown CY, Sadlon T, Gargett T, Melville, E, Zhang R, Drabsch Y, Strathdee CA, Gonda TJ, Barry SC Robust, reversible gene knockdown using a single lentiviral shRNA vector   Hum Gene Ther. 2010 30 1  80 – 89   IF = 5.7, [30]


    30.       Sadlon TS, Wilkinson BG, Pederson S, Brown CY, Bresatz S, Gargett T, Melville E, Peng K, Glonek G, Goodall GJ, Zola H, Shannon MF, Barry SC. Genome wide identification of human FOXP3 target genes in natural regulatory T cells   J Immunol. 2010 Jul 15;185(2):1071-81..   IF = 4.7, [91]


    31.       Beyer M, Classen S, Lahl K, Thabet Y, Riley JL, Sadlon T, Schönfeld E, Flach A, Müller R, Basu S, Inhester T, Ciesla M, Gaarz A, Eggle D, Debey-Pascher S, End E, Knolle PA, Hippen KL, Blazar BR, Balderas R, Waha A, June CH,  Quast T, Kolanus W, Schermer B,  Barry SC Sparwasser T, Schultze JL FOXP3-dependent repression of SATB1 ensures regulatory T-cell commitment Nature Immunology 2011 Aug 14;12(9):898-907. IF = 14.7, [141]


    32.       Škalamera, D., Ranall, MV., Wilson, BM., Leo, P, Purdon, AS., Hyde, C, Nourbakhsh, E, Grimmond, SM., Barry, SC., Gabrielli, B and Gonda, TJ. (2011) A high-throughput platform for lentiviral overexpression screening of the human ORFeome. PLoS One, 6 5: e20057.1-e20057.14 IF = 2.8, [39]


    33.       McInnes N, Sadlon T, Brown CY, Pederson S, Beyer M, Schultze JL, McColl S, Goodall GJ, Barry SC. FOXP3 and FOXP3-regulated microRNAs suppress SATB1 in breast cancer cells. Oncogene. 2011 31 (8), 1045-1054  IF = 6.8, [89]


    34.       Roberts-Thomson IC, Fon J, Uylaki W, Cummins AG, Barry SC. Cells, cytokines and inflammatory bowel disease: a clinical perspective.. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011 Dec;5(6):703-16.  IF = 2.5, [99]


    35.       Nicholson IC, Mavrangelos C, Bird DR, Bresatz-Atkins S, Eastaff-Leung NG, Grose RH, Gundsambuu B, Hill D, Millard DJ, Sadlon T, To S, Zola H, Barry SC, Krumbiegel D. PI16 is expressed by a subset of human memory Treg with enhanced migration to CCL17 and CCL20. Cell Immunol. 2012 Jan;275(1-2):12-8.   IF = 2.1, [10]


    36.       Hill D, Eastaff- Leung N, Bresatz- Atkins S, Warner N, Ruitenberg J,  Krumbiegel D,  Pederson S, N McInnes, C Y. Brown, T Sadlon, S C Barry. Inhibition of activation induced CD154 expression on human CD4+ CD25- cells accurately reports suppressor function by human nTreg, iTreg and regulatory T cell lines.  Immunology and Cell Biology 2012 90, 812–821. IF = 3.8, [11]


    37.       Grose RH, Millard DJ, Mavrangelos C, Barry SC, Zola H, Nicholson IC, Cham W-T, Boros C, Krumbiegel D. Comparison of blood and synovial fluid Th17 and novel PI16 Treg cell subsets in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. J Rheumatol 2012: 39.10 2021-2031.  IF = 3.2, [4]


    38.       Penno MA, Couper JJ, Craig ME, Colman PG, Rawlinson WD, Cotterill AM, Jones TW, Harrison LC and ENDIA Study Group: Environmental determinants of islet autoimmunity (ENDIA): a pregnancy to early life cohort study in children at-risk of type 1 diabetes. BMC Pediatrics 2013, 13:124.


