Professor Peter Dowd

Professor Peter Dowd
 Position Professor
 Org Unit Mining and Petroleum Engineering
 Telephone +61 8 8313 4543
 Location Floor/Room 1 ,  Engineering North ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Professor Peter Dowd has more than 55 years experience in academic research, teaching and administration and in consulting to industry. His research interests include geostatistical modelling and prediction in mineral resource, petroleum reservoir and environmental applications; geological modelling and mathematical geology; stochastic modelling and quantified risk assessment in natural resource and environmental applications; definitions and reporting of ore reserves; mineral economics; financial analysis and modelling; operational research; and computer-aided mine design. The context of much of this work has been the modelling and estimation of orebodies and hydrocarbon reservoirs, often in very complex geological settings; the generation of three-dimensional orebody models as the basis for optimal mine design and scheduling; establishing resources and reserves together with associated confidence limits; the design of blasting and loading operations to optimise mineral extraction; and the quantification of geological and technical risk associated with resource extraction.

    Recent work has focussed on the characterisation of rock masses in hot dry rock enhanced geothermal systems; for environmental risk analysis and assessment; for mining applications; and for stochastic modelling of flow pathways in aquifers. Recent work in spatial modelling includes the characterisation of karst systems and aquifers, climate modelling, and characterising the landscape and topographic features of Mars.

    Professor Dowd’s contributions to the development and application of geostatistics were recognised by the Royal Academy of Engineering in 1998 when he was elected to Fellowship of the Academy. The citation particularly noted his “distinguished international contributions” to the application of geostatistics in mine planning and design. In 2006 he was elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering in recognition of his contributions to geostatistics and for leadership in engineering education.

    He has been cited as one of Australia’s 100 most influential engineers by the Institution of Engineers Australia.

    Professor Dowd was Vice-President (2007-2008) and President (2009-2010) of the Australian Council of Engineering Deans and Chair of the Group of Eight Engineering Deans and Associates 2007-2012.  He was Vice-President (1996-98) and President (1998-99) of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (now the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining).

    He has consulted extensively in geostatistics and mineral economics to the mining industry in Africa, Australasia, Europe, North America and South America and the petroleum industry in the UK and Saudi Arabia. Consultancies include ore reserve estimation, reporting of reserves, mine planning, geological modelling, feasibility studies, valuation, input to the development of mining codes and assessment of the micro- and macro-economic effects of mining taxation systems. These consultancies have included evaluations of many of the world’s major orebodies and mineral deposits, particularly in Australasia, Europe and the Americas.

    He has published over 200 papers and parts of books in the fields of geostatistics, stochastic modelling and spatial statistics, operational research, computer-aided mine design, mineral economics, mine finance and valuation and has developed commercialised software products for the minerals industry. He is currently the Director of the Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources. 


    Research Projects



    BSc (University of New England, 1967)
    MScA (Ecole Polytechnique de l’Université de Montréal, 1973)
    PhD (University of Leeds, 1978)



    2019- Professor of Mining Engineering and Director of the Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources. 成人大片.
    2016-2019 Professor of Mining Engineering, The 成人大片.
    2013-2015 Professor of Mining Engineering, The 成人大片 and Executive Director, Mining Education Australia.
    2004-2012 Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, The 成人大片.
    2005-2007 Acting Head, Australian School of Petroleum, The 成人大片 .  
    2002-2004 Head of Aviation Programmes, School of Process, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Leeds.
    1997-2003 Head of the School of Process, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Leeds, UK.
    1997-2000 Acting Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Leeds.
    1995-2001 Head of the Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds.
    1993- 2004 Professor of Mining Engineering, Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds (Established Chair).
    1992-1993 Professor of Mine Design and Geostatistics, Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds (Personal Chair).
    1990-1992 Reader in Mining Geostatistics and Operational Research, Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds.
    1986-1990 Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds.
    1978-1986 Lecturer, Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds.
    1975-1978 British Petroleum Research Fellow in the Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds, UK.
    1972-1975 Research Fellow in the Department of Geological Engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique de l’Université de Montréal, Canada.
    1967-1971 Operational Research Officer at Zinc Corporation/New Broken Hill Consolidated Ltd. (now Rio Tinto Ltd) at Broken Hill, NSW, Australia.


    Distinctions and awards

    • Elected President of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences, 2020-2024.
    • 2016 Krumbein Medal awarded by the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences.
    • 2015 APCOM Recognition Award for contributions to APCOM over the past three decades (APCOM: Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industry)
    • Institute of Engineers Australia and Australasian Association for Engineering Education, 2013 Award for Industry Engagement in University Education.
    • Georges Matheron Lecturer for 2013 - awarded by the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences to "a scientist with proven research ability in the field of spatial statistics or mathematical morphology".
    • Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2006).
    • Elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (1998) for “distinguished international contributions” to the theory and application of geostatistics in mine planning and design.
    • President of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (1998-99).
    • Vice-President of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (1996-98).
    • Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts (1994).


    Other Positions

    • Vice-President, Australian Council of Engineering Deans 2007 - 2008.
    • President, Australian Council of Engineering Deans 2009 - 2010.
    • Chair, Group of Eight Engineering Deans and Associates, 2007 - 2012.
    • Executive Director, Mining Education Australia, 2013-2015.
    • President, International Association for Mathematical Geosciences 2020-2024.
    • Director of the Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources, 2020-2026.


    Professional Societies and Affiliations

    • Institution of Engineers Australia (Fellow)
    • Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (Fellow)
    • Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (Fellow)
    • Institution of Chemical Engineers (Fellow)
    • Institute of Quarrying (Fellow)
    • International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (Member)
    • Chartered Engineer (CEng., UK Engineering Council)
    • Chartered Professional Mining Engineer (CPMin - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy)


    Teaching including professional development courses

    • Mineral Resource and Environmental Geostatistics
    • Optimal Mine Design and Scheduling
    • Mining industry Operational Research
    • Mine Finance and Valuation
    • Mineral Economics


    Research assessment

    1996-2001 Research Assessment Exercise Leader, Natural Resources and Environment Research Group - one of four research groups comprising the General Engineering submission to the 2001 UK Research Assessment Exercise from the University of Leeds - awarded grade 5 in December 2001.
    2002 Elected to membership of the EPSRC (UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) Peer Review College.
    2002 Mineral Industry Research Organization (MIRO) Mineral Exploration and Development Technology Research Advisory Panel.
    2000-2004 Member of the British Nuclear Fuels Ltd (BNFL)-University Research Alliance in Particle Science and Technology.
    2009 Reviewer for the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Training Programme.
    2007- Reviewer for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
    2011- Australian Research Council grant assessor.
    2011- Assessor for the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
    2013-14 Member of the Physical Sciences Panel for the 2014 Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise
    2014- Assessor for Science Foundation Ireland
    2018 - Assessor for the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France.

    Research funding

    The total value of my research awards since 1996 exceeds the equivalent of $A48M and projects include:

    • UK Nirex Ltd. for the geostatistical characterisation of three-dimensional spatial heterogeneity of rock properties; 1996-99. Principal (sole) Investigator. £60k.
    • Teaching Company Directorate/UK Department of Trade and Industry with industrial collaboration to determine the best layouts of quarry faces and blasting procedures to permit close approach to sensitive structures. Award under the Teaching Company Scheme (now DTI Knowledge Transfer Partnerships) 1998-2001. Lead Academic. Grant number (Knowledge Transfer Partnership no.) 4900. £92k.
    • Anglo American plc Funding for research Chair; 1998-2003. Principal Investigator. £100k.
    • Anglo American plc Funding for research Chair; 2004. Principal Investigator. £50k per annum reviewed every two years.
    • United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, grant for geostatistical calibration; 1999, Principal (sole) Investigator. £3k.
    • UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant for the Geostatistical calibration and integration of wireline, core and seismic data; 1999-2002, Principal (sole) Investigator. Grant number GR/M72944/01. £132k.
    • Teaching Company Directorate/Department of Trade and Industry with industrial collaboration for the development of a new, directional, nuisance dust gauge suitable for use around quarry and landfill sites, and to develop associated dust monitoring and modelling protocols and software. Award under the Teaching Company Scheme (now DTI Knowledge Transfer Partnerships); 2001-04. Lead Academic. Grant number (Knowledge Transfer Partnership no.) 5386. £92k.
    • EPSRC and industrial collaborators Joint Research Equipment Initiative (JREI) grant for XRF facility; 2000-03. Grant number GR/M92607/01. Principal Investigator. £168k.
    • BNFL Strategic Alliance in Particle Science and Technology. Collaboration with R A Williams (Alliance Director), B Rand, B Gibbs and K J Roberts at University of Leeds and R Clegg and D T Goddard at BNFL, 2000-2004, BNFL £2.0M and Royal Academy of Engineering, £140k.
    • EPSRC and industrial collaborators JREI grant for Global Positioning System; 2001-02. Principal Investigator. Grant number GR/R05659/01. £42k.
    • Rio Tinto plc WWW Geostatistics project; 2001. Principal (sole) Investigator. £15k.
    • EPSRC and industrial collaborators JREI grant for 3D measurement and simulation of structured materials facilitated by X-ray Micro-Tomography. 2001-03. Co-Investigator. Grant number GR/M91563/01. £171k.
    • EU Fifth framework. Network for extractive mining industries (consortium of 15 industrial and academic partners); 2001-05, €570,000.
    • EPSRC grant for Stochastic modelling of fractures in rock masses. 2002-2005. Principal Investigator. Grant number GR/R94602/01. £262k.
    • AMCO plc Funding of a readership; 2002-03. £46k per annum.
    • Marie Curie Fellowship (EU Fifth Framework). Geostatistical simulation. Principal Investigator. 2003-04, £17k.
    • Australian Research Council grant for Quantification of risk and uncertainty in the optimisation of open-pit mine design and production scheduling. R. Dimatrakopolous (Principal Investigator – University of Queensland), P.A. Dowd (Co-Investigator). ARC Linkage Grant LP0211446 - grant held at University of Queensland. 2002-04. $285k.
    • Australian Research Council grant for Development of a stochastic short-term production scheduling optimisation approach for open pit metal mines. R. Dimatrakopolous (Principal Investigator – University of Queensland), P.A. Dowd (Co-Investigator). ARC Linkage Grant LP0348798 - grant held at University of Queensland. 2003-05, ($315k).
    • Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA). Funding for a Chair in Mining Geology. Funding over three years 2009-11 ($180k).
    • University City Initiative (Adelaide) Research funding to establish the Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources.  Funding over three years from July 2009 ($750k).
    • South Australia State Government. Funding to establish the South Australian Centre for Geothermal Energy Research. 2008-09 ($250k); 2009-11 ($1.6M); 2011-13 ($500k). 
    • Australian Research Council Discovery Project DP110104766. Stochastic modelling of fractures in crystalline rock massess for hot dry rock geothermal systems, 2011-13. Principal Investigator ($330k).
    • Newcrest Mining Limited. Quantification of risk in mining operations, 2013-17. Principal Investigator ($533k).
    • Centre of Excellence in Mining and Petroleum Services.  Chair in Geostatistics and Quantitative Geology, 2014-19, ($245k)
    • South Australia Government Premier's Research and Industry Fund grant. Unlocking Complex Resources through Lean Processing. Consortium of industry and universities.  Chief Investigator. 2018 -2021,Total project award $4M from PRIF, $6.14M from industry, $4.46M from university partners.  
    • CRC ORE Resource scale heterogeneity evaluation. $145k + $55k in-kind. 2018-2019.
    • Co-operative Research Centre Project (CRC-P) Kapunda In-Situ Copper and Gold Field Recovery Trial. Led by Environmental Copper Recovery SA Pty Ltd in collaboration with Thor Mining PLC (Molyhil Mining), CSIRO, Mining3 and Terramin Exploration Ltd. 2018-2021, $2.85M.
    • Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources (Director), 2020-23. $12.5M ($5.7M cash + $6.8M in-kind).
    • BHP. Rapid resource modelling and automated variography. 2019-22. $2.13M


