Professor Peng Bi

Professor Peng Bi
 Position Professor
 Org Unit Public Health
 Telephone +61 8 8313 3583
 Location Floor/Room 4 ,  Rundle Mall Plaza ,   North Terrace
  • Awards & Achievements

    MBBS (AMU), Ph D (QLD)

  • Teaching Interests

    Co-codinator, Global Public Health

    Co-ordinator, MPH Dissertation

  • Research Interests

    Environmental Health

    Infectious Disease Epidemiology

    Emergency Public Health Event Response

    Climate Change and Population Health

  • Research Funding

    Research Grants in Last Six Years

    1.   Pisaniello D, Bi P, Barnett A, Sim M, Heyworth J, Hanson-Easey S, Rowett S, Nitschke M. Occupational injury prevention in high temperature environments. ARC Discovery Project 2016-18

    2.   Bi P, Pisaniello D, Hansen A, Williams S, Hanson-Easey S, Weinstein P, Tan Y, Nursey-Bray M, Nitschke M, Boland J, Han G, Loughan M, Black D, Zhang Y, Wilson L, Davis A, Reeves J, Tong S, Berry H. Vulnerable Communities Network, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, 2014-17

    3.  Bi P, Liu Q, Weinstein P, Cameron S, Hansen A, Williams C, Sun Y, Han G. Building Capacity to curb the public health impact of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases due to climate change in China. AusAID Development Research Awards Scheme, 2013-17

    4.  Bi P, Weinstein P, Arbon P, Nitschke M, Zhang Y, Liu Q, Pan X, Zhang J. Extreme heat and population health in China. Australia-China Science and Research Fund: Group Mission. 2012-13

    5.  Bi P, Newbury J, Robinson G, Pisaniello D, Saniotis A. Assisting rural communities in South Australia adapt to the health challenges of increasing temperatures and climate change ARC Discovery Project 2012-13

    6.   Bi P, Walker I, Nitschke M, Saniotis A, Hansen A, Zhang Y, Hodgetts K. Cognitive and affective barriers to climate change adaptation: Exploring the risk and adaptation appraisals of South Australians to different climate risks. 2011-13, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility and Australian Government Department of Climate Change

    7.  Bi P, Zhang Y, Dear K, Pisaniello D, Weinstein P, Nitschke M, Tucker G, Shakib S. The unfold story of 2009 Adelaide heatwave: risk factors for morbidity and mortality. ARC Linkage Project 2011-13

    8.   Bi P, Saniotis A, Bensen J, Tan Y, Nitschke M, Wilson L, Han G, Smyth V, Hansen A. Extreme heat and climate change: adaptation in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. 2011-13, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility and Australian Government Department of Climate Change

    9.   Bi P, Pisaniello D, Kitson A, Newbury J, Nitschke M, Keen B. Adaptive capabilities in the elderly during extreme heat events in South Australia ARC linkage project 2010-11.

    10. Bi P, Hiller JE, Ryan P, Roder D, Han G. Change disease pattern amongst migrants: A focus on national health priority areas. ARC linkage project 2008-10.

    11. Bi P; Pisaniello D; Parton K; Weinstein P; Han G; Nitschke M; Saniotis A: Heatwaves,    population health, and emergency management in Australia芒聙聭a qualitative ARC linkage project 2009-10.

    12. Bi P, Ryan P, Weinstein P, Pisaniello D, Parton K, Moss J, Braunack-Mayer A. Heatwaves and Population health in Australia major cities: Risk assessment and strategy exploration. ARC Discovery project 2008-11

    13.  Bi P, Ryan P, Pisaniello D, Nitschke M, Curran B. Air pollution, climatic variables and health outcomes (Hospital admission, emergency department attendance and usage of Ambulance services) in Adelaide. Australian Research Council Linkage project, 2006-08

