Dr Saira Ali

Dr Saira Ali
 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit School of Humanities
 Email saira.ali@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 1403
 Location Floor/Room 9 ,  Napier ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Saira Ali has over ten years of experience in the media industry, having worked at the top tiers of publishing with Kitab Pvt Ltd and the Oxford University Press in Pakistan. She started her academic career in 2015 at the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC), where she taught in various Public Relations and Social Media courses. She joined the Department of Media at the University of Adelaide in 2019. Broadly, her work focuses on securitization and the media-terrorism nexus.

    In 2022 her book Mediatised Terrorism: East-West Narratives of Risk was published in the Routledge Critical Terrorism Studies series. Saira also co-authored, Public Relations & Strategic Communication (2019), for Oxford University Press, Australia. She regularly publishes in high ranking journals such as Global Media and Communication, International Communication Gazette and Media International Australia. 

  • Qualifications


    2019    Doctor of Philosophy, University of the Sunshine Coast

    ·                           Thesis Title: World Risk Society: East-West Comparative Analysis of Mediatised Terrorism

    2019    Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellow, University of the Sunshine Coast

    2013    Graduate Diploma in Arts – Communications & Public Relations, University of the Sunshine Coast

    2005    Masters in Transnational Communications & Global Media, Goldsmith’s College, University of London

    2000    Masters in English Literature, University of the Punjab, Pakistan



  • Research Interests

    Global mediatisation of risk, security and Othering; Journalistic practices; Censorship; Terrorism/counterterrorism; Cultural studies; Representation



  • Publications

    See Researcher Profile

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Entry last updated: Wednesday, 20 Mar 2024

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