Dr Lucy Potter

Dr Lucy Potter
 Position Associate Professor
 Org Unit School of Humanities
 Email lucy.potter@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 4685
 Location Floor/Room 6 ,  Napier ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Lucy Potter's main research area is the plays of the English Renaissance playwright, Christopher Marlowe. She is particularly interested in Marlowe's first play, Dido, Queen of Carthage, and its relationship with Aristotle's concept of catharsis and with Virgil's Aeneid. Lucy coordinates and teaches the following courses: Shakespeare (level 1); Tragedy (level 2); Old Texts Made New: Literary Imitation and Allusion (level 3).

    Lucy is also interested in professional/business writing, and is a writing consultant for government departments and private businesses. She is a specialist ESL educator, and admits to being a "grammar nut". 

    Lucy has experience teaching in both domestic and international programs, and her teaching excellence has been recognised by the following awards:


    1. Faculty of Arts Prize for Excellence in Teaching (2014)
    2. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Award for Outstanding Student Feedback in Learning and Teaching (2010 and 2012)
    3. Carrick Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (Australian Awards for University Teaching, 2007). Lucy's citation was specifically for "outstanding modelling of both effective, student-centred learning and dynamic leadership in the discipline of English"
    4. Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching (成人大片, 2006)
    5. Stephen Cole the Elder Prize for Excellence in Teaching (成人大片, 2006)
    6. Sessional Academic Staff Excellence in Teaching Awards: High Commendation (University of South Australia, 2004)
    7. Sessional Staff Excellence in Teaching Awards: Inaugural Winner (University of South Australia, 2003)



  • Qualifications

    PhD: 成人大片
    BA (Hons): 成人大片
    CELTA: Cambridge University and the Royal Society of the Arts

    The E W Benham Prize for English Literature (2008): for the best doctoral thesis in English Literature

  • Research Interests

    Early Modern Tragedy; Shakespeare and Marlowe; The Critical History of Catharsis; Theories of Tragedy; The Development of Renaissance Literary Theory; Early Modern Practice of Translatio; Contemporary Receptions of Classical Texts; Ecphrasis; Pedagogy in Practice.

  • Publications

    1. Potter, Lucy. "Telling Tales: Negotiating 'Fame' in Virgil's Aeneid, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and Christopher Marlowe's Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage." In Fama and her Sisters: Gossip and Rumour in Early Modern Europe. Ed. Heather Kerr and Claire Walker. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015, pp. 37-63. 
    2. Potter, Lucy. "Casting a Shadow of One's Own: Marlowe's Dido and the Virgilian Intertext." The Shadow of the Precursor. Ed Diana Glenn et al. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, pp. 154-169.  
    3. Potter, Lucy. "Informing Audiences: Marlowe's Early Tragedies." This Earthly Stage: World and Stage in Late Medieval and Early Modern England. Ed. Brett D. Hirsch and Christopher Wortham. Turnhout: Brepols, 2011. Print. Cursor Mundi, 13. pp. 236-256.
    4. Potter, Lucy. Review of Christopher Marlowe the Craftsman: Lives, Stage, and Page. Ed. Sarah K. Scott and M. L. Stapleton (Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2010). Marlowe Society of America Newsletter 30.1 (Fall 2010): 11-12.
    5. Potter, Lucy. "Shakespeare, Marlowe, and the Fortunes of Catharsis." Rapt in Secret Studies: Emerging Shakespeares. Ed. Darryl Chalk and Laurie Johnson. Newscastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010, pp. 287-303.
    6. Potter, Lucy. "Marlowe's Dido: Virgilian or Ovidian?" Notes and Queries 56.4 (December 2009): 540-544.
    7. Potter, Lucy. Review of Shakespeare's Marlowe: The Influence of Christopher Marlowe on Shakespeare's Artistry by Robert Logan (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007). Marlowe Society of America Newsletter 27.1 (Fall 2007): 3-4.
    8. Potter, Lucy and Sue McGowan. "The Implications of the Chinese Learner for the Internationalization of the Curriculum: An Australian Perspective." Critical Perspectives on Accounting Special Issue: Chinese Learning 19.2 (2008): 181-198.
    9. Potter, Lucy. "Marlowe's Dido and the Staging of Catharsis." AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language Association 107 (May 2007): 1-23.
    10. Potter, Lucy. Review of Redefining Elizabethan Literature by Georgia Brown (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004). Marlowe Society of America Newsletter 26.2 (Fall 2006): 2-3.
    11. Potter, Lucy. "Ophelia Centre Stage." Extensions: Essays in English Studies from Shakespeare to the Spice Girls. Ed. Sue Hosking and Dianne Schwerdt. Kent Town: Wakefield Press, 1999, pp. 25-41.
    12. Potter, Lucy. "Hamlet and the Scene of Pedagogy." Australasian Drama Studies Special Focus Issue: Renaissance in the South 33 (1998): 96-116.
  • Professional Associations

    Network for Early European Research (NEER); Education and Research Group of Adelaide (ERGA); Marlowe Society of America; English as a Second Language Educators; Australian Association for the Teaching of English; International Shakespeare Association; Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (ANZAMEMS)
  • Community Engagement

    Lucy has developed a thriving consultancy practice in effective business communications and a number of outreach programs, and regularly undertakes community service activities on behalf of the 成人大片.

    The clients in Lucy's consultancy practice have included:


    1. The National Centre for Vocational Education Research
    2. The Legal Practitioners Conduct Board (South Australia)
    3. Australian Vocational Education and Training Association
    4. Principals Australia Institute
    5. Department of Education, Science and Training
    6. 'education.au'
    7. Australian Bureau of Statistics
    8. SA Ambulance
    9. Edwards Marshall Accountants
    10. Certified Practicing Accountants: National Congress

    Lucy's outreach programs and community service have included the following activities:


    1. Lyceum Club: guest speaker (Shakespeare)
    2. HSC English Studies Conference: invited lecturer
    3. SA Society of Editors: guest speaker
    4. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College: guest speaker in ESL
    5. Roadworthy Skills by David Krantz and Vicki Saunders (Adelaide: Quest Partners, 2006): grammar consultant
    6. Wilderness School: guest speaker
    7. Eynesbury College: guest speaker
    8. Year 12 English Studies Conference: convenor and lecturer

    In addition, Lucy is the contact person for various and numerous inquiries from the general public - from supermarket chains to funeral parlours - about matters of grammar and expression, and the politics of language.





  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesLiterature & Publishing, Language & Literacy
    ExpertiseChristopher Marlowe; early modern tragedy; Shakespeare; the critical history of catharsis; dramatic theory; the development of Renaissance literary theory; Virgil's Aeneid, Ecphrasis; pedagogy in practice; English as a second language (ESL); English grammar and language; effective business communications
    NotesCarrick Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (2007)
    The Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (2006)
    The Stephen Cole Prize for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (2006)
    Award for Outstanding Student Feedback in Teaching and Learning (2010)

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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