Dr Naser Khan

Dr Naser Khan
 Position Adjunct Senior Fellow
 Org Unit Chemical Engineering
 Email naser.khan@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 4 4842 7379
 Mobile +61 4 4842 7379
 Location Engineering North ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    I am a researcher and educator specialising in agricultural and environmental sciences. My expertise spans soil quality, remediation, chemistry and electronics. My research projects have focused on improving organic waste management and sustainable agricultural practices. My publications cover topics such as agriculture, mine soils, wetlands, wastewater treatment and fungi. I have explored the applications of biochar and compost in soils and worked on designing smart electronics-based sensing and 3D printed stainless steel miniature gas coolers for monitoring composting processes.


  • Research Interests

    My research interests centre on developing innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture and environmental management. Key areas include organic solid and liquid waste management, where I optimise composting and anaerobic digestion processes, focusing on developing smart sensors and control systems for commercial-scale operations. I investigate soil health and remediation, exploring the use of biochar, compost, and other amendments to improve soil quality and remediate contaminated sites. In sustainable agriculture, I explore approaches to enhance soil fertility, increase crop yields, and promote environmentally friendly farming practices.


    I facilitate testing of organic products for industrial and home compostability according to Australian (AS 4736 and/or AS 5810), European (EN 13432) and American (ASTM D6400) Standards.

    In addition to developing smart electronics-based sensors for greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide from composting materials, I have a keen interest in climate change mitigation and carbon assessment. I am pursuing the development of comprehensive carbon emission assessment tools for a wide range of organisations, including businesses, industries and farms, with the aim of providing accurate carbon footprint calculations. Additionally, I'm exploring innovative strategies, including AI technology, to help organisations achieve net-zero emissions, thus contributing to global efforts in combating climate change.

  • Publications



    Genotypic responses to phosphorus and water management in winter wheat: Strategies to increase resource use efficiency and productivity, Agricultural Water Management, 295, 108762, 2024 (Impact f. 5.9) [[Meier et al including N Khan]


    Evaluation and Selection of Bromegrass Genotypes under Phosphorus and Water Scarcity towards the Development of  Resilient Agriculture Focusing on Efficient Resource Use, Agronomy, 14, 121, 1-16, 2024 (Impact f. 3.6) [Meier et al including N Khan]


    Distribution, characteristics and management of calcareous soils, Advances in Agronomy, 182, 81-130, 2023 (Impact f. 6.919) [N Bolan et al including N Khan]


    Synergistic effect of multiple metals present at slightly lower concentration than the Australian Investigation Level can induce phytotoxicity, Land, 11, 1-10, 2023 (Impact f. 3.905) [N Khan et al.]


    Interactive role between phosphorus utilization efficiency and water use efficiency. A tool to categorize wheats co-adapted to water and phosphorus limiting conditions, Agricultural Water Management, 248, 2021 [S Meier, F Moore, A Morales, C Jobet, R Lopez-Olivari, H Aponte, P Cartes, P Campos, N Khan]


    Effect of poultry manure compost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on soil microbial activities in a Cu-contaminated soil, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, (submitted 2020) [H Aponte; S Meier; F Moore; N Khan; M-E González; J Medina; J Cumming; A Morales; J Hirzel; P Durán; A Seguel]


    Effects of three biochars on copper immobilization and soil microbial communities in a metal-contaminated soil using a metallophyte and two agricultural plants. Environ Geochem Health 2019 (Impact f. 3.252) [S Meier, F Moore, M González, J Medina, C Pedro, N Khan, et al.]


    Copper Immobilization by Biochar and Microbial Community abundance in metal-contaminated Soils. Science of The Total Environment 2017 (Impact f. 5.589) [M Francisca, M-E González, N Khan, G Curaqueo, M Sanchez-Monedero, J Rilling, E Morales, et al.]


    Effects of Biochar on copper immobilization and soil Microbial Communities in a metal-contaminated Soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments 17, 1237-50 2017 (Impact f. 2.669) [M Sebastián, G Curaqueo, N Khan, N Bolan, J Rilling, C Vidal, N Fernández, et al.]


    Effects of acidic and neutral biochars on properties and cadmium retention of soils, Chemosphere, 180: 564-73, 2017 (Impact f. 5.778) [Q Fangjie, Z Dong, R Naidu, NS Bolan, D Lamb, YS Ok, C Liu, N Khan, MAH Johir, KT Semple]


    Development of a buried bag technique to study biochars incorporated in a compost or composting medium, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2016 (Impact f. 5.778) [N Khan et al.]


    Physical and chemical properties of biochars co-composted with biowastes and incubated with a chicken litter compost, Chemosphere 142, 14-23 2016 (Impact f. 3.499) [N Khan et al.]


    Effects of biochar on copper immobilization and soil microbial communities in a metal contaminated soil, Journal of Soils and Sediments DOI: 10.1007/s11368-015-1224-1 2015 (Impact f. 2.11) [S Meier, G Curaqueo, N Khan, N Bolan, J Rilling, C Vidal, N Fernández, J Acuñaa, M-E González, P Cornejoa, F Borie]


    Chicken manure-derived biochar reduced bioavailability of copper in a contaminated soil, Journal of Soils and Sediments 2015 [S Meier, G Curaqueo, N Khan, N Bolan, M Cea, ME González, P Cornejo, F Borie]


    Biochar-induced concomitant decrease in ammonia volatilization and increase in nitrogen use efficiency by wheat, Chemosphere 142, 12-127 2016 (Impact f. 5.778) [S Mandal, R Thangarajan, NS Bolan, B Sarkar, N Khan, YS Ok, R Naidu]


    Use of biochar on two Chilean volcanic soils to enhance soil quality and barley yield, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 14, 911-924 2014 (Impact f. 0.582) [G Curaqueo, S Meier, N Khan, M Cea, F Borie, R Navia]


    Maturity indices in co-composting of chicken manure and sawdust with biochar, Bioresource Technology 168, 245–251 2014 (Impact f. 5.039) [N Khan et al.]


    Turf root enhancement by amendment of Jandakot sands of Western Australia with different rates of biochar, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 7, 715-723 2013 (Impact f. 0.586) [N Khan, S Shea]

    Book chapters


    Complementing compost with biochar for agriculture, soil remediation and climate mitigation, Advances in Agronomy, 179, 1-105, 2023 (Impact f. 6.919) [N Khan et al.]


    Root Iron Plaque on Wetland Plants as a Dynamic Pool of Nutrients and Contaminants, Advances in Agronomy, 138, 1-96, 2016 (Impact f. 6.919) [N Khan et al.]


    Zeolite for nutrient stripping from farm effluents, In Environmental materials and waste – resource recovery and pollution prevention. Edited Prasad MNV, et al., Academic Press, London, UK, pp. 569-589 (2016) [S Chowdhury, N Khan, G-H Kim, J Harris, P Longhurst, N Bolan]


    Phytoremediation and heavy metal(loid) toxicity management, In Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Fruit Crop Production. Edited Mohandas S, et al., Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp. 232-257 (2015) [S Meier, F Borie, N Khan, G Curaqueo, J Medina, P Cornejo, N Bolan]

  • Files

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 5 Sep 2024

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