Dr Peter Hill

Dr Peter Hill
 Position Professor
 Org Unit School of Animal and Veterinary Science
 Email p.hill@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 1999
 Location Floor/Room G ,  Companion Animal Health Centre ,   Roseworthy
  • Biography/ Background

    Dr. Peter Hill is a UK veterinary graduate with 25 years experience of general practice, specialist referral work and research.  He graduated from the University of Liverpool in 1986.  After spending 5 years in a UK small animal hospital, he trained as a veterinary dermatologist at the University of Madison-Wisconsin in the USA.  He then completed a PhD at the University of Edinburgh  before becoming a lecturer in Veterinary Dermatology.  After 11 years at Edinburgh, during which time he spent 3 years as the Hospital Director, he moved to the University of Bristol as a Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Dermatology.  In 2009, Peter emigrated to Australia with his family to take up a post as a specialist dermatologist in a Sydney referral centre.  In 2010, he moved back into academia to take up his current post at the 成人大片.  Peter is Associate Professor in Veterinary Dermatology and Immunology and Head of the Department of Companion Animal Health.  Peter Hill is the only veterinary dermatologist in the world to have been board certified as a Diplomate in the UK, Europe and the USA, as well as having a PhD.

  • Qualifications

    BVSc (Hons) - Liverpool University

    PhD - University of Edinburgh

    DVD - Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

    DipACVD  - American College of Veterinary Dermatology

    Dip ECVD - European College of Veterinary Dermatology

    MANZCVS – Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists

  • Teaching Interests

    Dr Hill has taught undergraduate and postgraduate veterinary students at four different Universities.  His primary teaching interest is dermatology, but he has also taught immunology, endocrinology and basic clinical skills.  He has also trained 9 dermatology residents.  Peter has given over 200 invited talks and presentations and has spoken in the UK, USA, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, Sweden and Japan.  In 2007, Peter won the Marbocyl achievement award for excellence in teaching as voted for by 4th and 5th year veterinary students at Bristol University.

  • Research Interests

    Dr Hill’s research career has focused on the pathogenesis and treatment of allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats, with particular emphasis on the role of IgE, IgG, mast cells, allergen-specific T cells and commensal microorganisms.  His studies have focused on the interaction between house dust mites, staphylococci, Malassezia organisms and canine skin, as well as treatment modalities for canine atopic dermatitis.

  • Publications

    Dr Hill has written two textbooks and published over 100 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters.

    Whole books

    Hill PB.  Small Animal Dermatology: A practical guide to the diagnosis and management of skin diseases in dogs and cats, 2002, Butterworth Heinemann (a textbook for undergraduates and veterinary practitioners, 326 pages).


    DeBoer DJ, Affolter V and Hill PB (editors).  Advances in Veterinary Dermatology:  Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, 2008.  Wiley Blackwell.


    Hill PB, Shawcross GJG and Warman S (editors).  100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell (a textbook for veterinary students and general practitioners, 432 pages, also translated into French – Les 100 Consultations, Les plus frequentes en medicine des animaux de compagnie).


    Book Chapters

    1. Hill PB.   Clinical Approach to Pruritus in the Dog.  Canine Medicine and Therapeutics, 4th Edition, 1998, pp 888-895.


    2. Mischke R, Adilovic E, Neuber A, Thompson H and Hill PB.  Dermatomykosen, Dermatophytosen, Hautpilzerkrankungen (Mikrosporie, Trichophytie, Glatzflechte).  Sonderdruck aus Handlexikon der Tierärztlichen Praxis, 2005 pp178a-178s.