    Selected Keynote and Invited Addresses at Conferences

    1982 Invited Lecturer, Sixth Australian Statistical Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
    1985 Fellow and Contributing Lecturer, First NATO Advanced Study Institute on Fundamental Algorithms in Computer Graphics, Ilkley, UK.
    1987 Plenary Lecturer at the International CODATA Conference and Training Course in Geostatistics and Geomathematics. Sponsored by UNESCO, CODATA, IAMG and IUGS, held in Wroclaw, Poland, 1987.
    1989 Plenary Lecturer at the twelfth biennial Mining Symposium sponsored by the Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society (CSVTS) and held at Pribram, Czechoslovakia. Awarded the Society's silver medal.
    1990 Invited Lecturer at the Symposium on Computerized Basin Analysis sponsored by the IAMG and COGEODATA, Güstrow, Germany.
    1991 Plenary Lecturer at the thirteenth biennial Mining Symposium sponsored by the Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society (CSVTS) and held at Pribram, Czechoslovakia. Awarded the Society's silver medal.
    1991 Invited Lecturer, Second Conference on the Stochastic Modelling of Oil Reservoirs Lisbon, Portugal, November 1991.
    1998 Invited Keynote Speaker at the 1998 APCOM conference, London.
    1998 Invited Lecturer, 1998 Joint Statistical Meeting in Dallas, USA, of the American Statistical Association, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the International Biometric Society and the Statistical Society of Canada.

    Invited Lecturer NATO Advanced Study Institute on Geo-environmental modelling, Matrahaza, Hungary.

    1999 Plenary Speaker at the International Conference on Geostatistical Simulations, Perth, Australia.
    2000 Invited Keynote Speaker at the Sixth International Geostatistics Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, April 2000.
    2000 Keynote Speaker at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Sustainable Mineral Resource Management in Karst Areas. Potoro脜戮, Slovenia, 26 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2000.



    Keynote Speaker, International Symposium on Orebody modelling and strategic mine planning. Perth, Australia. Sponsored by Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (USA)
    2008 Plenary Speaker at the the Eighth International Geostatistics Congress held in Santiago, Chile, December 2008.
    2011 Invited keynote speaker, 35th APCOM Conference, Wollongong, Australia
    2013 Keynote speaker, 36th APCOM Conference, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
    2014 Keynote Speaker, International Symposium on Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning. AusIMM. Perth.
    2014 Invited Workshop presenter, First International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
    2016 Keynote Speaker, Third AusIMM International Geometallurgical Conference, Perth, Australia.
    2018 Invited Speaker, Australian Geoscience Council Convention. Adelaide.  Australia 
    2019 Invited Keynote Speaker, Australian Mathematical Institute OPTIMISE 2019 Conference, Perth, Australi.

    Participation in Conference Organisation

    1982-83 Member of the Organizing and Paper Review Committees for the Second NATO Advanced Study Institute on Geostatistics, Lake Tahoe, California, USA.
    1982-84 Member of the Organizing and Technical Committees for the 18th International Conference on the Application of Computers and Operational Research in the Mining Industry (APCOM), London.


    Member of the Scientific Programme Committee of the International CODATA Conference and Training Course in Geostatistics and Geomathematics. Sponsored by UNESCO, CODATA, IAMG and IUGS, held in Wroclaw, Poland, 1987.
    1986-88 Member of the Organizing and Scientific Committees for the Third International Geostatistics Congress held in Avignon, France 1988.


    Member, Organizing Committee and editor of the proceedings of Mineral Processing in the UK sponsored by the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Institution of Mining Engineers, Mineral Industry Research Organisation. Held in Leeds April 1989.
    1989-91 Organizer of Geostatistics in the UK held in Leeds, UK April 1989, 1990 and 1991.
    1987-90 Chairman of the Organizing and Paper Review Committees and editor of the proceedings of the Third International CODATA Conference and Training Course on Geostatistics and Geomathematics held in Leeds, UK in September, 1990.
    1989-90 Secretary of the Organizing Committee and editor of the Proceedings of Industrial Minerals and the Environment held in Leeds, UK in September 1990.
    1990 Member, Organizing and Paper Review Committees for Industrial Minerals and the Environment, conference held in Leeds and sponsored by the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy.
    1989-92 Member of the Organizing and Paper Review Committees for the Fourth International Geostatistics Congress held in Portugal in 1992.
    1991 Member of the Organizing Committee International Conference on the Structure and Geodynamics of the Earth's Crust and Upper Mantle Moscow, USSR, March 1991.
    1991 Chairman of the Organizing and Paper Review Committees for Computer Solutions in Mining and Processing, a conference held in Leeds and sponsored by the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy.
    1993 Member of the organizing and scientific committees for Geostatistics for the next century, Montreal, June 1993.
    1993 Member of the paper review committee and editorial board of Geostatistical simulation, Fontainebleau, France, May 1993.
    1992-95 Chairman, Organizing Committee of the first UK National Mineral Industry Conference held in Leeds April 1995.
    1992-96 Member of the Organizing and Paper Review Committees for the fifth International Geostatistics Congress held in Wollongong, Australia, 1996.
    1993-94 Member of the Technical Committee, Risk Assessment in the Extractive Industries, IMM Conference, University of Exeter, March 1994.
    1996-00 Member, International Committee for the Sixth International Geostatistics Congress held in Cape Town, South Africa, April 2000
    1997-98 Member of the Organising Committee for the 27th International Symposium on Computer Applications in the Minerals Industries (APCOM98, London)
    2000-04 Chair, Executive Committee for International Geostatistics Congresses
    2000-04 Member, International Committee for the Seventh International Geostatistics Congress held in Banff, Canada, September-October 2004.
    2004-08 Member of the Executive Committee and the Editorial Committee for the Eighth International Geostatistics Congress held in Santiago, Chile, 1-5 December 2008.
    2008-12 Member of the Executive Committee for the Ninth International Geostatistics Congress held in Oslo, Norway, 11-15 June 2012.
    2011-12 Member of the Scientific Committee for the Ninth Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, held in Valencia, Spain, September 2012.
    2011-13 Member of the International Scientific Committee for the Fifteenth International Association for Mathematical Geosciences Conference held in Madrid, September 2013. 
    2012-13 Member of the International Scientific Committee for the 13th International Congress on Energy and Mineral Resources held in Santander, Spain, October 2013.
    2012-14 Member of the International Advisory Committee of the International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference (DFNE2014), Vancouver, October 19-23, 2014.
    2013-14 Member of the Technical Committee for the Geometallurgy 2014 Conference, London, 9-11 June 2014, Institution of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
    2014 -  Member of the Scientific Committee for Conferences on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications (geoENV).
    2015-16 Member of the Executive Committe for the Tenth International Geostatistics Congress, Valencia, Spain, September 2016.

    Academic Visits and other activities

    1976-78 Visiting Research Fellow, Centre de Géostatistique, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau, France.
    1980-89 Creation of an Academic Link under the auspices of the British Council between the Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds and the Department of Mine Planning and Mineral Processing, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.
    1981-83 Visiting Professor, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau, France.
    1982 Visiting Lecturer, Department of Mining Engineering, University of Queensland.
    1983 Visiting Lecturer, Otago School of Mines, University of Dunedin, New Zealand.
    1985-86 Visiting Professor, Department of Chemical, Materials, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, University of Rome "La Sapienza".
    1986-87 Visiting Lecturer, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, People's Republic of China.
    1977-91 Visiting Professor on ten occasions in the Department of Mine Planning and Mineral Processing, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.
    1989-90 Member, Validation Committee and Subject Panel for the BEng degree in Quarry and Roadsurface Engineering at the Doncaster Metropolitan Institute of Higher Education.
    1991 Member of the Engineering Council accreditation panel for the BEng in Mining Engineering at Royal School of Mines, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London.
    1996 Member of British Council mission to Argentina to assess the national higher education provision in mining, mineral resources and geology.
    1997 Member of the Engineering Council accreditation panel for the BEng in Mining Engineering at Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter.
    1998 Member of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Evaluation Panel for Engineering for Infrastructure, Environment and Healthcare.
    1999-04 Member of the Validation Committee for the BEng degree in Quarry and Roadsurface Engineering at the Doncaster Institute of Higher Education.
    2002 Appointed to membership of the Mineral Industry Research Organization (MIRO) Mineral Exploration and Development Technology Research Advisory Panel.
    2000-04 Member of the British Nuclear Fuels Ltd (BNFL)-University of Leeds Research Alliance in Particle Science and Technology.
    2009-12 Member of the Board of the Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources, 成人大片.
    2009-12 Member of the Board of the Environment Institute, 成人大片.
    2009- Member of the Board of the South Australia Centre for Geothermal Energy Research, 成人大片.
    2013 Member, Computers and Geosciences Research Scholarships Committee
    2014 -  Member of the Advisory Council of the South Australian Government Mining Industry Participation Office.
    2014 - Member of the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (SA Division) Expert Group on Advanced Manufacturing


    Editorial Boards

    1992 - Chair of the Editorial Board of Mining Technology, Section A of the joint Transactions of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
    2007 - Member of the Editorial Board of Mathematical Geosciences
    2013 - Member of the Editorial Board of Boletín Geológico y Minero, published by the Geological Survey of Spain.
    2010 - Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Coal Science and Technology.


