Dr Llainey Smith

Dr Llainey Smith
 Position Graduate Research Scholarships Officer
 Org Unit Adelaide Graduate Research School
 Email llainey.smith@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 4909
 Location Floor/Room Tenth Floor ,  Schulz ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Dr Llainey Smith joined FES as a research officer in September 2018 where she is employed to contribute to the qualitative component of the baseline research being conducted on the Cashless Debit Card (CDC) trial in the Goldfields in Western Australia. In this role, she is assisting with the analysis of interview data and reporting.

    Llainey was previously a research assistant at the National Institute of Labour Studies from 2007 to 2017. In this role, she assisted in various capacities with the numerous research projects carried out. She worked closely with colleagues to assist in project work by conducting literature reviews, composing annotated bibliographies, collecting and analysing both qualitative and quantitative data, and reporting on research findings.

    Llainey was a member of the team which undertook the qualitative component of the Evaluation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) including the Evaluation of the NDIS in the Northern Territory.  She was involved in the design of interview schedules, conducted semi-structured interviews with disability service providers and NDIA staff, analysed the interviews data and contributed to the writing of reports.  She has also been involved in the qualitative component of the National Aged Care Workforce Census and Survey (in both 2012 and 2016) and the Research and Data Working Group (RDWG) Disability Research Project on the skills and training of the disability support workforce, conducting interviews and analysis with a diverse range of participants. 

    Llainey’s research has primarily focused around workforce profiling, with involvement in projects describing the aged care workforce, the gynaecological cancers workforce, and the community services workforce in Australia. Her role in these projects has been to conduct systematic literature reviews, and to collect and analyse qualitative information through interviews with workers.

    In addition, Llainey has also worked on a literature review into workforce development for National Disability Services, a study into Resilience and the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Farm Families Experiencing Climate Variation in South Australia, and the evaluation of the Building Family Opportunities (BFO) Program.

  • Qualifications

    • PhD, Flinders University (2019)
    • Master of Psychology (Organisational and Human Factors), 成人大片 (2006)
    • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology, 成人大片 (2003)
    • Bachelor of Arts, 成人大片, (2002)


  • Publications

    Mavromaras, K., Moskos, M., Mahuteau, S., Isherwood, L., Goode, A., Walton, H., Smith, L., Wei, Z. & Flavel, J. (2018). ‘Evaluation of the NDIS’. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Social Services.

    Mavromaras, K., Knight, G., Isherwood, L., … Smith, L., et.al. (2017). ‘The 2016 National Aged Care Census and Survey - The Aged Care Workforce, 2016’. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Health.

    National Institute of Labour Studies (2015). ‘Evaluation of the NDIS: Initial Report’. Adelaide: Flinders University.

    King, D., Mavromaras, K., Wei, Z., He, B., Healy, J., Macaitis, K., Moskos, M. & Smith, L. (2013).’ The Aged Care Workforce, 2012’. Canberra: Australian Government of Health and Ageing.

    King, D.S., Tan, Y., Wainer, J., Smith, L.H., Fitzpatrick, D.D., Sun, Y. & Owada, K. (2010). ‘Evaluation of the Better Access Initiative Component C: Analysis of the Allied Mental Health Workforce Supply and Distribution’. National Institute of Labour Studies.

    King, D., Martin, B., Dwyer., J., Healy, J., Owada, K., Smith, L., Sun, L., Van Deth, A., Wainer, J. & Willis, E. (2008). ‘Review of the Gynaecological Cancers Workforce’. Report for Cancer Australia.

    Smith, L. & Martin, B. (2008). ‘National Disability Workforce Project: Literature review’. Report for the National Disability Services, Queensland.

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Entry last updated: Saturday, 18 May 2024

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