    3. Burns DA, Cox NH and Hill PB  Chapter 2, Comparative Dermatology. In Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology, 8th Edition, 2010, Wiley Blackwell (a 4 volume standard text on human dermatology)


    4. Hill PB.  Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in small animal general practice.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    5. Hill PB.  The itchy dog.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    6. Hill PB.  The itchy cat.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    7. Hill PB.  Diagnosing and treating skin diseases caused by ectoparasites.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    8. Hill PB.  The dog with demodicosis.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    9. Hill PB.  The dog with pyoderma or Malassezia dermatitis.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    10. Hill PB.  The atopic dog.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    11. Hill PB.  The dog with a hot spot. In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    12. Hill PB.  The dog with acral lick dermatitis (lick granuloma).  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    13. Hill PB.  Anal sac problems.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    14. Hill PB.  Ear infections.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    15. Hill PB.  Pododermatitis.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    16. Hill PB.  The dog or cat with a cutaneous lump or swelling.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    17. Hill PB.  The dog with urticaria or angioedema.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    18. Hill PB.  The cat bite abscess.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    19. Hill PB.  Lipomas.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    20. Hill PB.  The dog with a histiocytoma.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    21. Hill PB.  Mast cell tumours.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    22. Hill PB.  Sebaceous adenomas and follicular cysts.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    23. Hill PB.  The dog that is losing hair.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    24. Hill PB.  Dermatophytosis.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    25. Redrobe S and Hill PB.  Skin problems in non dog/cat species.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    26. Carter J and Hill PB.  Eyelid problems.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    27. Hill PB.  Burns.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    28. Hill PB.  Rational use of glucocorticoids.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    29. Hill PB and Warman S.  Interpretation of haematology and biochemistry profiles.  In 100 Top Consultations in Small Animal General Practice, 2011, Wiley Blackwell.


    30. Hill PB.  The skin immune system.  In Small Animal Dermatology, eds. Miller, Griffin and Campbell 2013, Elsevier. (the standard text for companion animal dermatology)


    31. Hill PB.  Canine urticaria and angioedema.  In Veterinary Allergy, eds. Noli, Foster and Rosencrantz, 2014, John Wiley





    1. Hill PB and Steinberg H.  Difficult Dermatologic Diagnosis (Pemphigus foliaceus and Scabies in a dog).  Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1993, 202: 873 874.


    2. Hill PB and Moriello KA.  Canine Pyoderma.  Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1994, 204: 334-340.


    3. Hill PB and DeBoer DJ. Quantification of serum total IgE concentration in dogs by use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay containing murine anti-canine IgE.  American Journal of Veterinary Research, 1994, 55: 944-948.


    4. Hill PB, Moriello KA and DeBoer DJ.  Concentrations of total serum IgE, IgA and IgG in atopic and parasitized dogs.  Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 1995, 44: 105-113


    5. Hill PB, Moriello KA and Shaw SE.  A Review of Systemic Antifungal Agents.  Veterinary Dermatology, 1995, 6: 59-66.


    6. Hill PB, MacDonald AJ, Thornton EM, Newlands GFJ, Galli SJ and Miller HRP. Stem cell factor enhances immunoglobulin E-dependent mediator release from cultured rat bone marrow-derived mast cells:  activation of previously unresponsive cells demonstrated by a novel ELISPOT assay.  Immunology, 1996, 87: 326-333.


    7. Hill PB, Martin RJ and Miller HRP. Characterization of whole-cell currents in mucosal and connective tissue rat mast cells using amphotericin B perforated patches and temperature control.  European Journal of Physiology (Pflugers Archiv), 1996, 432: 986-994.


    8. Hill PB and Thornton EM. Detection of mediator release from rat bone marrow-derived mast cells using a novel ELISPOT assay. Advances in Veterinary Dermatology - Volume 3, 1998, 223-233.


    9. Hill PB and Martin RJ.  A review of mast cell biology. Veterinary Dermatology, 1998, 9:145-166.


    10. Tasker S, Griffon DJ, Nuttall TJ and Hill PB. Resolution of paraneoplastic alopecia following surgical removal of a pancreatic carcinoma in a cat. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 1998, 40:16-19.


    11. Hill PB.  A Practical Approach to Feline Symmetrical Alopecia. In Practice, 1998, 20:478-484.


    12. DeBoer DJ and Hill PB. Serum immunoglobulin E concentrations in West Highland White Terrier puppies do not predict development of atopic dermatitis. Veterinary Dermatology 1999, 10:275-281.


    13. Hill PB.  Diagnosing cutaneous food allergies in dogs and cats - some practical considerations.  In Practice, 1999, 21:287-294.


    14. Hill PB.  What is your diagnosis? Lipoma, follicular cyst and mast cell tumour.  Journal of Small Animal Practice, 1999, 40:306.


