Richard Bright

 Position Research Assistant
 Org Unit Surgical Specialities
 Telephone +61 8 8313 6040
 Mobile +61 4 3064 9731
 Location Floor/Room 8 ,  Helen Mayo South ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Graduated in August 2013 with a Master's Degree in Applied Science (Immunology). Appointed as a Research Officer in the Colgate Australian Clinical Dental Research Centre (CACDRC), School of Dentistry August 2012. Research interests include systemic health interrelationship between Periodontal Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis, the efficacy of periodontal ligament stem cells in periodontal tissue regeneration, the role of mesenchymal stem cells in immnunomodulation, emerging autoantibodies implicated in systemic diseases and cancer immunotherapy research. Recently started to research oral and gut microbiome and their implication in inflammmation, particulalrly Periodontal Disease. Currently investigating D-amino acids and silver nanoparticles and their ability to disrupt biofilms. Expertise in small animal models for sytemic diseases and cancer, MicroCT, confocal microscopy, tissue culture, microbiology and numerous other cell and molecular biology techniques.

  • Research Funding

    2016 ADRF CIA. The Role of Carbamylated Proteins in the Pathology of Periodontal Disease ($9055).

    2016 ADRF CIA. Proinflammatory Cytokine Expression under the Influence of Citrullinated Peptides: Implications in Periodontal Disease ($10,424).

    2015 ADRF CIA. Porphyromonas gingivalis and mammalian peptidylarginine deiminase citrullinates human vimentin and type II collagen: Implications in inflammation and autoimmunity ($12,514).

  • Publications

    K.Hynes, R.Bright, V. Marino, J. Ng, P.J. Verma, S. Gronthos, P.M. Bartold. Potential of iPSC-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Treating Periodontal Disease. Stem Cells International. Volume 2018, Article ID 2601945, 12 pages 2018.

    Gatel SM, Marino V, Bright R, Fitzsimmons, Gully N, Zilm P, Gibson RJ, Edwards S, Bartol PM. Probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG prevents alveolar bone loss in a mouse model of experimental periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2018 Feb; 45(2):204-212

    Bright R, Thiele GM, Manavis J, Mikuls TR, Payne JB, Bartold PM. Gingival Tissue, an Extrasynovial Source of Malondialdehyde- Acetaldehyde Adducts, Citrullinated and Carbamylated Proteins. Journal of Periodontal Research. October 2017 [Epub ahead of print].

    Bright R, Marchant C, Bartold PM. The Effect of Triclosan on Post-Translational Modification of Proteins through Citrullination and Carbamylation. Clinical Oral Investigations June 2017 [Epub ahead of print].

    Bright R, Coventry BJ, Eardley-Harris N, Briggs N. Clinical Response Rates from Interleukin-2 Therapy for Metastatic Melanoma Over 30 Years’ Experience: A Meta-Analysis of 3312 Patients. Journal of Immunotherapy January 2017 40(1):21-30.

    Hynes K, Bright R, Proudman S, Haynes D, Gronthos S, Bartold M. Immunomodulatory Properties of Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Experimental Arthritis in Rat and Mouse Models: A Systematic Review. Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism August 2016 46(1):1-19

    Hynes K, Menichanin D, Bright R, Ivanovski S, Hutmacher DW, Gronthos S, Bartold PM. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: A New Frontier for Stem Cells in Dentistry. Journal of Dental Research November 2015 94(11):1508-15.

    Bright R, Proudman SM, Rosenstein ED, Bartold PM. Is there a link between carbamylation and citrullination in Periodontal Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis? Medical Hypotheses June 2015 84(6):570-6.

    Bright R, Hynes K, Gronthos S, Bartold PM. Periodontal ligament-derived cells for periodontal regeneration in animal models: A systematic review. Journal of Periodontal Research April 2015 50 (2):160-72

    Gully N, Bright R, Marino V, Marchant C, Cantley M, Haynes D, Butler C, Dashper S, Reynolds E, Bartold M. Porphyromonas gingivalis Peptidylarginine Deiminase, a Key Contributor in the Pathogenesis of Experimental Periodontal Disease and Experimental Arthritis. PLoS One 2014 June 9(6)

    S. Kaur, R Bright, S.M. Proudman, and P.M. Bartold. Does periodontal treatment influence clinical and biochemical measures for rheumatoid arthritis? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism October 2014 44(2):113-22

    Coventry BJ, Lilly CA, Hersey P, Michele A, Bright RJ. Prolonged repeated vaccine immuno-chemotherapy induces long-term clinical responses and survival for advanced metastatic melanoma. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2014, 2:9.

    Richard J Bright, Jenny Wilkinson, and Brendon J Coventry. Therapeutic options for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy: a systematic review. BMC neurology 2014, 14:26.

    Coventry BJ, Ashdown ML, Bright RJ. Clinical outcomes of Interleukin-2 therapy in advanced cancer: meta-analysis of over 62 trials. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2013, 1:P149.

    Farrow N, Miller D, Cmielewski P, Donnelley M, Bright R, Parsons DW. Airway gene transfer in a non-human primate: Lentiviral gene expression in marmoset lungs. Scientific reports 2013, 3.

    Rye KA, Bright R, Psaltis M, Barter PJ. Regulation of reconstituted high density lipoprotein structure and remodeling by apolipoprotein E. Journal of lipid research 2006, 47:1025

  • Professional Associations

    Melanoma Trials Group (ANZMTG).

    Member, Australian Rheumatology Association (ARA), South Australia

    Medical Scientist Association (SAMSA) and Australia and New Zealand

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Entry last updated: Saturday, 4 Nov 2023

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