Dr Michael Proeve

 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit Psychology
 Email michael.proeve@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 3818
 Location Floor/Room 7 ,  Hughes ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Trained as a clinical psychologist and worked as clinical and forensic psychologist in forensic mental health, sexual offender treatment and in private practice. 

    Managerial positions in sexual offender treatment, forensic mental health and correctional services.


    Previous academic positions at RMIT University and University of South Australia, teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Program Director of Clinical and Forensic Psychology at University of South Australia.


    Visiting academic positions in Department of Criminology, University of Melbourne, and University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.

  • Qualifications

    Bachelor of Science (Adel.)

    Bachelor of Science (Hons). (Flin.)

    Master of Psychology (La Trobe)

    Doctor of Philosophy (UniSA)

  • Awards & Achievements

    Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)

    University of South Australia Postgraduate Research Award (USAPRA)

    RMIT Postgraduate Research Award, RMIT University

    Commonwealth Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship

    Australian Psychological Society Prize for Honours Psychology

  • Teaching Interests

    Psychotherapy Skills and Clinical Interventions

    Psychological Assessment

    Forensic Psychological Assessment

  • Research Interests

    Moral emotions of remorse, shame, guilt and regret


    Remorse as an interpersonal phenomenon


    Mindfulness interventions in clinical practice


    Assessment and treatment of offenders, particularly sexual offenders

  • Research Funding

    Early Career Researcher Support Scheme


    Criminology Research Council grant, A conditional probability approach to risk assessment for different classes of victims of child sexual offenders (with A.Day, P. Mohr).


    Faculty Research Grant, RMIT University. Concepts and effects of remorse in judicial sentencing. (With D. Smith and D. Niblo).

    RIBG small grant, School of Psychology, 成人大片. Shame, guilt, cognitive distortions and empathy in sexual offenders.


    Royal Commission for Institutional Sexual Abuse. Evidence and frameworks for understanding perpetrators of institutional child sexual abuse. (With P. DelFabbro).


  • Publications

  • Professional Associations

    Registered with Psychological Board of Australia, with endorsement in Clinical Psychology and Forensic Psychology.

    Registered with Psychological Board of Australia as Supervisor for higher degree students and Registrars in Clinical Psychology and Forensic Psychology.

    Member of the College of Clinical Psychologists, Australian Psychological Society.

    Member of the College of Forensic Psychologists, Australian Psychological Society.

    Clinical Assessor, College of Clinical Psychologists, Australian Psychological Society, 2008 -

    Committee member, APS College of Clinical Psychologists, SA Branch, 2004-2006; 2013-.

  • Community Engagement

    Reviewer for Australian and international journals, including Australian Psychologist; Professional Psychology: Research and Practice; Counselling, Psychology and Health; Behaviour Change; Legal and Criminological Psychology; Child Maltreatment; Open Criminology Journal, Current Pediatric Reviews, Canadian Journal of Criminology.


    Member of Editorial Board, Open Criminology Journal, 2008 –


    Radio, newspaper and television interviews on topics of treatment of sexual offenders, remorse, regret.


    Member of Department for Education and Child Development  Risk Assessment Disclosure Advisory Group, 2013

  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesLaw, Crime & Justice, Psychology & Psychiatry
    ExpertiseRemorse; shame and guilt; sexual offenders; crime; criminology; assessment and treatment of offenders, particularly sexual offenders; forensic mental health

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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