    15. Hill PB. Dealing with pruritus in dogs: Let’s get back to basics.  Veterinary Review, 1999, 51:34-39.


    16. Auxilia ST and Hill PB.  Mast cell distribution, epidermal thickness and hair follicle density in normal canine skin:  possible explanations for the predilection sites of atopic dermatitis. Veterinary Dermatology 2000, 11:247-254.


    17. Ridyard AE, Rhind SM, French AT, Munro EAC and Hill PB.  Myasthenia gravis associated with cutaneous lymphoma in a dog.  Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2000, 41:348-351.


    18. Hill PB, Auxilia ST, Munro E, Genovese L, Silkstone MA and Kirby B.  Resolution of skin lesions and long-term survival in a dog with superficial necrolytic dermatitis and liver cirrhosis.  Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2000, 41:519-523.


    19. Nuttall TJ, Lamb JR. and Hill PB.  Characterisation of major and minor Dermatophagoides allergens in canine atopic dermatitis.  Research in Veterinary Science, 2001, 71:51-57.


    20. Nuttall TJ, Lamb JR. and Hill PB.  Peripheral blood mononuclear cell responses to Dermatophagoides farinae in canine atopic dermatitis. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2001, 82:273-280.


    21. Hill PB and DeBoer DJ.  The ACVD Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (IV): Environmental allergens.  Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2001, 81: 169-186.


    22. Hill PB and Olivry T. The ACVD Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (V): Biology and role of inflammatory cells in cutaneous allergic reactions.  Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2001, 81:187-198.


    23. Hill PB, Hillier A and Olivry T.  The ACVD Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (VI): IgE-induced immediate and late-phase reactions, two inflammatory sequences at sites of intradermal allergen injections.  Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2001, 81:199-204.


    24. Olivry T and Hill PB. The ACVD Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (VIII): is the epidermal lipid barrier defective?  Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2001, 81: 215-218.


    25. Olivry T and Hill PB. The ACVD Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (IX): the controversy surrounding the route of allergen challenge in canine atopic dermatitis.  Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2001, 81:219-225.


    26. Olivry T and Hill PB.  The ACVD Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (XVIII): histopathology of skin lesions.  Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2001, 81:305-309.

    27. Auxilia ST, Hill PB and Thoday KL.  Canine symmetrical lupoid onychodystrophy: a retrospective study with particular reference to management.  Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2001, 42: 82-87.


    28. Nuttall TJ, Pemberton AD, Lamb JR and Hill PB. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell responses to major and minor Dermatophagoides allergens in canine atopic dermatitis.  Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2002, 84:143-150.


    29. Nuttall TJ, Knight PA, McAleese SM, Lamb JR and Hill PB.  Expression of Th1, Th2 and immunosuppressive cytokine gene transcripts in canine atopic dermatitis.  Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 2002, 32:789-795.


    30. Forsythe PJ, Hill PB, Thoday KLT and Brown J.  Use of computerised image analysis to quantify staphylococcal adhesion to canine corneocytes:  does breed and body site have any relevance to the pathogenesis of canine pyoderma?  Veterinary Dermatology, 2002, 13:29-36.


    31. Chen TA, Halliwell REW and Hill PB.  Immunoglobulin G responses to Malassezia pachydermatis antigens in atopic and normal dogs.  Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 4, 2002, 202-209.


    32. Chen TA, Halliwell REW, Pemberton AD and Hill PB. Identification of major allergens of Malassezia pachydermatis in dogs with atopic dermatitis and Malassezia overgrowth. Veterinary Dermatology, 2002, 13:141-150.


    33. Chen TA, Halliwell REW and Hill PB. Failure of extracts from Malassezia pachydermatis to stimulate canine keratinocyte proliferation in vitro. Veterinary Dermatology, 2002, 13:323-329.


    34. Hill PB.  Mast cells: A review of their biology and role in cutaneous inflammation. Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 4, 2002, 161-177.


    35. Colombo S, Neuber A and Hill PB. Pathophysiology of canine atopic dermatitis.  UK Vet, 2003, 8:49-56.


    36. Chen TA, Halliwell REW, Shaw DJ and Hill PB. Assessment of the ability of Malassezia pachydermatis to stimulate proliferation of canine keratinocytes in vitro. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2004, 65:787-796.


