Associate Professor Mandar Oak

 Position Associate Professor
 Org Unit Economics
 Telephone +61 8 8313 1172
 Location Floor/Room 3 ,  Nexus 10 ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    I received my Ph.D. from Cornell University in 2002. I joined the School of Economics at Adelaide starting Jan 2008. Before that I taught at Williams College in Williamstown MA.
  • Qualifications

    Ph. D. (2002) Cornell University, Ithaca NY. M.A. (1997) Delhi School of Economics, Delhi. B. Com (1995) Mumbai University, Mumbai.
  • Research Interests

    1. Public Economics
    2. Political Economy
    3. Applied Microeconomics
    4. Indian Economy
  • Publications

    1. Policy Polarization and Strategic Candidacy in Elections under the Alternative Vote Rule (with A. Dellis and A. Gauthier-Belzile). (forthcoming), 2016.
    2. Comparison of Voting Procedures using Models of Electoral Competition with Endogenous Candidacy (with D. Bol and A. Dellis),脗聰 The Political Economy of Social Choices, M. Gallego and N. Schofi脗聟eld (Editors), Springer Verlag (forthcoming), 2016.
    3. Multiple Votes, Multiple Candidacies and Polarization (with A. Dellis). Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 46(1), January 2016, pp 1-38.
    4. Legalization of Bribe Giving when Bribe Type is Endogenous. Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 17(4), August 2015, pp 580-604
    5. Myopia or Strategic Behavior?: Indian Regimes and the East India Company in the Eighteenth Century India, (with A. Swamy). Explorations in Economic HistoryVol 49(3), July 2012, 352-366.
    6. Only Twice as Much: A Rule for Regulating Lenders, (with A. Swamy). Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 58 (4), July 2010, pp 775-803.
    7. Coalition Governments in a Model of Parliamentary Democracy, (with S. Bandyopadhyay). European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 24, June 2008, pp 554-561.
    8. Evolution of Credit Market Regulation (in India), Oxford Companion to Economics in India, K. Basu (Editor), Oxford University Press: New Delhi (2007).
    9. Policy Convergence under Approval and Plurality Voting: The Role of Policy Commitment, (with A. Dellis). Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 29(2), September 2007, pp 229-245.
    10. A Case for Bundling Contributions to Public Goods (with S. Ghosh and A. Karaivanov). Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 9(3), June 2007, pp 425-449.
    11. On the Role of the Primary System in Candidate Selection. Economics and Politics, Vol. 18(2), July 2006, pp 169-190.
    12. Approval Voting with Endogenous Candidates (with A. Dellis). Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 54(1) (January 2006), pp 47-76.
    13. The Signaling Role of Municipal Currencies in Economic Development (with R. Jayaraman). Economica, Vol. 72, November 2005, pp 597-613.
    Popular Writings:
    1. India's Union Budget 2012-13: Playing it safe. East Asia Forum, 14 April 2012.
    2. Cool Heads Win Out in India's New Budget. East Asia Forum, 22 April 2016.


  • Files

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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