    39.       Jolley L, Holman C, Ruben J Barry SC, Gecz J. The UPF3B Gene, Implicated in Intellectual Disability, Autism, ADHD and Childhood Onset Schizophrenia Regulates Neural Progenitor Cell Behaviour and Neuronal Outgrowth. Human Molecular Genetics 2013 1;22(23):4673-87.  Epub 2013 Jul 2.  IF = 5.9, [66]


    40.       Prins JR, Zhang B, Schjenken JE, Guerin LR, Barry SC, Robertson SA. Unstable Foxp3+ regulatory T cells and altered dendritic cells are associated with lipopolysaccharide-induced fetal loss in pregnant interleukin 10-deficient mice. Biol Reprod 2015, 93(4): 95.  IF =3.47, [17]


    41.       Jolly LA, Nguyen LS, Domingo D, Sun Y, Barry S, Hancarova M, et al. HCFC1 loss-of-function mutations disrupt neuronal and neural progenitor cells of the developing brain. Human molecular genetics. 2015;24(12):3335-47. IF = 5.9, [27]


    42.       Thomas C, Forrest A, Klingberg H, Moore D, Abu-Assi R, Barry SC, Khurana S.

    Does Gastrostomy Placement With Concurrent Fundoplication Increase the Risk of Gastrostomy-related Complications? J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2016 Jul;63(1):29-33. IF = 2.8, [3]


    43.       Atashgaran V, Wrin J, Barry SC, Dasari P, Ingman WV. Dissecting the biology of menstrual cycle-associated breast cancer risk. Frontiers in oncology. 2016;6:267. IF =.4.7, [9] 44.  Phillips JE, Couper JJ, Penno MA, Harrison LC, and ENDIA Study Group. Type 1 diabetes: a disease of developmental origins. Pediatric diabetes. 2017;18(6):417-21. IF =.4.3 [12]


    45.       Delalat B, Harding F, Gundsambuu B, De-Juan-Pardo, Wunner FM,  Wille  M-L, Jasieniak M, Malatesta KAL, Griesser HJ, Simula A, Hutmacher DW, Voelcker NH, Barry SC. 3D printed lattices as an activation and expansion platform for T cell therapy EM.2017 Biomaterials 140, 58-68  IF = 8.8, [17]


    46.       Maartens JH, De-Juan-Pardo E, Wunner FM, Simula A, Voelcker NH, Barry SC, et al. Challenges and opportunities in the manufacture and expansion of cells for therapy. Expert opinion on biological therapy. 2017;17(10):1221-33. IF = 3.7, [7]


    47.       Ivask A, Mitchell AJ, Hope CM, Barry SC, Lombi E, Voelcker NH. Single Cell Level Quantification of Nanoparticle–Cell Interactions Using Mass Cytometry. Analytical Chemistry. 2017;89(16):8228-32.  IF = 6.3 [8]


    48.       Hinze S, Jackson M, Lie S, Jolly L, Field M, Barry S, et al. Incorrect dosage of IQSEC2, a known intellectual disability and epilepsy gene, disrupts dendritic spine morphogenesis. Translational Psychiatry. 2017;7(5)  IF = 5.2 [8]


    49.       Robertson SA, Zhang B, Chan H, Sharkey DJ, Barry SC, Fullston T, et al. MicroRNA regulation of immune events at conception. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 2017;84(9):914-25. IF = 3.1, [6]


    50.       Worton LE, Shi YC, Smith EJ, Barry SC, Gonda TJ, Whitehead JP, et al. Ectodermal芒聙聬Neural Cortex 1 Isoforms Have Contrasting Effects on MC3T3芒聙聬E1 Osteoblast Mineralization and Gene Expression. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2017;118(8):2141-50.  IF = 2.9


    51.       Penington JS, Penno MAS, Ngui KM, Ajami NJ, Roth-Schulze AJ, Wilcox SA, Bandala-Sanchez E, Wentworth JM, Barry SC, Brown CY, Couper JJ, Petrosino JF, Papenfuss AT, Harrison LC; ENDIA Study Group*. Influence of fecal collection conditions and 16S rRNA gene sequencing at two centers on human gut microbiota analysis. Sci Rep. 2018 Mar 12;8(1):4386. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-22491-7. IF = 4.1, [9]


    52.       Sadlon T, Brown CY, Bandara V, Hope CM, Schjenken JE, Pederson SM, Breen J, Forrest A, Beyer M, Robertson S, Barry SC. Unravelling the molecular basis for regulatory T-cell plasticity and loss of function in disease. Clin Transl Immunology. 2018 Feb 27;7(2):e1011. doi: 10.1002/cti2.1011  IF = 4.1, [4]