    37. Hill PB.  Atiopathogenese der atopischen Dermatitis beim Hund. Der Praktische Tierarzt, 2004, 85:86-92. (translated by Dr. A. Neuber).


    38. Neuber A, van den Broek A, Thoday KL, Brownstein A and Hill PB. Dermatitis and lymphadenitis resembling juvenile cellulitis in a four year old dog. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2004, 45:254-258.


    39. Mischke R, Neuber A, van den Broek A, Hill PB and Thoday KL.  Die dermatologische Untersuchung: 1. Signalement and Anamnese. Der Praktische Tierarzt, 2004, 85:400-408.

    40. Mischk, R, Neuber A, van den Broek A, Thoday KL and Hill PB.  Dermatologische Untersuchung: 2. Klinische Untersuchung, diagnostische Tests. Der Praktische Tierarzt, 2004, 85:730-740.


    41. Hill PB. Kutyak atopias dermatitisenek etiopatogenezise (Aetiopathogenesis of canine atopic dermatitis, translated into Hungarian).  Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja (Hungarian Veterinary Journal), 2004, 85:492-494.


    42. Colombo S, Keen JA, Brownstein DG, Rhind SM, McGorum BC and Hill PB.  Alopecia areata and lymphocytic mural folliculitis affecting the isthmus in a thoroughbred mare.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2004, 15:260-265.


    43. Hou C-C, Pemberton A, Nuttall TJ and Hill PB.  IgG responses to antigens from Dermatophagoides farinae in healthy and atopic dogs. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2005, 106:121-128.


    44. Simou C, Hill PB, Forsythe PJ and Thoday KL.  Species specificity in the adherence of staphylococci to canine and human corneocytes: a preliminary study.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2005, 16:156-161.


    45. Colombo S, Hill PB, Shaw DJ and Thoday KL.  Effectiveness of low dose immunotherapy in the treatment of canine atopic dermatitis: a prospective, double-blinded, clinical study.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2005, 16:162-170.


    46. Nuttall TJ, Knight PA, McAleese SM, Brown J, Lamb JR and Hill PB. Expression of Th1- cytokine mRNA in canine atopic dermatitis correlates with severity of clinical lesions.  Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 5, 2005, 17-27.


    47. Hou C-C, Nuttall TJ, Day MJ and Hill PB. Dermatophagoides farinae-specific IgG subclass responses in atopic dogs undergoing allergen-specific immunotherapy.  Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 5, 2005, 70-81.


    48. Simou C, Hill PB, Forsythe PJ and Thoday KL.  Adherence of Staphylococcus intermedius to canine corneocytes involves a protein-protein interaction that is sensitive to trypsin but resistant to cold.  Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Volume 5, 2005, 270-276.


    49. Simou C, Thoday KL, Forsythe PJ and Hill PB.  Adherence of Staphylococcus intermedius to corneocytes of healthy and atopic dogs: effect of pyoderma, pruritus score, treatment and gender.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2005, 16:385-391.


    50. Chen TA and Hill PB.  The biology of Malassezia organisms and their ability to induce immune responses and skin disease.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2005, 16:4-26.


    51. Neuber AE, Van den Broek AH, Rhind SM, Hill PB and Thoday KL.  Generalised alopecic and cystic dermatosis in a cat: a counterpart to the hairless mouse phenotype or a unique congenital dermatosis? Veterinary Dermatology, 2006, 17:63-69.


    52. Nuttall TJ, Hill PB, Bensignor E and Willemse T.  House dust and forage mite allergens and their role in human and canine atopic dermatitis.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2006, 17:223-235.


    53. Hou C-C, Day MJ, Nuttall TJ and Hill PB. Evaluation of IgG subclass responses against Dermatophagoides farinae allergens in healthy and atopic dogs.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2006, 17:103-110


    54. Hill PB, Lo A, Eden CAN, Huntley S, Morey V, Ramsey S, Richardson C, Smith DJ, Sutton C, Taylor MD, Thorpe E, Tidmarsh R and Williams V.  Survey of the prevalence, diagnosis and treatment of dermatological conditions in small animals in general practice.  Veterinary Record, 2006, 158:533-539.