    14. Slaney D, Adlam B, Baker V, Hope V, Nokes C, Sheat A, Tompkins D, McBride G, Ye W, French N, Bi P, Gardner N, Salinger J, Cronin K, Weinstein P. Health Analysis & Information For Action (HAIFA) – A Resource System For Reducing New Zealand’s Vulnerability To Human Health Impacts Of Climate Variation And Change. New Zealand Government, 2008-12

    15. Bi P, Nitschke M, Smyth V, Hanson A, Saniotis A. Risk communication to the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Community in South Australia. Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Program 2013-14 Australian Government Attorney-General Department, Government of South Australia, South Australia Fire and Emergency Services Commission

    16.  Bi P, Kralik D, Arbon P, Pisaniello D, McAslan A, Nitschke M. Building community resilience to deal with health impact of extreme heat events in South Australia. 2011-12, Australian National Natural Disaster Resilience Program supported by the Australian Government Department of Attorney General

    17. Bi P, Williams S, Hansen A, Weinstein P, Nairn J, Beattie C, Bolton S. National Extreme Heat Warnings: Investigating Regional Temperature Triggers and Responses Sponsor: Australian Government Attorney General’s Department. 2014-16

    18. Bi P, Hanson-Easey S, Williams S, Hansen A, Weinstein P, Nairn J, Beattie C. Develop and communicate bushfire and heatwave information to CALD community. Sponsor: Australian Government Attorney General’s Department. 2015-16

    19. Bi P, Nitschke M, Smyth V, Hanson A, Saniotis A. Risk communication to the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Community in South Australia. Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Program 2013-14  Australian Government Attorney-General Department, Government of South Australia, South Australia Fire and Emergency Services Commission


  • Publications

    Selected Publications in Last 6 Years:


    Chapters in Books


    1.       Zhang Y, Wang J, Ma W, Nitschke M, Hansen A, Bi P, Jiang B. Case Study: Improving Population Health in a Rapidly Urbanizing World: Are Older Chinese People Ready to Adapt to Climate Change? In Li M and Wu Y edit. Urbanization and Public Health in China pp.267-298. doi: 10.1142/9781783268559_0013 World Scientific 2016 ISBN: 978-1-78326-854-2

    2.       Anikeeva O, Bi P, Roder D, Han G. Immigrant Cancer Mortality in Australia. In Migration, Health, and Survival--International Perspectives, edited by Frank Trovato, Elgar publishers 2016

    3.       Weinstein P, Bi P. Climate Change, Ross River virus infection and Biodervisity. In Health of People, Places and Planet Edited by Colin Butler, Jane Dixon and Anthony Capon. ANU Press. ISBN 9781925022407, 2015

    4.       Hansen A, Hanson-Easey S, Bi P. Support for adaptation in culturally and linguistically diverse communities. In Climate change adaptation by community-based health and social service organisations, edited by Rae Walker. CSIRO Publishing November 2014

    5.       Hansen A, Nitschke M, Bi P. Adaptation to Extreme Heat and Climate Change in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities. In Applied climate change adaptation research, edited by Jean Palutikof, Jon Barnett, Sarah Boulter, David Rissik. John Wiley Press, 2014

    6.       Zhang Y Hansen A, Bi P. Chapter 1: Climate Change and the Transmission of Vector-Borne Diseases. In edited book: Viral Infection and Climate Change, edited by S Singh, John Wiley & Sons/Wiley Blackwell Press, 2014, Page 2-23. ISBN: 978-1-118-29787-2

    7.       Zhang Y, Bi P, Hiller JE, Sun Y, Jiang B. Impact of climate variations on malaria in China—Past, Present and Future. In edited book: "Malaria: Etiology, Pathogenesis and Treatments". New York: Nova Sciences Publishers Inc. ISBN: 9781600219986. February 2011

    8.       Zhang Y, Bi P, Jiang B. Climate Variability and Population Health in China: Updated Knowledge, Challenges and Opportunities. In: Climate Change - Socioeconomic Effects. Ed. Houshang Kheradmand: InTech Open Access Publisher. ISBN: 9789533074191. 2011

