Professor Miftar Ganija

Professor Miftar Ganija
 Position Professor
 Org Unit Electrical and Electronic Engineering / School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
 Telephone +61 8 8313 5037
 Location Floor/Room 3.36 ,  Ingkarni Wardli ,   North Terrace
  • Research Interests

    Laser development

    Cryogenically cooled solid state lasers

    High power solid state lasers


    Pulsed laser

    Frequency doubling

    Mid-Infrared Lasers



  • Publications

    1.       M. Ganija, N. Simakov, A. Hemming, C. Pain, J. Mcinnes, J. Haub, P. Veitch, and J. Munch, "Second Harmonic Generation Using a Monolithic, Linearly Polarized Thulium Doped Fiber Laser," in Photonics and Fiber Technology 2016 (ACOFT, BGPP, NP), OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper AW2B.2.


    2.       M. Ganija, N. Simakov, A. Hemming, J. Haub, P. J. Veitch, and J. Munch, "High Resolution Spectroscopy For Cryogenic Ho:YAG Laser," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (2016) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper STu4M.3.


    3.       M. Ganija, N. Simakov, A. Hemming, J. Haub, P. Veitch, and J. Munch, "Efficient, low threshold, cryogenic Ho:YAG laser," Opt. Express 24, 11569-11577 (2016).


    4.       M Ganija, N. Simakov, A. Hemming, J. Haub, P. Veitch, J. Munch, “A Cryogenic Ho:YAG Laser” ANZCOP Congress, December 2015.M.


    5.       M. Ganija; S. Hollit, P. Veitch, J. Munch “An Investigation of Diode Pumped, Cryogenic Cooled Er:YAG laser” ANZCOP Congress, December 2015.


    6.       S. Hollitt; M. Ganija, P. Veitch; J. Munch. “Comparison of diode pumping efficiency of an Er:YAG laser at 300 K and 77 K for Gravitational Wave Interferometry”. Australian Institute of Physics Congress, 7-11 December 2014.


    7.       Group, Collaboration , Ganija, Miftar; Hosken, David John; Munch, Jesper; Ottaway, David John; Veitch, Peter John; LIGO Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration. “ Implementation and testing of the first prompt search for gravitational wave transients with electromagnetic counterparts” Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012; 539:A124.


    8.       Group, Collaboration, Ganija  Miftar; Hosken, David John; Munch, Jesper; Ottaway, David John; Veitch, Peter John; Group, Collaboration.  “All-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the full S5 LIGO data”Physical Review D, 2012; 85(2):022001-1-022001-19.


    9.       Group, Collaboration, Ganija  Miftar; Hosken, David John; Munch, Jesper; Ottaway, David John; Veitch, Peter John; Group, Collaboration.  “All-sky search for periodic gravitational waves in the full S5 LIGO data”Physical Review D, 2012; 85(2):022001-1-022001-19M.


    10.    Ganija, D. Ottaway, P. Veitch, J.Munch. “ Proceedings of the European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the XIIth European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 9-16 May 2013.


    11.    Ottens, R. S.;...; Abadie, J.;...; Ganija, Miftar; Garcia, J.;...; Hosken, David John; Hough, J.;...; Munch, Jesper; Murphy, D.;...; Ottaway, David John; Veitch, Peter John; ... et al.; LIGO Scientific Collaboration; VIRGO Collaboration. 
     Physical Review D, 2012; 85(8):082002.


    12.    M  Ganija, D. Ottaway, P. Veitch, J.Munch “” Optics Express, 2013; 21(6):6973-6978



    13.    M  Ganija, D. Ottaway, P. Veitch, J.Munch “High Brightness High Power Yb:YAG End Pupmed Cryogenic Zig Zag Slab Laser” Proceedings : 20th Australian Institute of Physics Congress, December 2012


    14.    M  Ganija, D. Ottaway, P. Veitch, J.Munch “Cryogenic, conduction cooled, end pumped, zigzag slab laser, suitable for power scaling” CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2012), paper CM3D.7.


    15.    M  Ganija, D. Ottaway, P. Veitch, J. Munch “A cryogenic, end pumped, zigzag slab laser suitable for power scaling” Proceedings of Quantum Electronics Conference & Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/IQEC/PACIFIC RIM), 2011, pp.627-629.


    16.    M  Ganija, D. Ottaway,D. Hosken, P. Veitch, J.Munch “Power Scaling and Reliable Cryogenic Cooling of a High Power Solid State Laser” Proceedings of the 19th Australian Institute of Physics Congress incorporating the 35th Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT/AIP) 5-9 December 2010.


    17.    M  Ganija, D. Ottaway,D. Hosken, P. Veitch, J.Munch “Power scaling of cryogenically cooled high power solid state laser” Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy and Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology in association with the International Workshop on Dissipative Solitons, 2009: pp.548-549.


    18.    A.Brooks, M. Ganija, P. Veitch, and Jesper Munch. "Ultra-sensitive wavefront measurement using Hartmann Sensors",  International Conference on Optics-21 Congress Proceedings 2008.


    19.    A Brooks, M. Ganija, J. Munch, D. Ottaway, P. Veitch. “Hartman Wavefront Sensors for Advanced Gravitational Wave Interferometery”, z18th AIP Adelaide, December 2008.


    20.    M. Ganija, G. Jashari and M. Bytyqi, “The Analysis of the Diffusion Distribution of The Atoms of Copper into Nickel”, ACTA CHEMICA KOSOVICA (Chemical journal of Kosovo), Vol. 14. Dec. 2005. 


    21.    M. Ganija, D. Heger, N. Syla. H. Oettel, H. Mehmeti, “Determination of diffusion coefficient of copper in nickel, 5th International Symposium on Materials and their Applications), November 10-11 2005.


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