    55. Rybnicek J and Hill PB.  Suspected Polymyxin B-induced pemphigus vulgaris in a dog.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2007, 18: 165-170.


    56. Lau P, Hill PB, Rybnicek J and Steel L.  Sarcoptic mange in three alpacas treated successfully with amitraz.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2007, 18:272-277.

    57. Hill PB.  Treatment of canine atopic dermatitis: balancing the three factors.  In Practice, 2007, 29:566-573.


    58. Colombo S, Hill PB, Shaw DJ and Thoday KL.  Requirement for additional treatment for dogs with atopic dermatitis undergoing allergen-specific immunotherapy. Veterinary Record, 2007, 160:861-864.


    59. Hill PB, Lau P and Rybnicek J.  Development of an owner-assessed scale to measure the severity of pruritus in dogs.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2007, 18:301-308.


    60. Neuber A, Thoday KL and Hill PB.  Immunoglobulin G responses in 21 dogs with skin diseases to antigens from different isolates of Staphylococcus intermedius.  Veterinary Record, 2008, 162:75-79.


    61. Hou C-C, Griffin, CE and Hill PB. Dermatophagoides farinae-specific IgG responses in atopic dogs undergoing allergen-specific immunotherapy with aqueous vaccines.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2008, 19:215-220.


    62. Hill PB, Boyer P, Lau P, Rybnicek J, Hargreaves J and Olivry T.  Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita in a Great Dane.  Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2008, 49:89-94.


    63. Hill PB, Hoare J, Lau-Gillard P, Rybnicek J and Mathie RT. Pilot study of the effect of individualised homeopathy on the pruritus associated with atopic dermatitis in dogs. Veterinary Record, 2009, 164: 364-370.


    64. Rybnícek J, Lau-Gillard PJ, Harvey R and Hill PB. Further validation of a pruritus severity scale for use in dogs. Veterinary Dermatology, 2009, 20:115-122.


    65. Pratschke KM and Hill PB. Dermal arteritis of the nasal philtrum: surgery as an alternative to long term medical therapy in two dogs.  Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2009, 50:99-103.

    66. Lau-Gillard PJ, Hill PB, Chesney CJ, Budleigh C and Immomen A.  Evaluation of a hand-held evaporimeter (Vapometer) for the measurement of transepidermal water loss in healthy dogs.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2010, 21: 136-145.


    67. Dedola C, Ressel, L, Hill PB, van den Broek A and Thoday KL. Idiopathic generalized sebaceous gland hyperplasia of the Border Terrier: a morphometric study.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2010, 21:  1-9.


    68. Hill PB, Rybnícek J, Lau-Gillard PJ.  Correlation between pruritus score and grossly visible erythema in dogs.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2010, 21:450-555.


    69. Hill PB, Brain P, Collins D, Fearnside S and Olivry T.  Putative paraneoplastic pemphigus and myasthenia gravis in a cat with a lymphocytic thymoma.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2013, 24:646-649.


    70. Olivry T, Saridomichelakis M, Nuttall T, Bensignor E, Griffin C and Hill, PB.  Validation of the Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index (CADESI)-4, a Simplified Severity Scale for Assessing Skin Lesions of Atopic Dermatitis in Dogs.  Veterinary Dermatology, 2014, 25:77-85.


    71. Schwartz AM, McCrackin MA, Schinazi RF, Hill PB, Vahlenkamp TW, Tompkins MB, Hartmann K.  Antiviral efficacy of nine nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors against feline immunodeficiency virus in feline peripheral blood mononuclear cells.  American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2014, 75:273-281


    72. Rosenblatt  A, Bottema C and Hill PB.  Radiographic scoring of intervertebral disc calcification in the Dachshund: Advances in the prevention of intervertebral disc disease.  The Veterinary Journal, 2014, 200: 355-361.


    73. Hill PB. Reliability and agreement in the use of 4 and 6 point categorical scales for the assessment of erythema in digital images of canine skin. Veterinary Dermatology, 2015, 26: 165-170


    74. Duffield R, Wong H-S, Trott DJ and Hill PB.  Survival of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in modified Romanowsky staining solutions. Veterinary Dermatology, 2015, Accepted

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