  • Publications



    APCOM - International Conferences on the Application of Computers and Operational Research in the Mining Industry; one of the major forums for the publication of papers on operational research and geostatistics in the mining industry.
    NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    A.S.I. - Advanced Study Institute


    Books, Book Chapters

    1. Dowd, P.A . (1987) Geostatistical estimation of a section of the Perseverance Nickel Deposit. In Armstrong, M. and Matheron, G. (eds.) Geostatistical Case Studies, pub. D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Netherlands, 39-67.
    2. Dowd, P.A . and Saraç, C. (1994) An extension of the LU decomposition method of conditional simulation. In Geostatistical simulations (eds. M Armstrong and P A Dowd ) published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 23-36.
    3. Dowd, P.A. (2000) Recoverable reserves and their economic significance. Chapter 7 of Geological data analysis: statistical methods. edited by H.S. Pandalai and P.K. Saraswati, Hindustan Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, ISBN 81-7075-041-5; 129-154.
    4. Mardia, K. V., Walder, A. N., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Fowell, R. J. and Kent, J. T. (2007), A line finding assignment problem and rock fracture modelling. In Bayesian Statistics and its Applications, Eds. Upadhaya, S.K., Singh, U. and Dey, D.K. Anamaya Pub., New Delhi.
    5. Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2010), Conditional simulation of grades controlled by geological indicators. In Advances in Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning I, old and new dimensions in a changing world, (ed) R. Dimitrakopoulos, Spectrum Series No. 17, AusIMM, ISBN: 978 1 921522 20 8, 51-57.
    6. Mohais, R., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. and Hand, M. (2016) Enhanced Geothermal Systems. Chapter 27 (pages 265-289) in the Alternative Energy and Shale Gas Encyclopaedia, Science, Technology and Applications. J.H. Lehr and J. Keeley (editors), pub. Wiley Series on Energy, ISBN: 978-0-470-89441-5; 912pp.
    7. Garcia-Periera, H., De Sousa, A.J., Ribeiro, J., Salgueiro, R. and Dowd, P.A. (2016) Correspondence Analysis as a modelling tool. IST Press, Lisbon; ISBN: 978-989-8481-40-5; 291pp.
    8. Dowd, P.A., Xu, C. and Coward, S. (2018) Strategies for mine planning and design. Chapter 25 of Advances in Applied Strategic Mine Planning. Springer Nature. 395-417. ISBN: 978-3-319-69319-4.
    9. Dowd, P.A. and Dare-Bryan, P.C. (2018) Planning, designing and optimising production using geostatistical simulation. Chapter 26 of Advances in Applied Strategic Mine Planning. Publisher Springer Nature. 421-449. ISBN: 978-3-319-69319-4
    10. Dowd, P.A. (2018) Quantifying the impacts of uncertainty. Chapter 18 of the Handbook of Mathematical Geosciences. Publisher Springer.  ISBN 978-3-319-78998-9. EBook: ISBN 978-3-319-78999-6. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-78999-6; pp 349-374.
    11. Tian, Z.F., Xu, C and Dowd, P.A. (2018) Numerical simulation of flows in a channel with impermeable and permeable walls using finite volume methods. Chapter 4 in Flow and Transport in the Subsurface Environment (ed., N Narayanan). pub. Springer ISBN 978-981-10-8773-8; 119-140.

    Edited Works

    1. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1983) Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA) pub. Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds; 1, (108pp).
    2. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1984) Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA) pub. Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds; 2, (82pp).
    3. Dowd, P.A. (editor)(1985) Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA) pub. Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds; 3, (168pp).
    4. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1986) Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA) pub. Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds; ISBN: 0-9511419-0-2, 4, (154pp).
    5. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1987) Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA) pub. Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds; ISBN: 0-9511419-1-0, 5 (145pp).
    6. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1988) Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA) pub. Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds; ISBN: 0-9511419-0-2, 6, (136pp).
    7. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1989) Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA) pub. by the Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds; ISBN: 0-9511419-2-9, 7, (158pp).
    8. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1989) Mineral Processing in the United Kingdom. pub. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, ISBN: 1-870706-12-9; 224pp.
    9. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1990) Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA) pub. Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds, ISBN: 0-9511419-3-7, 8 (202pp).
    10. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1991) Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA) pub. Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds, ISBN: 0-9511419-4-5, 9 (172pp).
    11. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1992) Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA) pub. Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds, ISBN: 0-9511419-5-3, 10 (180pp).
    12. Dowd, P.A. and Royer, J.J. (editors) (1992) CODATA Conference on Geomathematics and Geostatistics. Sciences de la Terre. Série Informatique Géologique, 31, volumes 1 and 2, 508 pp.
    13. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1993) Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA) pub. Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds, ISBN: 0-9511419-6-1, 11 (188pp).
    14. Dowd, P.A. (editor) Leeds University Mining Association (LUMA) Journal, 1994, ISBN: 0-9511419-7-X, 12, 142pp.
    15. Armstrong, M. and Dowd, P.A. (editors) (1994) Geostatistical Simulations. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands. Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics Series, volume 7, ISBN 978-90-481-4372-6; ISBN 978-94-015-8267-4 (eBook) 255pp.
    16. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1995) Leeds University Mining Association (LUMA) Journal, ISBN-0-9511419-8-8, 13, 150pp.
    17. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (1995) Proceedings of Mineral Resource Evaluation ’95, Mineral Resource Evaluation III: methods and case histories. University of Leeds/Geological Society Publications, 240pp.
    18. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (2001) Leeds University Mining Association(LUMA) Journal, ISBN-0-9541371-0-8, 15, 145pp.
    19. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (2002) Leeds University Mining Association (LUMA) Journal, ISBN-0-9541371-1-6, 16,124pp.
    20. Dowd, P.A. (editor) (2003) Leeds University Mining Association (LUMA) Journal, ISBN-0-9541371-2-4, 17,104pp.