    53.       Brown, C. Y. Dayan, S. Wong, S. W. Kaczmarek, A. Hope, C. M. Pederson, S. M. Arnet, V. Goodall, G. J. Russell, D. Sadlon, T. J. Barry, S. C. FOXP3 and miR-155 cooperate to control the invasive potential of human breast cancer cells by down regulating ZEB2 independently of ZEB1. Oncotarget. 2018;9(45):27708-27.  IF = 5.2


    54.       Hope CM, Welch J, Mohandas A, Hill D, Pederson S, Gundsambuu, B, Leung N, Grosse R, Bresatz S,  Ang G, Papadimetrios M, Zola H,Dumas T, Campbell D, Brown CY,  Sadlon T, Couper JJ,  Krumbiegel D, Barry SC: Peptidase Inhibitor 16 identifies a Treg subset which has reduced FOXP3 expression with type 1 diabetes progression. Eur J Immunol  IF = 4.3


    55.       Thabet Y*, Schönfeld E*, Sommer D, Abdullah Z, Kathrin Klee K, Sadlon T, Peters AE, Baumgart AK, Krebs W, Köhne M, Schneeweiss M, Nüssing S, Subbaramaiah K, Schanz O, Waha A, Sparwasser T, Rudensky AY, Wickenhauser C, Förster I, Weighardt H, S, Dannenberg AJ, Muglia LJ, Barry SC, Schultze JL*, Beyer M*. Prostaglandin E2-mediated T cell suppression requires expression of hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase in regulatory T cells. Immunity 50, 1232–1248 IF = 19.8, [2]


    56. Robertson SA, Green ES, Care AS, Moldenhauer LM, Prins JR, Hull ML, Barry SC, Dekker G Therapeutic Potential of Regulatory T Cells in Preeclampsia-Opportunities and Challenges. Front Immunol. 2019 Mar 21;10:478. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00478.


    57.        Schjenken, J.E., Moldenhauer, L.M., Zhang, B. et al. MicroRNA miR-155 is required for expansion of regulatory T cells to mediate robust pregnancy tolerance in mice. Mucosal Immunol 13, 609–625 (2020). IF =  4.7 [1] IF =  4.7 [1]


    58.       Harbison JE, Roth-Schulze AJ, Giles LC, Tran CD, Ngui KM, Penno MA, et al. Gut microbiome dysbiosis and increased intestinal permeability in children with islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes: a prospective cohort study. Pediatr Diabetes. (2019) 20:574–83. doi: 10.1111/pedi.12865


    59.       Atashgaran V, Dasari P, Hodson LJ, Evodkiou  A,  Barry SC, Ingman WV.Foxp3 heterozygosity does not overtly affect mammary gland development during puberty or the estrous cycle in mice (RD19026)  Reproduction, Fertility and Development. (in press)


    60.       J. Kim, C. M. Hope, N. Gantumur,G. B. Perkins, S. O. Stead, Z. Yue, X. Liu,A. U. Asua, F. D. Kette, D. Penko,C. J. Drogemuller, R. P. Carroll, S. C. Barry, G. G. Wallace,*P. T. Coates. Encapsulation of Human Natural and Induced Regulatory T-Cells in IL-2 and CCL1 Supplemented Alginate-GelMA Hydrogel for 3D Bioprinting.2020 Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 2000544


    61.       Brewer, K.; Gundsambuu, B.; Facal Marina, P.; Barry, S.C.; Blencowe, A. Thermoresponsive Poly(ε-Caprolactone)-Poly(Ethylene/Propylene Glycol) Copolymers as Injectable Hydrogels for Cell Therapies. Polymers 202012, 367


  • Professional Associations

    External reviewer: Journal of Immunology, Blood,
    Human Gene Therapy, Gene Therapy, Molecular Therapy, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, Journal of Immunological Methods,
    Reviewer Faculty Fellowships, Faculty of Health Sciences, 成人大片 2006-

    Member Australasian Society for Immunology 2004-
    Member Australasian Gene Therapy Society 2004-8

    Member NHMRC GRP 1F 2010,2011
    Reviewer NHMRC project grants 2005,6,7
    Reviewer ARC discovery grants 2006, 7 (Oz reader 2009)

  • Community Engagement

    Member, Science twinning program Adelaide
    Interview for news item on stem cell research on Channel 9 news.
    Featured scientist, Australian Life Scientist, July 2013

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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