    9.       Hansen A, Saniotis A, Bi P. Climate Change and Population Health: Possible Future Scenarios. In edited book:" Climate Change Book 4". Vienna: InTech Open Access Publisher. ISBN: 9789533074191. January 2011


     Peer-reviewed Journals


    1.      Nitschke M, Appleton S, Li Q, Tucker G, Shah P, Bi P, Pisaniello D, Adams R. Lung function reductions associated with motor vehicle density in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cross-sectional study Respiratory Research 2016, accepted on 11 October 2016

    2.       Xiang J, Hansen A, Liu Q, Liu X, Tong X, Sun Y, Cameron S, Hanson-Easey S, Han S, Williams C, Weinstein P, Bi P. Association between Dengue fever incidence and meteorological factors in Guangzhou, China, 2005-2014. Environment Research In Press: accepted date 30 September 2016

    3.       Shao W, Wang S, Lu L, Bi P, Lv M, Liu Q. The epidemiological characteristics and dynamic transmission of dengue in China, 2013. PLOS NTD, doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005095 7 November 2016

    4.       Li M, Bi P, Chow E, Donovan B, McNulty A, Fehler G, Loff B, Shahkhan H, Fairley, K. Trends and predictors of recent HIV testing over 22 years among a clinic sample of men who have sex with men in South Australia. Sexual Health. SH16091 Accepted on 26 September 2016

    5.       Li M, Bi P, Waddle R, Chow E, Donovan B, McNulty A, Fehler G, Loff B, Shahkhan H, Fairley, K. Seasonal variation in gonorrhoea among men who have sex with men. Sexual Health, 2016

    6.       Milazzo A, Giles L, Koehler A, Zhang Y, Hiller J, Bi P. Factors influencing knowledge, food safety practices and food preferences of Salmonella and Campylobacter cases during warm weather in South Australia. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease accepted date: 11 November 2016

    7.       Chen K; Glonek G; Hansen A; Williams S; Tuke J; Salter A; Bi P.  The Effects of Air Pollution on Asthma Hospital Admissions in Adelaide, South Australia, 2003–2013: Time-Series and Case-crossover Analyses. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2016; doi: 10.1111/cea.12795

    8.       Nitschke M, Tucker G, Hansen A, Williams S, Zhang Y, Bi P. Evaluation of a heat warning system in Adelaide, South Australia, using case-series analysis. BMJ Open 2016; doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012125

    9.       Williams S, Hanson S, Robinson G, Bi P. Heat Adaptation and Place: Experiences in South Australian Rural Communities. Regional Environmental Change 2016; doi: 10.1007/s10113-016-1011-6

    10.     Zhang Y, Nitschke M, Krackowizer A, Dear K, Pisaniello D, Weinstein P, Tucker G, Sepehr S, Bi P. Risk factors for deaths during the 2009 heat wave in Adelaide, Australia: A matched case-control study. Int J Biometeorology 2016; doi: 10.1007/s00484-016-1189-9

    11.     Zhang Y, Nitschke M, Krackowizer A, Dear K, Pisaniello D, Weinstein P, Tucker G, Sepehr S, Bi P. Risk factors of direct heat-related hospital admissions during the 2009 heat wave in Adelaide, Australia: A matched case-control study. BMJ Open. 2016; doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010666

    12.     Tong M, Hansen A, Hanson-Easey S, Cameron S, Xiang J, Liu Q, Sun Y, Weinstein P, Han G, Williams C, Bi P. Perceptions of Capacity for Infectious Disease Control and Prevention to Meet the Challenges of Dengue Fever in the Face of Climate Change: A Survey among CDC Staff in Guangdong Province, China. Environmental Research 2016; July; 148:295-302; doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2016.03.043. Epub 2016 April 16

    13.     Xu Y, Zhao X, Li Y, Ding X, Yang H, Bi P, Sun Y. The risk and protective factors in the development of childhood social anxiety symptoms among Chinese children. Psychiatry Research. 2016; 240: 103-09