    Peer-reviewed Journal Publications

    1. Dowd, P.A . (1975) Mine planning and ore reserve estimation with the aid of a digigraphic console display. Bulletin of the Canadian Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy, 68, 39-43.
    2. Dowd, P.A. (1976) Application of dynamic and stochastic programming to optimize cut-off grades and production rates. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., section A, 85, 22-31.
    3. Dowd, P.A. (1977) Dynamic programming and its application to cut-off grade problems. Technica volume XL, No. 451/452, 321-332.
    4. Dowd, P.A. (1977) Conditional simulation of regionalised variables. Technica volume XL, No. 451/452, 225-234.
    5. Dowd, P.A. (1982) Lognormal kriging - the general case. Mathematical Geology, 14, (5), 475-499.
    6. Dowd, P.A. (1983) Lognormal geostatistics. Sciences de la Terre Série Informatique Géologique, 18, 49-68.
    7. Dowd, P.A. and Scott, I.R. (1983) Geostatistical applications in stratigraphic orebodies. Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA), 1, 97-109. (First presented as an invited lecture to the Sixth Australian Statistical Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 1982).
    8. Dowd, P.A. (1984) Two algorithms for geometrical control in kriging and orebody modelling. Sciences de la Terre Série Informatique Géologique, 21, 189-208.
    9. Dowd, P.A. (1985) Generalized covariances and structural analysis: a comparison. Sciences de la Terre Série Informatique Géologique, 24, 95-128.
    10. Dowd, P.A. (1985) Kriging, disjunctive kriging and conditional expectation: a simple comparison for the multi-lognormal case. Leeds Univ. Mining Assoc. J. (LUMA), 3, 97-109.
    1. Dowd, P.A. (1986) Variogram modelling and interpretation: two examples. Leeds University Mining Association Journal, 4, 87-102.
    2. Dowd, P.A. and Elvan, E. (1987) Dynamic programming applied to grade control for sublevel open stoping. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall. Section A, 96, 171-178.
    3. Dowd, P.A. (1987) The application of dynamic programming to mining problems, Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA), 5, 97-104.
    4. Dowd, P.A. (1988) Practical aspects of using geostatistics in resource appraisal: from experimental values to the model. Sciences de la Terre Série Informatique Géologique, 27, 291-315.
    5. Dowd, P.A. (1989) The solution of large-scale linear programming problems in the mining industry. Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA)7, 85-90.
    6. Dowd, P.A. and Onur, A.H. (1990) An extension of the moving cone method of optimal open pit determination. Leeds University Mining Association Journal, 8, 183-192.
    7. Abbachi, A. and Dowd, P.A. (1990) Graphical display and modelling of stratigraphic orebodies. Leeds Univ. Mining Assoc. J. (LUMA), Leeds University Press, 8, 91 - 104.
    8. Tawo, E.E. and Dowd, P.A. (1991) Using different sources of information to improve the quality of an estimate - the soft constrained kriging approach. Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA), Leeds University Press, 9, 140 - 147.
    9. Dowd, P.A. (1992) Geostatistical ore reserve estimation: a case study on a disseminated nickel deposit. Annells, A.E. (ed.) Case Histories in Mineral Deposits Evaluation, pub. Geological Society, 243-255.
    10. Dowd, P.A. (1992) Large scale simulation of multi-layered formations. Sciences de la Terre Série Informatique Géologique, 31, 259 - 268.
    11. Onur, A.H. and Dowd, P.A. (1992) Optimal scheduling in open pit mining. Leeds University Mining Association Journal, 10, 71-80.
    12. Dowd, P.A. (1992) A review of recent developments in geostatistics. Computers and Geosciences, 17, (10), 1481-1500.
    13. Dowd, P.A. (1992) An integrated computer package for geostatistical estimation and modelling. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., 101, A95-A103.
    14. Dowd, P.A. and Onur, A.H. (1993) Open pit optimisation: I - optimal open pit design. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., Section A, 102, A95-104.
    1. Onur, A.H. and Dowd, P.A. (1993) Open pit optimisation: II - production scheduling and inclusion of roadways. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., Section A, 102, A105-113.
    2. Tercan, A.E. and Dowd, P.A. (1993) The effect of the nugget variance of the grade variogram on the estimation of conditional distributions by indicator and probability kriging. Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA), 11, 173-181.
    3. Saraç, C. and Dowd, P.A. (1993) A modified approach to large-scale geostatistical simulation via the LU decomposition method. Leeds University Mining Association Journal, 11, 95 - 102.
    4. Dowd, P.A. (1994) Risk assessment in reserve estimation and open-pit planning. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., 103, A148 - A154.
    5. Dowd, P.A. (1994) Optimal open pit design: sensitivity to estimated block values. Whateley, M.K. and Harvey, P.K. (eds), Mineral Resource Evaluation II: methods and case histories. Geological Society Special Publication, 79, 85 - 100.
    6. Djilani, M.C. and Dowd, P.A. (1994) An optimal scheduling algorithm for open pit mining. Leeds University Mining Association Journal (LUMA), 12, 133-140.
    7. Dowd, P.A. and Saraç, C. (1994) A neural network approach to geostatistical simulation. Mathematical Geology, 26, (4), 491 - 503.
    8. Dowd, P.A. (1994) The optimal design of quarries. in Whateley, M.K. and Harvey, P.K. (eds), Mineral Resource Evaluation II: methods and case histories. Geological Society Special Publication No. 79, 139 – 153.
    9. Saraç, C. and Dowd, P.A. (1994) Conditional simulation by ring decomposition of the covariance matrix. Sciences de la Terre Série Informatique Géologique, CRPG, Nancy, France, 32, 1 - 14.
    10. Dowd, P.A. (1994) Geological controls in the geostatistical simulation of hydrocarbon reservoirs. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 19, (2B), 237-247.
    11. Tercan, A.E. and Dowd, P.A. (1995) Approximate local confidence intervals under change of support. Mathematical Geology, 27, (1), 149 - 172.
    12. Barker-Read, G.R. and Dowd, P.A. (1995) Quality assessment in the teaching of mining and mineral engineering, Minerals Industry International, 1027, 11- 15.
    13. Dowd, P.A. (1995) Björkdal gold-mining project, northern Sweden. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., Section A: Mining Industry, 104, A149-163.
    14. Dowd, P.A. (1997) Risk in minerals industry projects: analysis, perception and management. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall. ,106, A9-18.
    15. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (1997) Statistical inference of covariance parameters by approximate maximum likelihood estimation. Computers and Geosciences, 23, (7), 793-805.
    16. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (1997) A case study of model selection and parameter inference by maximum likelihood with application to uncertainty analysis. Nonrenewable Resources, 7, (1), 63-73.
    17. Dowd, P.A. (1997). The geostatistical characterization of three-dimensional spatial heterogeneity of rock properties at Sellafield. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall.,106, A133-147.
    18. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (1997). Maximum likelihood inference of spatial covariance parameters of soil properties. Soil Science, 163, (3), 212-219.
    19. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (1998) The second order stationary universal kriging model revisited. Mathematical Geology, 30, (4), 347-378.
    20. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (1997). AMLE3D: A computer program for the inference of spatial covariance parameters by approximate maximum likelihood estimation. Computers and Geosciences, 23, (7), 793-805.
    1. Dowd, P.A. and Li, S. (2000) A knowledge and geographical information-based system for the noise impact assessment of surface mining and quarrying projects. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., 109, A1-A13.
    2. Khalokakaie, R., Dowd, P.A. and Fowell, R.J.(2000) Incorporation of slope design in optimal open pit design algorithms Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., 109, A70-A76.
    3. Khalokakaie, R., Dowd, P.A. and Fowell, R.J. (2000) The Lerchs-Grossmann algorithm with variable slope angles. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., 109, A77-A85.
    4. Khalokakaie, R., Dowd, P.A. and Fowell, R.J. (2000). A Windows program for optimal open pit design with variable slope angles. International Journal for Surface Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 14, (4), 261-276.
    5. Li, S., Dowd, P.A. and Birch, W.J. (2000) Application of a knowledge- and geographical information-based system to the environmental impact assessment of an opencast coal mining project. Internat. J. Surface Mining, Reclamation & Environment, 14, (4), 277-294.
    6. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2001) VARIOG2D: a computer program for estimating the variogram and its uncertainty. Computers and Geosciences, 27, (5), 549-562.
    7. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2001) The variance-covariance matrix of the experimental variogram: assessing variogram uncertainty. Mathematical Geology, 33, (4), 397-419.
    8. Xu. C and Dowd, P.A. (2001) Orebody modelling using optimal surface reconstruction. Trans. Instn. Min. Metall., Section B: Applied Earth Science, 110, 110-120
    9. Dowd, P.A. and Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. (2002) FACTOR2D: a Fortran program for factorial cokriging. Computers and Geosciences, 28, 857-875.
    10. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2002) Parametric inference of indicator variograms. LUMA Journal, 15, 85-96.
    11. Dowd, P.A. and Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. (2002) Incorporation of model uncertainty in geostatistical simulation. Geographical and Environmental Modelling, 6, (2), 149-171.
    12. Xu. C. and Dowd, P.A. (2003) Optimal construction and visualisation of geological structures. Computers and Geosciences, 29 (6), 761-773.
    13. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2003) Connectivity analysis of 3D random set models. Computers and Geosciences, 29 (6), 775-785.
    14. Dowd, P.A., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E and Xu, C. (2003) Simulating spatial facies using the truncated plurigaussian method. Computers and Geosciences, 29, (2), 123-141.
    15. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2003) IRFK2D: a computer program for simulating intrinsic random functions of order k. Computers and Geosciences, 29 (6), 753-759.
    16. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2003) Spectral simulation of anisotropic random fields. Computers and Geosciences, 29, (8), 1013-1020.
    17. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V. and Fowell, R.J. (2003). Parametric point intensity estimation for stochastic fracture modelling. LUMA Journal, 16, 85-92.
    18. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2003) Assessment of the uncertainty of spatial covariance parameters of soil properties estimated by maximum likelihood. Soil Science, 168 (11), 769-782.
    1. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2003) Testing for constant spatial mean using the global D-statistic. Computers and Geosciences, 29, (8), 1057-1068.
    2. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2003) Spatial interpolation from noisy and correlated measurements – assessing the measurement and propagation of uncertainty. LUMA Journal16, 43-56.
    3. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2004) Normality tests for spatially correlated data. Mathematical Geology, 36, (6) 659-681.
    4. Pardo-Igúzquiza and Dowd, P.A. (2005) Multiple indicator cokriging with application to optimal sampling for environmental modelling and prediction. Computers and Geosciences, 31, 1-13.
    5. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2005) Empirical Maximum Likelihood Kriging: the general case. Mathematical Geology, 37, (5), 477-492.
    6. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2005) EMLK2D: a computer program for spatial estimation using empirical maximum likelihood kriging. Computers and Geosciences, 31 (3), 361-370.
    7. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. Dowd, P.A. and Grimes, D.I.F. (2005) A moving window automatic approach for mapping meteorological data. International Journal of Climatology, 25, 665-678.
    8. Kumral, M. and Dowd, P.A. (2005) A simulated annealing approach to mine production planning. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 6 (8), 922-930.
    9. Dowd, P.A. and Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. (2005) Estimating the boundary surface between geological formations from 3D seismic data using neural networks and geostatistics. Geophysics, 70, (1), 1-12.
    10. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V., Fowell, R.J. (2006) A connectivity index for discrete fracture networks. Mathematical Geology, 38, (5), 611-634.
    11. Dowd, P.A. and Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. (2006) Core-log integration: optimal geostatistical signal reconstruction from secondary information. Applied Earth Sciences115, (2), 59-70.
    1. Fowell, R. J., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2006) An update on the fracture toughness testing methods related to the chevron-notched Brazilian disk (CCNBD) specimen. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 163, (5-6), 1047-1057.
    2. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V. and Fowell, R. J. (2006) A flexible true plurigaussian code for spatial facies simulations. Computers and Geosciences, 32, (10), 1629-1645.
    3. Mardia, K. V., Walder, A. N., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Fowell, R. J., Nyirongo, V.B. and Kent, J. T. (2007), A line finding assignment problem and rock fracture modelling. Bayesian Statistics and its Applications, Eds. Upadhaya, S.K., Singh, U. and Dey, D.K. Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi; ISBN 10: 1-905740-00-0; ISBN 13: 978-1-905740-00-0. 319-330.
    4. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V., Fowell, R.J. and Taylor, C.C. (2007) Simulating Correlated Marked Point Processes.  Journal of Applied Statistics, 34 (9), 1125-1134.
    5. Dowd, P.A., Xu, C., Mardia, K.V. and Fowell, R. J. (2007) A comparison of methods for the stochastic simulation of rock fractures. Mathematical Geology, 39, (7); 697-714.
    6. Mardia, K.V., Nyirongo, V., Walder, A.N., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Fowell, R.J. and Kent, J.T. (2007) Markov Chain Monte Carlo implementation of rock fracture modelling. Mathematical Geology, 39, (4); 355-381.
    7. Dowd, P.A., Martin, J.A., Mardia, K.V., Fowell, R.J. and Xu, C. (2009) A three-dimensional data set of the fracture network of a granite. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 46, 811-818. 
    8. Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2010) A new computer code for discrete fracture network modelling. Computers and Geosciences, 36, (3), 292-301.
    9. Mohais, R., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2011) Fluid flow and heat transfer within a single horizontal fracture in an Enhanced Geothermal System. Journal of Heat Transfer (Trans. ASME), 133, 112603-1 – 112603-8.
    10. Cetin, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2012) Multi-mineral cut-off grade optimisation by grid search. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 113 (8), 659-665. 
    11. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A., Xu, C. and Durán, J.J. (2012) Stochastic simulation of karst conduit networks. Advances in Water Resources, 35, 141-150.
    12. Mohais, R., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2012) Permeability correction factor for fractures with permeable walls. Geophysical Research Letters39, L03403, doi:10.1029/2011GL050519.
    13. Kumral, M. and Dowd, P.A. (2012) Singular value decomposition as an equation solver in co-kriging matrices. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 112 (10), 853-858.
