Dr Kym Teh

Dr Kym Teh
 Position Career Mentoring Programs Coordinator
 Org Unit Employability, Careers and Student Academic Skills
 Email kym.teh@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 7431
 Location Floor/Room 4 05 ,  Hughes ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Kym Teh is responsible for project management of the university's flagship Career Access Mentoring program, as a coordinator with Career Services. He is also a university Learning Advisor.

    Kym holds qualifications from the University in law, computer science, and science and technology commercialisation, and a PhD. In professional roles he has been a technology law partner, corporate legal counsel, senior government policy adviser (IT, science & technology), project manager (Government Treasury), and corporate general manager (strategy & innovation, economic development) with EDS (which is now HP). In the higher education sector, Kym has been a lecturer (computer and information science), academic division manager, faculty general manager, academic registrar, COO, adjunct lecturer (School of Law, Flinders University) and external advisory board member to all three South Australian universities. Kym is the former chair of the Industry Advisory Board to the SA Consortium for IT&T.

    He has been the chair of the board of the Media Resource Centre, and a member of the South Australian Government's Community and Cultural Development Committee, and Community Radio Panel.

    Kym has been an adjunct lecturer to the University of South Australia (School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences) and Flinders University (Law). He is an adjunct lecturer to the Adelaide Business School (成人大片), and the deputy legal representative/member of the Human Research Ethics Committee, SA Department for Health and Wellbeing.

  • Qualifications

    LLB (Adel)

    GDip Comp Sc (Adel)

    GCert S&T Comm (Adel)

    PhD (Adel)

  • Publications

    Teh, K & Roos, G (2015): A patent perspective of South Australian innovation: An indicator within the regional innovation system story; In: Integrating Innovation: South Australian Entrepreneurship Systems and Strategies, Edited by Goran Roos, Allan O'Connor, 06/2015: chapter 3: pages 63-89; 成人大片 Press, ISBN: 978-1-922064-90-5 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2768.6567

    Teh, K & Israel M (2009) Managing Change: A Matter of Degree. In Todd, M & Marsh, D (ed.) Managing Change in Learning and Teaching. Birmingham: C-SAP. ISBN 1 902 191 37 4. pp 15-17

    Teh, K, Geursen, G & Koronios A (2008), Universal Knowledge: Can Entrepreneurial Universities Really be Universities? UIC Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Stockholm, Sweden

  • Professional Associations

    senior member of the Australian Computer Society (ACS)


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Entry last updated: Friday, 12 May 2023

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