Associate Professor Rachel Norris

Associate Professor  Rachel Norris
 Position Associate Professor
 Org Unit School of Animal and Veterinary Science
 Telephone +61 8 8313 7901
 Location Floor/Room 1 ,  Eastick ,   Roseworthy
  • Qualifications

    BSc(Hons, Zoology)

    PhD (The 成人大片)

  • Teaching Interests

    Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy.

  • Research Interests

    Interspecific and intraspecific variation in morphology of vertebrates. Osteology and Craniometry of Mammals. Morphometrics. Skeletal anatomy of vertebrates. Evolution.

    Current research includes craniometric variation in dingoes and other canids; climbing adaptations in marsupials and primates and craniometric diversity in papionine primates for interpretation in hominind phylogeny. Cardiovascular anatomical variations in domestic mammals.

  • Research Funding

    2003-2007 ARC Discovery Grant $225,000
    'Implications of morphological and molecular measures of diversity in papionine primates for interpretation of hominid phylogeny'
    Investigators: Henneberg, M, Norris, RM, Eckhardt, R.
    Outcomes: 1 refereed journal article, 4 conference presentations to date

  • Publications

    Zammit, M. and Norris, R.M. 2013. Sex determination in adults of two otariid species (Neophoca cinerea and Arctophoca australia fosteri) based on ostrology of the pelvis. Marine Mammal Science.

    Locket, N.A.; Norris, R.M, and McLennan, A. 2012 "Locket's 3D Anatomy Cutouts". McGraw-Hill Publ. Sydney.

    Zammit, M., Norris, R.M., and Kear, B.P. 2010. The Australian Cretaceous ichthyosaur Platyptergius australis: a description and review of postcranial remains. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30:1726-1735.

    Norris R. M., Henneberg M., Kuperavage A. and Eckhardt R. B. 2008. Koalas, Papionines and Humans : understanding variation and diversity in human evolution. Human Evolution, 22, (1-2): 59-66

    Anderson, K.J., Henneberg, M. and Norris, R.M. Anatomy of the Nasal Profile. 2008. Journal of Anatomy, 213:210-216

    Stephan, C.N., Norris, R.M. and Henneberg, M. (2005) Does sexual dimorphism in facial soft tissue depths justify sex distinction in craniofacial identification? Journal of Forensic Sciences, 50, 513-518

    Coussens, A., Anson, T., Norris, R.M. & Henneberg, M. (2002) Sexual dimorphism in the robusticity of long bones of infants and young children. Anthropological Review, 65, 3-16.

    Norris, R.M. (1999) Testing multiple species hypothesis on frogs. Perspectives in Biology, 4(1):51-64

  • Professional Interests

    Anatomy in motion: articulating vertebrate skeletons in a functional anatomy pose for teaching and public display. Please visit the Veterinary Teaching Building, Roseworthy Campus for examples.

  • Community Engagement

    School group visits highlighting vertebrate skeletal anatomy.

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 23 Feb 2023

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