    14. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Durán-Valsero, Dowd, P.A. , Guardiola-Albert, C. Liñan-Baena, C. and Robledo-Ardila (2012) Estimation of spatio-temporal recharge of aquifers in mountainous karst terrains: application to Sierra de las Nieves (Spain). Journal of Hydrology, 470-471; 124-137.
    15. Dowd, P.A. and Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. (2012) Integration of spatial geophysical data by geostatistical simulation.   Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften (Journal of Geological Sciences), 40, 267-280.
    16. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2013) Comparison of inference methods for estimating semivariogram model parameters and their uncertainty: the case of small data sets. Computers and Gesociences, 50 (A special issue on benchmark problems, datasets and methodologies for the computational geosciences), 154-164. 
    17. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A., Baltuille, J.M. and Chica-Olmo, M.  (2013) Geostatistical modelling of a coal seam for resource risk assessment. International Journal of Coal Geology, 112, 134-140.
    18. Alghalandis, Y.F., Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2013) The RANSAC method for generating fracture networks from micro-seismic event data. Mathematical Geosciences, 45 (2), 207-224.
    19. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. and Wyborn, D. (2013)  Optimisation of a stochastic rock fracture model using Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation. Mining Technology, 122 (3), 153-158. 
    20. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Durán, J.J. and Dowd, P.A. (2013) Automatic detection and delineation of karst terrain depressions and its application in geomorphological mapping and morphometric analysis. Acta Carsologica, 42 (1), 17-24.
    21. Seifollahi, S., Dowd, P.A., Xu, C. and Fadakar, A.Y. (2014) A spatial clustering approach for stochastic fracture network modelling. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering47 (4), 1225-1235. DOI: 10.1007/s00603-013-0456-x.
    22. Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2014) Stochastic fracture propagation modelling for enhanced geothermal systems. Mathematical Geosciences, 46 (6), 665-690. DOI: 10.1007/s11004-014-9542-1.
    23. Seifollahi, S., Dowd, P.A. and Xu (2014) An enhanced stochastic optimization in fracture network modelling conditional on seismic events.  Computers and Geotechnics 61, 85-95. DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2014.05.005.
    24. Natarajan, N., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. and Hand, M. (2014) Numerical modelling of thermal transport and quartz precipitation/dissolution in a coupled fracture-skin-matrix system. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 78, 302-310. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2014.06.085.
    25. Alghalandis, Y.-F., Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2015) Connectivity Field: a measure for characterising fracture networks. Mathematical Geosciences , 47 (1), 63-83. DOI: 10.1007/s11004-014-9520-7.
    26. Olea, R.A., Pardo-Iguzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2015) Robust and resistant semi-variogram modelling using a generalized bootstrap. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 115, 37-44.
    27. Xu. C., Dowd, P.A. and Tian, Z.F. (2015) A simplified coupled hydro-thermal model for enhanced geothermal systems. Applied Energy, 140, 135-145.
    28. Dowd, P.A., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Egozcue, J.J. (2015) The total bootstrap median:a robust and efficient estimator of location and scale for small samples. Journal of Applied Statistics, 42 (6), 1306-1321.
    29. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. and Li, Q. (2016) Carbon sequestration potential of the Habanero reservoir when carbon dioxide is used as the heat exchange fluid. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 8 (1), 50-69. 
    30. Dowd, P.A., Xu, C. and Coward, S. (2016) Strategic mine planning and design: some challenges and strategies for addressing them. Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology, 125 (1), 22-34.
    31. Cetin, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2016) Multiple cut-off grade optimization by genetic algorithms and comparison with grid search method and dynamic programming. J. S. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.161(7), 681-688.
    32. Sepulveda, E., Dowd, P.A., Xu, C. and Addo, E. (2017) Multivariate modelling of geometallurgical variables by Projection Pursuit. Mathematical Geosciences, 49 (1), 121-143.
    33. Wang, H., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A. and Yang, Y. (2017) Optimal estimation of areal values of near-land-surface temperatures for testing global and local spatio-temporal trends. Computers and Geosciences, 106, 109-117.
    34. Adeli, A., Emery, X. and Dowd, P.A. (2018) Geological modelling and validation of geological interpretations via simulation and classification of quantitative covariates. Minerals, 8 (1): 7,  doi:10.3390/min8010007
    35. Wang, Z., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2018) A Modified Cubic Law for single-phase saturated laminar flow in rough rock fractures. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 103, 107-115. DOI: 0.1016/j.ijrmms.2017.12.002.
    36. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A., Ruiz-Constán, A., Martos-Rosillo, S., Luque-Espinar, J.A., Rodríguez-Galiano, V. and Pedrera, A. (2018) Epikarst mapping by remote sensing. Catena, 165, 1-11.
    37. Wang, H., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A. and Yang, Y. (2018) Comparison of statistical methods for testing the hypothesis of constant global mean in spatial statistics. Spatial Statistics, 23, 143-159.
    38. Dong, S., Zeng, L., Dowd, P.A., Xu, C. and Cao, H. (2018) A fast method for fracture intersection detection in discrete fracture networks. Computers and Geotechnics98, 205-216.
    39. Xu, C., Fidelibus, C., Dowd, P.A., Wang, Z. and Tian, Z. (2018) An iterative procedure for the simulation of steady-state fluid flow in rock fracture networks. Engineering Geology, 242, 160-168.
    40. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A., Pulido Bosch, A., Luque-Espinar, J.A., Heredia, J. and Durán-Valsero, J.J. (2018) A parsimonious distributed model for simulating transient water flow in a high-relief karst aquifer. Hydrogeology Journal26, (8), 2617–2627.
    41. Sepulveda, E., Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2018) Fuzzy clustering with spatial correction and its application to geometallurgical domaining. Mathematical Geosciences50, (8), 895-928.
    42. Sepulveda, E., Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2018) The optimisation of block caving production scheduling with geometallurgical uncertainty – a multi-objective approach. Mining Technology, 127 (3), 131-145.
    43. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A., Durán, J.J and Robledo-Ardila, P. (2019) A review of fractals in karst. International Journal of Speleology, 48, (2),  11 - 20.
    44. Sanchez-Morales, J., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Rodríguez-Tovar, F. and Dowd, P.A. (2019) A new method for reconstructing past-climate trends using tree-ring data and kernel smoothing. Dendrochronologia., 55, 1-15. 
    45. Wang, Z., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2019) Perturbation solutions for flow in a slowly varying fracture and the estimation of its transmissivity. Transport in Porous Media, 128, 97-121. DOI: 10.1007/s11242-019-01237-7.
    46. Wang, H., Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2019) A reaction rate model for pyrite oxidation considering the influence of water content and temperature. Minerals Engineering, 134, 345-355.
    47. Hou, J., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. and Li G. (2019) Integrated optimisation of stope boundary and access layout for underground mining operations. Mining Technology, 128, (4), 193-205.  DOI: 10.1080/25726668.2019.1603920.
    48. Dong, S., Zeng, L., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Gao, Z., Mao, Z. and Wang, A. (2019) A novel method for extracting information on pores from cast thin-section images. Computers and Geosciences, 130, 69-83.
    49. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A. and Rizo-Deciles, L.D. (2019) On sinkholes and galaxies: an example of fractal universality. Mathematical Geosciences, 52, 639-650. DOI: 10.1007/s11004-019-09817-5.
    50. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A. and Telbisz, T. (2019) On the size-distribution of solution dolines in carbonate karst: Lognormal or power model? Geomorphology. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.106972.
    51. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2020) Fractal analysis of karst landscapes. Mathematical Geosciences. 52, 543-563. DOI: 10.1007/s11004-019-09803-x.
    52. Wang, Z., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Xiong, F. and Wang, H. (2020) A non-linear version of the Reynolds equation for flow in rock fractures with complex void geometries. Water Resources Research, 56 (2), e2019WR026149. 10.1029/2019WR026149.
    53. Jorreto-Zaguirre, S., Dowd, P.A., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Pulido-Bosch, A. and Sanchez-Martos, F. (2020) Stochastic simulation of the heterogeneity of deltaic hydrofacies accounting for the unertainty of facies proportions. Frontiers in Earth Sciences special edition on Stochastic Modelling in Hydrogeology. pages 92-108. DOI: 10.3389/9/78-2-88971-037-9.
    54. Jeuken, R., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2020) Improving Coal Quality Estimations with Geostatistics and Geophysical Logs. Natural Resources Research, 29, 1-18.
    55. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2020) Identification, delineation and morphometric analysis of closed terrain depressions on Mars. Icarus, 348.
    56. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2020) Maximum entropy spectral analysis of uneven time series in the geosciences.Boletín Geológico y Minero, 131 (2): 325-337.
    57. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2021) Identification and delineation of the Earth’s large-scale closed terrain depressions and their fractal size-distribution. Mathematical Geosciences, 53, 1027-1045.
    58. Li, Y., Sepulveda, E., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. (2021) A Rapid updating method to predict grade heterogeneity at smaller scales. Mathematical Geosciences, 53 (6), 1237-1260.
    59. Xu, C., Dong, S, Wang, H., Wang, Z., Xiong, F., Jiang, Q., Zeng, L., Faulkner, L., Tian, Z. and Dowd, P.A. (2021) Modelling of coupled hydro-thermo-chemical fluid flow through rock fracture networks and Its applications. Geosciences, Special Issue on on Quantitative Fractured Rock Hydrology, 11, 153.
    60. Wang, H., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2021) Modelling the pyrite oxidation level in a refractory gold-bearing stockpile to assess its potential for gold recovery by direct cyanide leaching. Minerals Engineering171, 107089
    61. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Nguyen, N. and Wang, W. (2021) Non-parametric three-dimensional discrete fracture modelling from fracture mapping data. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 131 (3): 401-422. ISSN: 0366 -0176.
    62. Adeli, A., Dowd, P.A., Emery, X. and Xu, C. (2021) Using cokriging to predict metal recovery accounting for non-additivity and preferential sampling designs. Minerals Engineering, 170, 106923.
    63. Sepulveda, E., Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2021) A novel index for quantifying small-scale resource heterogeneity. Mathematical Geosciences, 54, 243-282.
    64. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A. and Naor, R. (2021)  Automatic mapping and spatial analysis of high spatial resolution closed terrain depressions and mounds on Martian landscapes. Icarus, 369. Article 114632.
    65. Wang, H., Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2021) Modelling pyrite oxidation in a refractory gold ore stockpile to estimate the gold recovery via direct cyanide leaching – A case study. Minerals Engineering, 173, 107177.
    66. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2021) Fractal analysis of the Martian landscape: A study of kilometre-scale topographic roughness. Icarus, 372, Article 114727. 
    67. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2021) The mapping of closed depressions and its contribution to the geodiversity inventory. International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 9 (4), 480-495.
    68. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Durán-Valsero, J.J., Dowd, P.A., Luque-Espinar, J.A., Heredia, J., Robledo-Ardila, P.A. (2022) Geodiversity of closed depressions in a high relief karst: geoeducation asset and geotourism resource in the “Sierra de las Nieves” National Park (Málaga province, southern Spain). International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 10 (2), 196-217.
    69. Dowd P.A. (2022) Accuracy and Precision. In: Daya Sagar B.S., Cheng Q., McKinley J., Agterberg F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer, Cham.
    70. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2022) The roughness of Martian topography: a metre-scale, high spatial resolution analysis of six selected areas. Icarus, 384, Article 115109.
    71. Wang, H., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Wang, Z. and Faulkner, L. (2022) Modelling in-situ recovery (ISR) of copper at the Kapunda mine, Australia. Minerals Engineering, 186, Article 107752.
    72. Peukert, D., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2022) A review of sensor-based sorting in mineral processing: the potential benefits of sensor fusion. Minerals: Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 12 (11), 1364;
    73. Abildin, Y., Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. and Adeli, A. (2022) A hybrid framework for modelling domains using quantitative covariates. Applied Computing and Geosciences, 16, Article 100107.
    74. Abulkhair, S., Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2023) Geostatistics in the presence of multivariate complexities: comparison of multi-Gaussian transforms. Mathematical Geosciences, 55 (6), 713-734. DOI: 10.1007/s11004-023-10056-y.
    75. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A., Luque-Espinar, J.A. and Chica-Olmo (2023) Increasing knowledge of the transmissivity field of a detrital aquifer by geostatistical merging of different sources of information. Hydrogeology Journal. DOI:10.1007/s10040-023-02644-3.
    76. Abildin, Y., Xu, C, Dowd, P.A. and Adeli, A. (2023) Geometallurgical Responses on Lithological Domains Modelled by a Hybrid Domaining Framework. Minerals, 13(7), 918;
    77. Chen, J., Lu, T.F., Peukert, D. and Dowd, P.A. (2023) A numerical sensitivity study – The effectiveness of RFID-based ore tracking through a simulated coarse ore stockpile and the impacts of key process variables. Powder Technology, DOI:10.1016/j.powtec.2023.118939.
    78. Dowd, P.A. and Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. (2023) The many forms of co-kriging: a diversity of multivariate spatial estimators. Mathematical Geosciences, DOI: 10.1007/s11004-023-10104-7
    79. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Montillet, J.P., Sanchez-Morales, J., Dowd, P.A., Luque-Espinar, J.A., Darbehesti, N. and Rodriguez-Tova, F.J. (2023) Assessing terrestrial water storage variations in southern Spain using rain fall estimates and GRACE data. Hydrology 10(9), 187. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology10090187.
    80. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Martos-Rosillo, S., Jódar, J and Dowd, P.A. (2024) The spatio-temporal dynamics of water resources (rainfall and snow) in the Sierra Nevado mountain range (Southern Spain). Resources 13 (3), 42.
    81. Baizhiyen, N., Dowd, P.A., Xu, C. amd Lewis, D. (2024) Numerical Investigation of the Applicability of Preferential Grade Deportment by Size. Minerals, 14 (7). 670. 
    82. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2024) Inference of the Gutenberg-Richter b-value: New insights and results. Technophysics, Article number 230486.