    14.     Milazzo A, Giles L, Koehler A, Zhang Y, Hiller J, Bi P. Do heatwaves differentially affect risk of Salmonella serotypes? Journal of Infection 2016;

    15.     Xiang J, Hanson A, Pisaniello D, Bi P. Workers’ perceptions of climate change related extreme heat exposure in South Australia: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health. 2016; doi: 

    16.     Tong M, Hansen A, Hanson-Easey S, Cameron S, Xiang J, Liu Q, Sun Y, Weinstein P, Han G, Williams C, Bi P. Infectious Diseases, Urbanization and Climate Change: Challenges in Future China. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015; doi: 10.3390/ijerph120x0000x

    17.     Milazzo A, Giles L, Koehler A, Zhang Y, Hiller J, Bi P. The effect of temperature on different Salmonella serotypes during warm seasons in a Mediterranean climate city, Australia. Epidemiology and Infection, 2015; doi: 10.1017/S0950268815002587

    18.     Xiang J, Hansen A, Pisaniello D, Bi P. Perceptions of workplace heat exposure and controls among occupational hygienists and relevant specialists in Australia. PLOS ONE 2015; 10(8):1-12

    19.     Li M, Gu S, Bi P, Yang J, Liu Q. Heat waves and morbidity: current knowledge and further direction-A comprehensive literature review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12(5), 5256-5283; doi: 10.3390/ijerph120505256

    20.     Xiang J, Hansen A, Pisaniello D, Bi P. Extreme heat and occupational heat illnesses in South Australia, 2001-2010. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2015; doi: 10.1136/oemed-2014-102706

    21.     Hansen A, Cameron S, Liu Q, Sun Y, Weinstein P, Williams C, Han G, Bi P. Transmission of Haemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in China and the Role of Climate Factors: A Review. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2015 33: e212-218

    22.     Li M, Bi P, Waddle R, Chow E, Donovan B, McNulty A, Fehler G, Loff B, Shahkhan H, Fairley, K. Was an epidemic of gonorrhoea among heterosexuals attending an Adelaide sexual health clinic associated with variations in sex work policing policy? Sexually Transmitted Infections. 16 November, 2015; doi:10.1136/sextrans-2014-051918

    23.     Feng F, Lu SS, Hu CY, Gong FF, Qian ZZ, Yang HY, Wu YL, Zhao YY, Bi P, Sun YH茫聙聜 Association between apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism and depression. J Clin Neurosci. 2015 Aug;22(8):1232-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2015.02.012.            J Clin Neurosci. 2015 August; 22(8):1232-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2015.02.012

    24.     Sang S, Gu S, Bi P, Yang W, Yang Z, Xu L, Yang J, Liu X, Jiang T, Wu H, Chu C, Liu Q. Predicting unprecedented dengue outbreak using imported cases and climatic factors in Guangzhou, 2014. PLOS NTD 2015: 9(5): e0003808. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003808

    25.     Hanson-Easey S, Hansen A, Williams S, Bi P. Speaking of climate change: A discursive analysis of lay understandings. Science Communication. 2015; 37 (2): 217-239

    26.     Tian H, Bi P, Cazelles B, Zhou S, Huang S, Yang J, Pei Y, Wu X, Fu S, Tong S, Wang H, Xu B. How environmental conditions impact mosquito ecology and Japanese encephalitis: an eco-epidemiological approach. Environmental International 2015; doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2015.03.002

    27.     Tian H, Bi P, Cazelles B, Zhou S, Huang S, Yang J, Pei Y, Wu X, Fu S, Tong S, Wang H, Xu B. Abrupt change of rodent abundance and weather conditions drive hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome outbreaks in Xi’an, China, 2005–2012. PLOS NTD 2015; doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003530

    28.     Wei J, Hansen A, Liu Q, Sun Y, Weinstein P, Bi P. The Effect of meteorological variables on the Transmission of hand, foot and mouth disease in four major cities of Shanxi Province, China: a time series data analysis (2008-2013). PLOS NTD. 2015; doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003572

