Miss Sarah Nixon

Miss Sarah Nixon
 Position Business Systems Supervisor
 Org Unit School of Animal and Veterinary Science
 Email sarah.nixon@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 1707
 Location Veterinary Teaching Hospital ,   Roseworthy
  • Biography/ Background

    Sarah began her career as a Veterinary Nurse with The 成人大片's Roseworthy Veterinary Hospital in 2021. Prior to this, she achieved her Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) with Honours at the 成人大片, a Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing and a Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services. Sarah completed an honours project within the 成人大片 and the Roseworthy Veterinary Hospital's Large Animal Unit, with a thesis titled; The effects of dried green banana supplementation on the antioxidant status and faecal microbiome in horses

    While nursing, Sarah took a special interest in marketing the hospital via social media, and ensuring clients receive impeccable service and care. She has since put away her stethoscope to take on a leadership and marketing role as the Business Systems Supervisor within the Roseworthy Veterinary Hospital. Sarah is grateful for the team she gets to work with and lead every day and strives to exceed client expectations and envelop the RVH's core values in all that she does. She enjoys spending time with her horses, menagerie of cats and her Saint Bernard "Walter" outside of work. 

  • Qualifications

    2021 Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) with Honours
    Thesis titled: The effects of dried green banana supplementation on the antioxidant status and faecal microbiome in horses.

    2017 Certificate IV Veterinary Nursing

    2016 Certificate IV Companion Animal Services

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 3 Aug 2023

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