    Other Journal Publications

    1. Dowd, P.A. (1994) Estimation and reality: the journey from sampling to mining. The University of Leeds Review, volume 37, 45 - 72. ISBN 0-85316-160-7; ISSN 0041-9737; (Professorial Inaugural Lecture delivered in 1992)
    2. al-Dabbagh, M.H. and Dowd, P.A. (1996) Sukhaybarat Gold Mine, Saudi Arabia. Minerals Industry International, IMM Bulletin, 1031, 16 – 21.
    3. al-Dabbagh, M.H. and Dowd, P.A. (1997) Saudi Arabia’s developing mining industry. Minerals Industry International, IMM Bulletin, 1038, 38-44.
    4. Dowd, P.A. (1998) Change: choices and dilemmas for education, industry and the Institution. International Mining and Minerals, 1, (11), 285-294. (Presidential address to the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy).
    5. Dowd, P.A. (2001) Software innovation. World Coal, 51-53.

    Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings

    1. Dowd, P.A. (1971) Geostatistics - the concepts of kriging and extension and estimation variances. Monograph presented as part of the Proceedings of the Seminar on Statistical Methods in Mining and Mineral Exploration, 39pp. 成人大片, Australia, March 1-3, 1971.
    2. Dowd, P.A. (1973) A digigraphic console program for kriging techniques. in Sturgul, J.R. (ed.) Proceedings of the 11th APCOM Conference, pub. University of Arizona, D1-D9.
    3. Dowd, P.A. (1973) The use of a digigraphic console display as a geological feedback system for ore reserve estimation. in Stapleton, C.A. (ed.) Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing, Institution of Engineers (Australia) International Conference Publication 73/4, Sydney, 83-86.
    4. David, M., Dowd, P.A. and Korobov, S. (1974) Forecasting departure from planning in open pit design and grade control. in Johnson, T.B and Gentry, D.W. (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th APCOM Conference, pub. Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA, F131-F153.
    5. Dowd, P.A. and Elbrond, J. (1975) The sequence of decisions on cut-off grades and rates of production. in Wilke, F. et. al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th APCOM Conference. pub. Verlag Gluckauf, Essen, West Germany, ISBN: 3-7739-0158-5; SI1 - SI13.
    6. Dowd, P.A. and David, M. (1976) Planning from estimates: sensitivity of mine production schedules to estimation methods. in Guarascio, M., David, M. and Huijbregts, C. (eds.) Advanced Geostatistics in the Mining Industry , NATO A.S.I. Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, volume 24, pub D. Reidel Pub. Co., Dordrecht, Netherlands, 163-183. Print ISBN: 978-94-010-1472-4.  Online ISBN: 978-94-010-1470-0.  DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-1470-0_10.
    7. Dowd, P.A. and Royle, A.G. (1977) Geostatistical applications in the Athabasca Tar Sands. in Rose, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the 15th APCOM, pub. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Melbourne, Australia, 235-242.
    8. Dowd, P.A. (1980) Role of certain taxation systems in the management of mineral resources. in Jones, M.J. (ed.) National and International Management of Mineral Resources, pub. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 329-335.
    9. Dowd, P.A. (1983) The variogram and kriging: robust and resistant estimators. in Verly, G. et. al. (eds.) Geostatistics for Natural Resource Characterization Part 1; NATO A.S.I. Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, volume 122, pub. D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Netherlands, 91-106.
    1. Dowd, P.A. (1983) Conditional simulation of inter-related beds in an oil deposit. in Verly, G. et. al. (eds.) Geostatistics for Natural Resource Characterization Part 2; NATO A.S.I. Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, volume 122, pub. D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1031-1044.
    2. Dowd, P.A. and Scott, I.R. (1984) The application of geostatistics to mine planning in a structurally complex silver/lead/zinc orebody. in Jones, M.J. (ed.) Proceedings of the 18th APCOM Conference, pub. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 255-264.
    3. Dowd, P.A. (1985) Algorithms for three-dimensional interpolation between planar slices. in Earnshaw, R.A. (ed.) Fundamental algorithms for computer graphics NATO A.S.I. Series F: Computers and System Sciences, Volume 17, pub. Springer Verlag, Germany, 531-554.
    4. Dowd, P.A. (1985) A review of geostatistical techniques for contouring. in Earnshaw, R.A. (ed.) Fundamental algorithms for computer graphics NATO A.S.I. Series F: Computers and System Sciences, Volume 17, pub. Springer Verlag, West Germany, 483-529.
    5. Dowd, P.A. (1986) Geometrical and geological controls in geostatistical estimation and orebody modelling. Ramani, R.V. (ed.) Proceedings of the 19th APCOM Conference, pub. Jostens Publications, Pennsylvania, USA, Chapter 8, 81-94.
    6. Dowd, P.A. and Scott, I.R. (1986) Geostatistics in the stratigraphic orebodies at Mt. Isa. Proceedings of the 13th Congress of Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Institutions, volume 2: Geology, pub Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 27-36.
    7. Dowd, P.A. (1988) Generalized cross-covariances. Armstrong, M. (ed.) Geostatistics, 1, pub. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 151-162.
    8. Dowd, P.A. (1988) Some observations on confidence intervals and kriging errors. Armstrong, M. (ed.) Geostatistics, 2, pub. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 861-874.
    9. Dowd, P.A., Johnstone, S.A.W. and Bower, J. (1989) The application of structurally controlled geostatistics to the Hilton orebodies, Mt. Isa, Australia. Weiss, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the 21st APCOM Conference, Chapter 28, pub. Society of Mining Engineers of AIME, Colorado, USA, 275-285.
    10. Dowd, P.A. (1989) The design of a rock homogenizing stockpile. Dowd, P.A. (ed.) Mineral Processing in the UK, pub. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 63-82.
    11. Dowd, P.A. (1989) Microcomputer modelling of orebodies for interactive planning. Nemec, V. (ed.) Proceedings of the Mining Pribram of the Czechoslovak Scientific and Technology Society Volume MC/4, 141-155.
    12. Dowd, P.A. (1990) Structural control in stratigraphic orebodies - a constrained kriging approach. Proceedings the 22nd International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industry. Technische Universität Berlin, TUB-Dokumentation, Volume II, ISBN: 3-7983-1374-1; 529 - 540.
    1. Dowd, P.A. and Onur, A.H. (1992) Optimising open-pit design and sequencing. Proceedings of the 23rd APCOM, pub. Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Inc., Littleton, Colorado, USA. 411-422.
    2. Dowd, P.A. (1993) Geological and structural control in kriging. Soares, A. (ed.) Geostatistics Troia ’92, Kluwer Academic Publishers Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics series, volume 2, 923 - 936.
    3. Dowd, P.A. (1993) The simulation of large scale sedimentary structures. Harff and Merriam (eds) Computerized Basin Analysis: The Prognosis of Energy and Mineral Resources, Springer Computer Applications in the Earth Sciences, ISBN 978-1-4615-2826-5; 131 - 144.
    4. Dowd, P.A. (1993) The use of neural networks for spatial simulation. In Dimitrakopolous, R. (ed.) Geostatistics for the Next Century; Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 173-184.
    5. Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (1995) Financial evaluation of mineral deposits, Proc. APCOM XXV: Application of computers and operations research in the minerals industries. Pub. AusIMM Melbourne, Australia, 247-254.
    6. Dowd, P.A. (1995) Structural controls in geostatistical simulation. Proc. Mineral Resource Evaluation '95, Mineral Resource Evaluation II: methods and case histories. Pub. Geological Society (London), ISBN: 1-897799-06-3. 203-226.
    7. Dowd, P.A. (1995) Geostatistical estimation of a section of the Björkdal orebody. Proc. Mineral Resource Evaluation ’95, Mineral Resource Evaluation II: methods and case histories. Pub. Geological Society (London), ISBN: 1-897799-06-3. 43-62.
    8. Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (1995) MINVEST: financial evaluation of mineral resources. Proc. Mineral Resource Evaluation ’95, Mineral Resource Evaluation III: methods and case histories; 77-93.
    9. Dowd, P.A. (1996) Conditional simulation in grade control. Proceedings of the Conference on Mining Geostatistics, Kruger National Park, South Africa, September 1994. Pub. Geostatistical Association of South Africa, July 1996; 11 - 25.
    10. Dowd, P.A. and Li, S. (1996) Development of a Knowledge-based Geographical Information System for the environmental assessment of surface mining projects. Minerals, Metals and the Environment II, pub. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, 65-83.
    11. Dowd, P.A. (1997) Structural controls in the geostatistical simulation of mineral deposits. Geostatistics Wollongong ’96 (Proceedings of the fifth International Geostatistics Congress), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, Volume 2, ISBN: 0-7923-4495-2. 647-657.
    12. Li, S. and Dowd, P.A. (1998) Integrated computer system for environmental impact assessment of surface mining and quarrying projects. Proceedings of APCOM ’98 (27 th International Symposium Computer Applications in the Minerals Industries) pub. Instn. Min. Metall., 125-138.
    13. Dowd, P.A. (1998) Geostatistics in the UK: past, present and future. Keynote address APCOM ’98. Proceedings of APCOM ’98 (27th International Symposium Computer Applications in the Minerals Industries) pub. Instn. Min. Metall., 327-336. Reprinted in International Mining and Minerals.1, (7), 173-178.
    14. Dowd, P.A. (1998) Assessing model uncertainty in geostatistical simulation. Keynote Lecture, 1998 Joint Statistical Meeting of the American Statistical Association, International Biometric Society and the Canadian Statistical Society; Dallas Texas.
    1. Dowd, P.A. (1999) Incorporation of model uncertainty in risk assessment using geostatistical simulation. Proceedings of Geostats-UK ’99, pub University of Leicester, 67-83.
    2. Dowd, P.A. (1999) Reserves and resources: continuity and confidence levels. Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Computer Applications in the Minerals Industries - APCOM’99 (ed. K. Dagdalen), pub Col. School of Mines, ISBN 0-918062-12-8; 93-99.
    3. Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (1999) Financial evaluation of polymetallic mining projects. Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Computer Applications in the Minerals Industries - APCOM’99 (ed. K. Dagdalen), pub Colorado School of Mines, ISBN 0-918062-12-8; 385-392.
    4. Beniscelli, J., Carrasco, P., Dowd, P.A. (2000) Estimation of resources and conversion to reserves - protocols for assessment, reduction and management of risk. Proceedings of MASSMIN2000; 9-16.
    5. Dowd, P.A. (2000) The future of geostatistics: an academic perspective. Invited keynote Lecture at the Sixth International Geostatistics Congress. Proceedings of, the Sixth International Geostatistics Congress (eds Kleingeld, W.J. and Krige, D.G.), vol. 1, 12-25.
    6. Dowd, P.A. (2000) The geostatistical calibration and integration of core, wireline and seismic data. Geostats 2000: Proceedings of the Sixth International Geostatistics Congress (eds Kleingeld, W.J. and Krige, D.G.), vol. 2, 469-478
    7. Dowd, P.A. and Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. (2000) Incorporation of model uncertainty in risk assessment using geostatistical simulation. Geostatistics 2000: Proceedings of the Sixth International Geostatistics Congress (eds Kleingeld, W.J. and Krige, D.G.), vol. 2, 704-714.
    8. Dowd, P.A. (2000) The acceptance of mineral resource extraction: risk analysis, assessment and perception. Presented at, and to be published in the proceedings of, the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Sustainable Mineral Resource Management in Karst Areas. Potoro ñ , Slovenia, 26 September - 1 October 2000.
    9. Dowd, P.A. and Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. (2001) A wireline property index. Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries (APCOM2001), pub. Balkema (eds. Xie, H., Wang, Y. and Jiang, Y.), ISBN 90 5809 174 0; 9-14.
    10. Dowd, P.A., Khalokakaie, R. and Fowell, R.J. (2001) A Windows program for incorporating slope design in open-pit optimisation. (Plenary paper). Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries (APCOM2001), pub. Balkema (eds. Xie, H., Wang, Y. and Jiang, Y.), ISBN 90 5809 174 0; 189-196.
    11. Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2001) Software for the financial evaluation and economic appraisal of mining projects. Invited paper presented at Mining Finance IV (SMi Energy Conference, London, 14-15 March 2001).
    12. Kumral, M and Dowd, P.A. (2002) Short-term production scheduling with multi-objective simulated annealing. Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries (APCOM2002) ed. S. Bandopadhyay; pub. SME, Littleton, Colorado, USA. ISBN 0-87335-219-X. 731-742.
    1. Cetin, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2002) The use of genetic algorithms for multiple cut-off grade optimisation. Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries(APCOM2002) ed. S. Bandopadhyay; pub. SME, Littleton, Colorado, USA. ISBN 0-87335-219-X. 769-780.
    2. Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A.(2002) Optimal orebody and topography modelling. Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries (APCOM2002) ed. S. Bandopadhyay; pub. SME, Littleton, Colorado, USA. ISBN 0-87335-219-X. 743-756.
    3. Al-Dabbagh, M.H. and Dowd, P.A. (2002) The use of GERT to model the development of open-pit gold mines. Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries (APCOM2002) ed. S. Bandopadhyay; pub. SME, Littleton, Colorado, USA. ISBN 0-87335-219-X. 781-796.
    4. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2002) Extensions of, and algorithms for, plurigaussian simulation. Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on the Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries (APCOM2002) ed. S. Bandopadhyay; pub. SME, Littleton, Colorado, USA. ISBN 0-87335-219-X. 757-768.
    5. Dowd, P.A. (2003) The assessment and analysis of financial, technical and environmental risk in mineral resource exploitation. in Deposit and Geo-environmental Models for Resource Exploitation and Environmental Security (eds: A.G. Fabbri, G. Gaal, R.B. McCammon) NATO Science Series 2. Environmental Security, Volume 80. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN HB 1-4020-0989-5, PB 1-4020-0990-9. pages 187-221.
    6. Dare-Bryan, P.C. Dowd, P.A. (2004) Assessing ore loss and ore dilution – quantifying the effects of geological and technical uncertainties. Proceedings of the PACRIM 2004 Conference. Pub. AusIMM (Melbourne, Australia), ISBN: 1 920806 18 0; 473-482.
    7. Dowd, P.A. and Dare-Bryan, P.C. (2004) Planning, designing and optimising using geostatistical simulation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on <em>Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning</em>. Pub AusIMM (Melbourne). ISBN 1 920806 22 9; 321-338.
    8. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2005) On the automatic inference and modelling of a set of indicator covariances and cross-covariances. Presented at the Geostatistics Congress, Banff, Canada, October 2004. Published in Geostatistics Banff – Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics volume 14 (eds. O. Leuangthong and C.V. Deutsch), pub. Springer, Netherlands (ISBN 10-4020-3515-2). 1 185-194.
    9. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2008) Bayesian extension of empirical maximum likelihood kriging. Proceedings of the Eighth International Geostatistics Congress (eds. J.M. Ortiz and X. Emery) pub. Gecamin, ISBN 978-956-8504-17-5. Volume 1, 359-368.
    10. Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A.</strong> (2008) Plurigaussian simulation of rock fractures. Proceedings of the Eighth International Geostatistics Congress (eds. J.M. Ortiz and X. Emery) pub. Gecamin, ISBN 978-956-8504-17-5. Volume 1, 41-50.
    11. Xu, C. and Dowd, P. A. (2009) Conditional simulation of grades controlled by geological indicators. <em>Proceedings of the International Symposium on Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning;</em> pub Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, ISBN 978 1 920806 96 5; 43-50.
    12. Xu, C. and Dowd, P. A. (2009) Fracture simulation for deep crystalline rock, Proceedings of the Australian Geothermal Conference 2009, Brisbane, Nov. 2009, ISBN 978-1-921672-28-6.
    13. Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2009) Edge effect in geostatistical simulations, 2009 Annual Conference of the International Association of Mathematical Geology (IAMG), Stanford University, USA.
    14. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. and Wyborn, D. (2010) Optimised fracture model for the Habanero reservoir. Proceedings of the Australian Geothermal Conference, Adelaide, November 2010, ISBN 978-1-921781-38-4; 98-103.
    15. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. and Wyborn, D. (2011) Optimisation of a stochastic rock fracture model using Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation. Proceedings of the 35th APCOM Conference, Aus IMM, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN 978 1 921522 51 2; 635-642.
    16. Dowd, P.A. (2011) Formulating and solving complex minerals industry optimisation problems - a systems approach to complex systems problems. Invited Keynote paper. Proceedings of the 35th APCOM conference, Aus IMM, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN 978 1 921522 51 2; 29-38.
    17. Mohais, R., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2011) A first estimation of maximum attainable temperature in EGS reservoirs with porous-walled fractures.  XXV International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, 28 June-7 July 2011. Abstract: IASPEI 1488.
    18. Mohais, R., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2011) Case study: Does wall permeability influence the flow and heat transfer in horizontal fractures in an EGS? Abstract H32D-03. Presented at 2011 Fall Meeting AGU, San Francisco, Calif. 5-9 Dec.
    19. Alghalandis, Y.F., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2011) A general framework for fracture intersection analysis: algorithms and practical applications. Proceedings of the 2011 Australian Geothermal Energy conference (Australian Government, Geoscience Australia, GeoCat #73026), 15-20.
    20. Mohais, R., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2011) An analytical model of coupled fluid flow and heat transfer through a fracture with permeable walls in an EGS. Proceedings of the 2011 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference (Australian Government, Geoscience Australia, GeoCat #73026), 175-179.
    21. Dowd, P.A. and Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. (2012) Extensions of the parametric inference of spatial covariances by maximum likelihood. Proceedings of the Ninth International Geostatistics Congress: Quantitatve Geology and Geostatistics series, vol.17 (pub. Springer); eds P Abrahamsen, R. Hauge, O. Kolbjornsen; 129-144. ISBN 978-94-007-4152-2.
    22. Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2012) The edge effect in geostatistical simulations. Proceedings of the Ninth International Geostatistics Congress: Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics series, vol. 17 (pub. Springer); eds P. Abrahamsen, R. Hauge, O, Kolbjornsen; 115-128. ISBN 978-94-007-4152-2.
    23. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mohais, R. and Wyborn, D. (2012) Connectivity analysis of the Habanero Enhanced Geothermal System. Proceedings of the Stanford University Workshop on Geothermal Energy.
    24. Dowd, P.A. and Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. (2012) Geostatistical analysis of rainfall in the west African Sahel. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Geostatistics for environmental applications. (Ed. J. Gómez-Hernández), ISBN: 978-84-8363-924-5; 95-108.
    25. Fadakar A.Y, Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2012) Application of connectivity measures in enhanced geothermal systems. Proceedings of the 2012 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, C. Huddlestone-Holmes, E. Gerner (eds.): 62-66.
    26. Jorreto-Zaguirre, S., Dowd, P.A., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Pulido-Bosch, A. and Sánchez-Martos, F. (2012) Improved geostatistical simulation of the spatial heterogeneity of deltaic hydrofacies for environmental applications. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Geostatistics for environmental applications. (Ed. J. Gómez-Hernández), ISBN: 978-84-8363-924-5; 193-201
    27. Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2012) Stochastic characterisation of enhanced geothermal systems.  Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, August 2012. ISBN 978-0-646-57800-2.
    28. Mohais, R., Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2012) On the effective permeability of fractures with permeable walls. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Aug. 2012. ISBN 978-0-646-57800-2.
    29. Mohais, R., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2012) Fluid flow through branched channels in a fracture plane in an enhanced geothermal system. Accepted for presentation at the ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, Texas, November 2012.
    30. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Olea, R. and Dowd, P.A. (2013) Semi-variogram model inference using median bootstrap statistics.  Mathematics for Planet Earth: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences. Springer Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences (ISBN 978-3-642-32407-9). 79-83 
    31. Coward, S., Dowd. P.A. and Vann, J. (2013) Value chain modelling to evaluate geometallurgical recovery factors. Proceedings of the 36th APCOM Conference; pub. Fundação Luiz Englert, Brazil; ISBN 978-85-61155-02-5; 288-289.
    32. Nicholas, G., Dowd, P.A. and Galli, A. (2013) Hedging strategies for mining companies using real options valuation combined with conditional simulations. Proceedings of the 36th APCOM conference; pub. Fundação Luiz Englert, Brazil; ISBN 978-85-61155-02-5; 299-309.
    33. Fadakar, A.Y., Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2013) Connectivity Index and Connectivity Field: towards fluid flow in fracture-based geothermal reservoirs. Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 11-13, 2013.
    34. Dowd, P.A., Xu, C. and Coward, S. (2014) Strategies for mine planning and design. Orebody modelling and strategic mine planning (SMP2014) Conference Proceedings, 41-50. AusIMM Publications Series No. 13/2014. ISBN 978-1-925100-19-8.
    35. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A. and Fidelibus, C. (2014) Realistic pipe models for flow modelling in Discrete Fracture Networks. Proceedings of the First International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
    36. Xu, C. and Dowd, P.A. (2015) Simulation of heat extraction for the Habanero 1 and 3 doublet using a conditioned discrete fracture network model.  Proceedings of the 2015 World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 19-24 April. CD, ISBN 978-1-877040-02-3.
    37. Coward, S. and Dowd. P.A. (2015) Geometallurgical models for the quantification of uncertainty in mining project value chains. Proceedings of the 37th APCOM Conference; pub. Soc. Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) ISBN 978-0-87335-417-2; 360-69.
    38. Wang, H., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Dowd, P.A. (2015) On testing the hypothesis of constant global mean in Geostatistics. Proceedings of the 2015 International Association for Mathematical Geosciences Conference. ISBN 978-3-00-050337-5; 981-989.
    39. Dowd, P.A. and Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. (2015) Stochastic simulation of spatial hydrofacies accounting for the uncertainty of facies proportions. Proceedings of the 2015 International Association for Mathematical Geosciences Conference. ISBN 978-3-00-050337-5; 1000-1010.
    40. Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2015) Rock fracture network modelling and simulation with particular application to Hot Dry Rock Geothermal reservoirs. in Latest innovations in Mining Education and Research, Section V: New technologies in Mining Engineering, (eds. H. Mischo and C Drebenstedt) 109-119. Pub. Technische Universtat Bergakademie Freiberg. ISBN: 978-3-86012-505-2.
    41. Sepulveda, E., Dowd, P.A., Xu, C. (2015) Modelling geometallurgical response variables using Projection Pursuit regression. Proceedings of PROCEMIN 2015 (11th International Mineral Processing Conference), DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4509.3844.
    42. Dowd, P.A., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Jorreto, S. Polido-Bosch, A. and Sánchez-Martos, F. (2017) Constraining geostatistical simulations of delta hydrofacies using machine correlation. Proceedings of Tenth International Geostatistics Congress. Springer Series Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics, vol. 19.  ISBN: 978-3-319-46818-1; Chapter 62; 893-907.
    43. Dowd, P.A., Wang, H, Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Yang, Y.(2017) Constrained spatial clustering of climate variables for geostatistical reconstruction of optimal time series and spatial fields. Proceedings of Tenth International Geostatistics Congress. Springer Series Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics, vol. 19.  ISBN: 978-3-319-46818-1; Chapter 61; 879-891.
    44. Wang, H., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A. and Yang, Y. (2017) Comparison of trend detection approaches in time series and their application to identify temperature changes in the Valencia region (Eastern Spain).  Proceedings of Tenth International Geostatistics Congress. Springer Series Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics, vol. 19.  ISBN: 978-3-319-46818-1; Chapter 65; 933-946.
    45. Pardo-Igúzquiza, E., Dowd, P.A., Polido-Bosch, A., Luque-Espinar, J.A., Heredia, J. and Durán-Valsero. J. (2019) A parsimonious distributed model for rainfall-discharge simulation in the Karst Modelling Challenge. Advances in Karst Science (Proceedings of Eurokarst 2018). Springer Nature. ISBN 978-3-030-14014-4 (print); 978-3-030-14015-1 (online). 137-143.