    29.     Saniotis A, Hansen A, Kralik D, Arbon P, Nitschke M, Bi P. Building community resilience to heatwave in South Australia. Transactions of Royal Society of South Australia. 2015; 139(1): 113-120

    30.     Zhang W, Wang L, Li Y, Yin W, Hu W, Magalhaes R, Ding F, Sun H, Zhou H, Li S, Haque U, Tong S, Glass G, Bi P, Clements A, Liu Q, Li C. Spatiotemporal transmission dynamics of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in China, 2005-2012 PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2014, 8 (11)e3344

    31.     Wei J, Hansen A, Zhang Y, Li H, Liu Q, Sun Y, Bi P. Perception, attitude and behavior in relation to climate change: a survey among CDC health professionals in Shanxi Province, China. Environmental Research. 10/2014; 134:301–308. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2014.08.006

    32.     Wei J, Hansen A, Zhang Y, Li H, Liu Q, Sun Y, Bi P. The Impact of Climate Change on Infectious Disease Transmission: Perceptions of CDC Health Professionals in Shanxi Province, China. PLOS ONE. October 06, 2014; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109476

    33.     Li Y, Cheng Y, Cui G, Peng C, Xu Y, Wang Y, Liu Y, Liu J, Li C, Wu Z, Bi P, Jin Y. Association between high temperature and mortality in metropolitan areas of four cities in various climatic zones in China: a time-series study. Environ Health. 2014 August 7;13:65. doi: 10.1186/1476-069X-13-65

    34.     Wang L, Hu W, Magalhaes R, Bi P, Ding F, Sun H, Li S, Yin W, Wei L, Liu Q, Haque U, Clements A, Zhang W, Li C. The role of environmental factors in the spatial distribution of Japanese Encephalitis in mainland China. Environment International 2014 July 25;73C:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2014.07.004

    35.     Wu YL, Yang HY, Wang J, Yao H, Zhao X, Chen J, Ding XX, Zhang HB, Bi P, Sun YH. Prevalence of suicidal ideation and associated factors among HIV-positive MSM in Anhui, China. Int J STD AIDS. 2014 July 23. doi: 10.1177/0956462414544722

    36.     Sang S, Yin W, Bi P, Zhang H, Wang C, Liu X, Chen B, Yang W, Liu Q. Predicting local dengue transmission in Guangzhou, China, through the influence of imported cases, mosquito density, climate variability. PLOS ONE 2014 July 14;9(7):e102755. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102755  

    37.     Hansen A, Bi P, Nitschke M, Saniotis A, Benson J, Tan Y, Smyth V, Wilson L, Han G, Mwanri L. Extreme heat and cultural and linguistic minorities in Australia: Perceptions of stakeholders. BMC Public Health 2014 June 3;14:550. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-550

    38.     Bai L, Ding G, Gu S, Bi P, Su B, Qin D, Xu X, Liu Q. The effects of summer temperature and heat waves on heat-related illness in a coastal city of China, 2011-2013. Environmental Research, 2014 May 7;132C:212-219. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2014.04.002

    39.     Hansen A, Nitschke M, Bi P, Pisaniello D, Newbury J, Kitson A, Tucker G, Avery J, Dal Grande E, Zhang Y, Kelsall, L. Heat-health behaviours of older people in two Australian states. Australasian Journal on Ageing 2014; doi: 10.1111/ajag.12134.

    40.     Xiang J, Bi P, Pisaniello D, Hansen A. The impact of heatwaves on workers' health and safety in Adelaide, South Australia.  Environmental Research 2014 August; 133:90-5. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2014.04.042. 

    41.     Wu YL, Yang HY, Ding XX, Zhao X, Chen J, Bi P, Sun YH. Association between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism and epilepsy susceptibility: A meta-analysis. Seizure 2014 February 2; doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2014.01.018.

