Dr Krista Sumby

Dr Krista Sumby
 Position Grant-Funded Researcher (B)
 Org Unit Agricultural Science
 Email krista.sumby@adelaide.edu.au
 Location Floor/Room GN06 ,  Waite Building ,   Waite
  • Publications

    Sumby KM., Grbin PR. & Jiranek V. (2014) Implications of new research and technologies for malolactic fermentation in wine. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology DOI 10.1007/s00253-014-5976-0.

    Sumby KM., Jiranek V., & Grbin PR. (2013) Ester synthesis and hydrolysis in an aqueous environment, and strain specific changes during malolactic fermentation in wine with Oenococcus oeni. Food Chemistry 141(3):1673-1680.

    Sumby KM., Grbin PR. & Jiranek V. (2013) Characterization of EstCOo8 and EstC34, intracellular esterases, from the wine-associated lactic acid bacteria Oenococcus oeni and Lactobacillus hilgardii. Journal of Applied Microbiology 114:413-422.

    Sumby KM., Grbin PR. & Jiranek V. (2012) Validation of the use of multiple internal control genes, and the application of real-time quantitative PCR, to study esterase gene expression in Oenococcus oeni. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 96:1039-1047.

    Donkin, RC.; Robinson, S.; Sumby, KM.; Harris, V.; McBryde, CM.; Jiranek, V. (2010) Sodium chloride in Australian grape juice and its effect on alcoholic and malolactic fermentation. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 61(3):392-400.

    Sumby KM., Grbin PR. & Jiranek V. (2010) Microbial modulation of aromatic esters in wine: Current knowledge and future prospects. Food Chemistry 121:1-16.

    Sumby KM., Matthews AH., Grbin PR. & Jiranek V. (2009) Cloning and characterization of an intracellular esterase from the wine-associated lactic acid bacterium Oenococcus oeni. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75:6729-6735.


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Entry last updated: Saturday, 24 Jun 2023

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