    Conference Presentations

    1. Dowd, P.A. (1999) Redefining supply and demand: the future for the mining industry. Chairman’s invited address to the Seminar on Investment in Indian Mining, 10-11 February 1999. 183-188. (Invited presentation)
    2. Beniscelli, J., Carrasco, P., Dowd, P.A., Ferguson, G. and Tulcanaza, E. (2000) Estimation of resources and conversion to reserves - assessment, reduction and management of risk. Presentation at MASMIN, November, 2000
    3. Dowd, P.A., Pardo-Igúzquiza, E. and Xu, C. (2003) Spatial interpolation from noisy and correlated measurements: assessing estimates and propagation of uncertainty. Paper presented at, and published in the proceedings of, UNCERT2003: International conference on uncertainty in measurement sponsored by the National Physical Laboratory, held at St Catherine’s College, Oxford, UK April 2003, 1-16.
    4. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V. and Fowell, R.J. (2003) Stochastic approaches to fracture modelling. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, 7-12 September 2003, Portsmouth, UK.
    5. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V. and Fowell, R.J. (2003) Parametric approaches to stochastic fracture modelling. Paper presented at the Annual Leeds Statistics Workshop held in Leeds 8-10 July 2003. (Invited presentation)
    6. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V., Fowell, R.J. and Taylor, C.C. (2005) Inference for marked point processes. Poster presentation at the 24th Leeds Annual Statistical Research (LASR) Workshop - Quantitative Biology, Shape Analysis and Wavelets; 4-6 July 2005, The University of Leeds; pp. 172-174.