    42.     Xiang J, Bi P, Pisaniello D, Hansen A. Health Impacts of Workplace Heat Exposure: An Epidemiological Review. Industrial Health, 2014; 52: 91-101

    43.     Anikeeva O, Bi P, Hiller JE, Ryan P, Roder D, Han GS. Trends in migrant mortality rates in Australia 1981-2007: a focus on the National Health Priority Areas other than cancer. Ethnicity and Health, 2014 February 6. PMID: 24498932

    44.     Xiang J, BI P, Pisaniello D, Hansen Al, Sullivan T. Association between high temperature and work-related injuries in Adelaide, South Australia, 2001-2010. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013; doi: 10.1136/oemed-2013-101584

    45.     Mahato PK, Bi P, Burgess T. Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) services and its role in HIV/AIDS prevention and management in Nepal. South East Asia Journal of Public Health 2013 3(1): 10-16              

    46.     Nitschke M, Hansen A, Bi P, Pisaniello D, Newbury J, Kitson A, Tucker G, Avery J, Dal Grande E: Risk factors, health effects and behaviour in older people during extreme heat: a survey in South Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2013, 10(12):6721-33; doi: 10.3390/ijerph10126721

    47.     Williams S, Bi P, Newbury J, Robinson G, Pisaniello D, Saniotis A, Hansen A. Extreme Heat and Health: Perspectives from health service providers in rural and remote communities in South Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2013, 10(11), 5565-83; doi: 10.3390/ijerph10115565

    48.     Miller E, Moore J, Bi P. Harm Reduction Behind Bars: Prison Worker Perspectives. SAGE Open 2013; doi: 10.1177/2158244013494209

    49.     Akompab DA, Bi P, Williams S, Grant J, Walker I, Augoustinos M. Awareness of and attitude towards heat waves in the context of climate change among a cohort of residents in Adelaide, Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2013, 10(1), 1-17; doi: 10.3390/ijerph10010001

    50.     Akompab DA, Bi P, Williams S, Saniotis A, Walker I, Augoustinos M. Engaging stakeholders in an adaptation process: Governance and Institutional Arrangements in Heat-health policy development in Adelaide, Australia. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2012; doi: 10.1007/s11027-012-9404-4

    51.     Wang L, Zhang W, Ding F, Hu W, Sun H, Magalhaes R, Li Y, Zou W, Wang Y, Liu Q, Li S, Yin W, Huang L, Clements A, Bi P. Spatiotemporal patterns of Japanese encephalitis in China, 2002-2010. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2013 June 20;7(6):e2285; doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002285

    52.     Akompab DA, Bi P, Williams S, Saniotis A, Walker I, Augoustinos M. Heat Waves and Climate Change: Applying the Health Belief Model to Identify Predictors of Risk Perception and Adaptive Behaviours in Adelaide, Australia. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2013, 10(6), 2164-2184; doi: 10.3390/ijerph10062164

    53.     Zhang Y, Nitschke M, Bi P. Risk factors for direct heat-related hospitalization during the 2009 Adelaide heatwave: A case-crossover study. Science of the Total Environment 2013; 442:1-5

    54.     Akompab DA, Bi P, Williams S, Saniotis A, Walker I, Augoustinos M. (2012) Climate change, community understanding and emotional responses to the impacts of heat waves in Adelaide, Australia. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.109-126

    55.     Liu X, Jiang B, Bi P, Yang W, Liu Q. Prevalence of Haemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in mainland China: Analysis of National Surveillance Data, 2004-09. Epidemiology and Infection 2012; doi: 10.1017/s0950268811001063

    56.     Theriault N, Bi P, Hiller J, Nor M. Use of web 2.0 to recruit Australian gay men to an online HIV/AIDS survey. J Med Internet Res 2012; doi: 10.2196/jmir.1819

    57.     Zhang Y, Bi P, Sun Y, Hiller JE. Projected Years Lost due to Disabilities (YLDs) for bacillary dysentery related to increased temperature in temperate and subtropical cities of China. Environ. Monit., 2012, 14 (2), 510 – 516