    Monographs, Software Manuals

    1. Dowd, P.A . (1979) Geostatistics - a short course. A workshop course, Conzinc Riotinto of Australia, Melbourne, Australia, 220pp.
    2. Dowd, P.A. (1981) La programmation dynamique et ses applications minières.(monograph) Les cahiers du Centre de Geostatistique, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau, France. 18pp.
    3. Dowd, P.A . (1984) GEOSTAT3 - User's manual: a general three-dimensional estimation and evaluation package. Dept. Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds, 450pp.
    4. Dowd, P.A. (1985) Geostatistics: an introductory course for the National Coal Board. National Coal Board/Dept. of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds, 145pp.
    5. Dowd, P.A. (1986) GEOSTAT2 - User's manual: a general estimation and evaluation package for stratigraphic orebodies and coal seams. Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds, 220pp.
    6. Dowd, P.A. (1993) Basic geostatistics for the mining industry, University of Leeds, (monograph), 226p.
    7. Dowd, P.A. (1993) Hermite polynomial transforms. Leeds University, 48pp, (monograph).
    8. Dowd, P.A. (1994) Geostatistical simulation. University of Leeds, 123pp, (monograph).
    9. Dowd, P.A. (1994) Mine finance and valuation. University of Leeds, 300pp, (monograph).
    10. Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C.(1994) MINVEST - Financial evaluation of mining projects. Manual and software, University of Leeds, 198pp.
    11. Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (1998) MINVEST - Financial evaluation of mining projects. Manual and software (v2.0), University of Leeds, 273p.
    12. Dowd, P.A. and Xu, C. (2005) GeostatWin – Geostatistics for Windows. Manual and software, 成人大片, 427p.

    A Selection of Research Reviews, Research Reports and Other Work

    1. Dowd, P.A. (1971) The application of geostatistics to No. 20 level, New Broken Hill Consolidated, Ltd. Operations Research Department, Zinc Corporation, Conzinc Riotinto of Australia (CRA), Broken Hill, NSW, Australia; 121pp.
    2. Dowd, P.A. (1973) Un ensemble de sous-programmes pour réaliser le krigeage d'un bloc irrégulier. Département de Genie Géologique, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Montréal, Canada, 1972.
    3. Dowd, P.A. L'optimalisation d'une mine à ciel ouvert, 33pp. Département de Genie Géologique, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Montréal, Canada; 19pp.
    4. Dowd, P.A. (1973) La simulation des variables regionalisées, MScA thesis, Département de Genie Géologique, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Montréal, Canada.
    5. Dowd, P.A. (1974) The determination of optimal production rates and cut-off grades. Technical Report No. EP74-R-37, Département de Genie Géologique, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Montréal, Canada; 120pp.
    6. Dowd, P.A. (1974) The use of dynamic programming in cut-off grade determination. Technical Report No. EP74-R-41, Département de Genie Géologique, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Montréal, Canada; 115pp.
    7. Dowd, P.A. (1976-78) Geostatistical evaluation of the Athabasca Tar Sands, Parts 1,2,3 and 4. Technical reports to British Petroleum, Ltd., Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds,; 130pp.
    8. Dowd, P.A. (1977-78) Geostatistical applications to North Sea oil leases, Parts 1,2 and 3. Technical reports to British National Oil Corporation Ltd., Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds; 110pp.
    9. Dowd, P.A. (1978) Advances in geostatistics: numerical methods and their application. PhD thesis, Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, University of Leeds: 420pp.
    1. Dowd, P.A. (1980) A report on the application of geostatistics to Southern B Lode and Western A Lode, Broken Hill, NSW. Part of the CRA/Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Ore Reserve Study, Melbourne, Vic, Australia; 1980. (This report formed part of the study and submission to the Australian government, stock exchange and mining industry for the definition of Ore Reserves); 224pp.
    2. Dowd, P.A. (1981) Relationships between core samples and chip samples in the 1100 orebody, Mt. Isa. Report to Mount Isa Mines Ltd., Australia; 4pp.
    3. Dowd, P.A. (1982) A study of grade accumulations in the Hilton 408 orebody. Report to Mount Isa Mines Ltd., Australia; 12pp.
    4. Dowd, P.A. (1982) Geostatistical evaluation of the Lady Loretta deposit. Report to Mount Isa Mines Ltd., Australia. 19pp.
    5. Dowd, P.A. (1982) Geostatistical study of Hilton 1,2 and 3 orebodies. Report to Mount Isa Mines Ltd., Australia; 24pp.
    6. Dowd, P.A. (1983) Geostatistical study of the Mt. Isa 8 orebody. Report to Mount Isa Mines Ltd., Australia; 11pp.
    7. Dowd, P.A. (1984) A report on a geostatistical study of Shoot 1A (massive ore) Agnew Mine. Report to Agnew Mining Company, Leinster, Western Australia; 86pp.
    8. Dowd, P.A. (1984) A geostatistical study of depth and thickness of a Permian formation. Report for Geological Branch, H.Q. Mining Department, National Coal Board (UK); 36pp.
    9. Dowd, P.A. and Hanusch, A. (1985) A report on magnetite and ilmenite potential in the Haast area leases. Report to Atkinson Mineral Developments, New Zealand; 18pp.
    10. Dowd, P.A. (1986) Reconciliation of geostatistical estimates, Stope 3 Shoot 1A. Report to Agnew Mining Company, Leinster, Western Australia, 16pp.
    11. Dowd, P.A. (1987) Geostatistical evaluation of the Gordon and Bayside leases, Stradbroke Island. Report to Consolidated Rutile, Australia, 32pp.
    12. Dowd, P.A. (1987) A report on a geostatistical study of heavy mineral leases at Consolidated Rutile Ltd, Dunwich. Consolidated Rutile, Australia, 21pp.
    13. Dowd, P.A. (1987) Structurally controlled geostatistics at Hilton Mine. Report to Mt. Isa Mines Ltd, 33pp.
    14. Dowd, P.A. (1988) Wilga orebody: geostatistical study and resource estimation. Report to Macquarie Resources NL (later Denehurst) on the Benambra project, Victoria, Australia, 82pp.
    15. Dowd, P.A. (1990) A geostatistical study and evaluation of the Cinola gold deposit. A report for Barrack Mine Management, Inc., Canada; 47p.
    1. Dowd, P.A. (1991) Geostatistical estimation of the Björkdal gold deposit. Report to Terra Mining AB, Sweden. 38pp.
    2. Dowd, P.A. (1992) Geostatistical estimation of the Björkdal gold deposit. Stage 2 report. Report to Terra Mining AB, Sweden. 68pp.
    3. Dowd, P.A. (1992) Geostatistical estimation of a section of the Pahtavaara gold deposit, Finland. Report to Terra Mining AB, Sweden and Terra Mining Oy, Finland. 51p.
    4. Dowd, P.A. (1992) A comparison of geostatistical estimates with production figures in the Central orebody, Björkdal. Report to Terra Mining AB, Sweden. 32pp.
    5. Dowd, P.A. (1994) Geostatistical estimation of Terra Mining properties. Report to Terra Mining AB, Sweden. 46pp.
    6. Dowd, P.A. (1995) The use of factor analysis to construct a rock quality index. Report to UK Nirex Ltd., 17pp.
    7. Dowd, P.A. and Wade, L. (1995) An appraisal of the mineral resources and mining potential of the Lodève region. A report to COGEMA, France; 52p.
    8. Dowd, P.A. (1995-96) The geostatistical characterization of three-dimensional spatial heterogeneity of rock properties at Sellafield:
      • Phase I Report to UK Nirex Ltd, November 1995, 120pp
      • Phase II Report to UK Nirex Ltd., April 1996, 100pp
      • Phase III Report to UK Nirex Ltd., July 1996, 97pp.
    1. Dowd, P.A. and Ferguson, G.A. (1997-98) Audit of reserve modelling and estimation and of grade control and reconciliation at Escondida.  For Codelco-Chile and Seltrust Associates Ltd. 54pp.
    2. Dowd, P.A. (1998-99) Geostatistical appraisal of the Ersmarksberget mineralisation. Report to Scandinavian Mining AB, November 1998; 28pp. Report no. 2 February 1999, 24p.
    3. Dowd, P.A. (2001) Geostatistical evaluation of the Svärtträsk and Ersmarksberget mineralisations. Report to Scandinavian Mining AB; 21p.
    4. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V., Fowell, R.J. and M. Wang (2002), Preliminary test for fracture detections in rocks, internal technical report 02/R02, Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, The University of Leeds; 31pp.
    5. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V. and Fowell, R.J. (2002) Poisson – A program for spatial point pattern generation, internal technical report 01/R01, Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, The University of Leeds; 23pp.
    6. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V. and Fowell, R.J. (2003), Spatial point density estimation, internal technical report, 03/R02, Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, The University of Leeds; 35pp.
    7. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V. and Fowell, R.J. (2003), Basic analysis of spatial point patterns, internal technical report 03/R01, Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, The University of Leeds; 27pp.
    8. Xu, C., Dowd, P.A., Mardia, K.V., Fowell, R.J. and F. J. W. Podd (2003), X-ray imaging of rock fractures, internal technical report, 03/R05, Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering, The University of Leeds; 30pp.


    Translations and Other Published Contributions

  • Major contributor to, and sole translator from the original French draft, of the textbook, Mining Geostatistics, by Journel, A.G. and Huijbregts, C., 600pp. Academic Press, London, 1978; republished 1990.
  • Editorial consultant and reviewer of Geostatistical Glossary and Multilingual Dictionary; published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands (engaged by publishers); 1990.

    Commercialised software products

    MINVEST: Financial evaluation and risk assessment of mining projects. Includes optimal scheduling (cut-off grades and tonnages), optimal mine life, correlated Monte Carlo simulations for assessing financial and technical risk, assessment of the impacts of various taxation regimes.  Commercialised University of Leeds and university of Adelaide.

    GeostatWIN: Comprehensive geostatistical modelling, estimation, validation and simulation softaware package. Beta version pre-commercialisation.