    58.     Williams S, Nitschke M, Parton KA, Weinstein P, Bi P. The Impact of Summer Temperatures and Heatwaves on Mortality and Morbidity in Perth, Australia 1994-2008 Environment International, 2012, 40:33-38

    59.     Hansen A, Bi P, Nitschke M, Pisaniello D, Ryan P, Sullivan T, Barnett A. Particulate air pollution and cardiorespiratory hospital admissions in a temperate Australian city: A case-crossover analysis. Sciences of The Total Environment, 2012; doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.09.027

    60.     Zhang Y, Bi P, Hiller JE. Projected burden of disease for Salmonella infection due to increased temperature in Australian temperate and subtropical regions. Environment International. 2012, 44:26-30

    61.     Mahmood A, Bauze A, Lokhorst J, Saniotis A, Bi P. Influence of living arrangements on health services utilisation in Australia. Australian Health Review, 2012, 36: 34-38

    62.     Williams S, Nitschke M, Parton KA, Weinstein P, Bi P. Heat and Health in Adelaide, South Australia Sciences of The Total Environment, 2012; 414:126-133

    63.     Anikeeva O, Bi P, Hiller JE, Ryan P, Roder D, Han GS. Trends in cancer mortality rates amongst migrants in Australia: 1981-2007, Cancer Epidemiology, 2012; 36 (2): 74-82

    64.     Hansen A, Bi P, Nitschke M, Pisaniello D, Newbury J, Kitson A. Perception of heat-susceptivity in elder persons: barriers for adaptation. International Journal of Public and Environmental Health.2011; 8(12):4714-4728

    65.     Williams S, Nitschke M, Sullivan T, Bi P. Extreme Heat Arrangements in South Australia: An Assessment of Trigger Temperatures. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 2011, s21-s27

    66.     Hansen A, Bi P, Nitschke M, Pisaniello D, Newbury J, Kitson A, McDougall A. Older persons and heat-susceptibility: the role of health promotion in a changing climate. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 2011: s17-s20

    67.     Nitschke M, Tucker G, Hansen A, Williams S, Zhang Y, Bi P. Impact of two recent extreme heat episodes on morbidity and mortality in Adelaide, South Australia: a case-series analysis. BMC Environmental Health, 2011: 10 (42): 1-9

    68.     Bi P, Williams S, Loughnan M, Lloyd G, Hansen A, Kjellstrom T, Dear K, Saniotis A. The effects of extreme heat on human mortality and morbidity in Australia: implications for public health, Asian and Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2011, 23: s27-36

    69.     Harley D, Bi P, Hall G, Swaminathan A, Tong S, Williams C. Climate change and infectious diseases in Australia: future prospects, adaptation options and research priorities. Asian and Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2011, 23: s54-s66

    70.     Blashki G, Armstrong G, Berry H, Weaver HJ, Hanna EG, Bi P, Harley D, Spickett J. Preparing Health Services for Climate Change in Australia. Asian and Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2011, 23: s133-s143

    71.     Zhang Y, Bi P, Hiller J. Meteorological variables and malaria in a Chinese temperate city: A twenty-year time-series data analysis, Environment International 2010; 36: 439-45 59.  

    72.     Zhang W, Guo W, Li C, Fang L, Bi P, Glass G, Tong S, Cao W. Climate variability and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome transmission in north-eastern China. Environmental Health Perspectives 2010, 118: 915-920

    73.     Anikeeva O, Bi P, Hiller J, Ryan P, Roder D, Han G. Health status of migrants in Australia: A Review.  The Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2010; 22 (2): 159-193

    74.    Zhang Y, Bi P, Hiller JE. Climate variability and Salmonella infections: A comparison between tropical and sub-tropical regions in Australia. Sciences of Total Environment, 2010; 408: 524-530


  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesMedicine & Medical Research
    ExpertiseClimate change and population health; environmental epidemiology; infectious disease epidemiology
    NotesAlt phone: (08) 8303 4637

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