Dr Kostas Kapellas

Dr Kostas Kapellas
 Position Lecturer / Research Associate
 Org Unit Adelaide Dental School / Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health
 Email kostas.kapellas@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 7339
 Location Floor/Room Level Four ,  AHMS - Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences ,   West End Health Precinct
44-60 Rundle Mall - Rundle Mall Plaza ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Kostas Kapellas is a research officer at the Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health (ARCPOH), The 成人大片. He received his Bachelor of Oral Health in 2006 and Bachelor of Sciences, Dentistry (Hons 2A) in 2009 and PhD in 2014 all from the 成人大片.

    Before commencing his postgraduate and post-doctoral research at ARCPOH, Kostas worked part-time as an oral health therapist for six years (2007 to 2012 inclusive).

    Kostas has developed a passion for Indigenous Australian health research since his involvement at ARCPOH. His research interests surround how periodontal diseases potentially influence systemic infection/inflammation, specifically complications in cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

    Current Research

    * Research associate on the Indigenous Dental Care Project investigating the change in the oral microbiome following dental and periodontal treatment and the association of systemic markers (glycaemic control, lipids and inflammation) with oral health (2022-ongoing).

    Previous research involvement

    * Research associate on the Oral Microbiome Transplant study investigating growth of human dental plaque and in-vivo animal murine transplantation (2019-2021).

    * Associate investigator on a trial that investigated the effects of periodontal treatment on chronic renal disease/failure, vascular disease and diabetes among Aboriginal people in Central Australia (2015-2019).

    * Research associate on a trial known as "Baby Teeth Talk", an RCT investigating the effects of motivational interviewing on early childhood caries prevention (2013-2016).

    * PhD: Investigated the relationship between periodontal disease and central arterial stiffness among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the Northern Territory (2010-2014).


    * Honours degree involved describing the oral health status of South Australian adults with diabetes mellitus and assessing the validity of periodontal screening questions from an Australian national survey of oral health (2007-2009). 


  • Qualifications

    Bachelor Oral Health 2006

    Bachelor Science Dentistry (hons) awarded 2A 2009

    Doctor of Philosphy in Dentistry 2014

  • Publications

    Internationally Referred Publications

    N Amarasena, K Kapellas, A Brown, MR Skilton, LJ Maple-Brown, , PM Bartold, K O'Dea, DS Celermajer, GD Slade, LM Jamieson. Psychological distress and self-rated oral health among a convenience sample of Indigenous Australians. Journal of Public Health Dentistry. DOI: 10.1111/jphd.12080

    K Kapellas, LJ Maple-Brown,  LM Jamieson, LG Do, K O’Dea, A Brown, TY Cai, NM Anstey, DR Sullivan, H Wang, DS Celermajer, GD Slade, MR Skilton. The effect of periodontal therapy on arterial structure and function among Aboriginal Australians: a randomised controlled trial. Hypertension. 64, 702-708, 2014. DOI: 10.1161/hypertensionaha.1114.03359.

    K Kapellas, LM Jamieson, LG Do, PM Bartold, LJ Maple-Brown, H Wang, DR Sullivan, K O’Dea, A Brown, DS Celermajer, GD Slade, MR Skilton.  Associations between periodontal disease and cardiovascular surrogate measures among Indigenous Australians. International Journal of Cardiology. 173, 190-196, 2014. DOI:10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.02.015.

    N Amarasena, K Kapellas, MR Skilton, LJ Maple-Brown, A Brown, PM Bartold, K O'Dea, DS Celermajer, GD Slade, LM Jamieson. Oral health behaviours and perceptions reported by indigenous Australians living in Darwin, Northern Territory. Community Dental Health. 31: 57-61, 2014. DOI:10.1922/CDH_3276Jamieson05.

    K. Kapellas, LG. Do, PM. Bartold, MR. Skilton, LJ. Maple-Brown, K. O’Dea, A. Brown, DS. Celermajer, GD. Slade, LM. Jamieson. Effects of full-mouth scaling on the periodontal health of Indigenous Australians: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 40, 1016-1024, 2013. DOI: 10.1111/jcpe.12152

    K. Kapellas, MR. Skilton, LJ. Maple-Brown, LG. Do, PM. Bartold, K. O’Dea, A. Brown, DS. Celermajer, LM. Jamieson, Periodontal disease and dental caries among Indigenous Australians living in the Northern Territory, Australia. Australian Dental Journal. 59, 93-99. DOI: 10.1111/adj.12135, 2014

    G. Zahnd, D. Vray, A. Sérusclat, D. Alibay, M. Bartold, A. Brown, PM. Durand, LM Jamieson, K. Kapellas, LJ. Maple-Brown, K. O’Dea, P. Moulin, DS. Celermajer, MR. Skilton, Longitudinal Displacement of the Carotid Wall and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: Associations with Aging, Adiposity, Blood Pressure and Periodontal Disease Independent of Cross-Sectional Distensibility and Intima-Media Thickness. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 38, 1705-1715, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2012.05.004

    MR. Skilton, LJ. Maple-Brown, K. Kapellas, DS. Celermajer, PM. Bartold, A. Brown, K. O'Dea, GD. Slade, LM Jamieson, The effect of a periodontal intervention on cardiovascular risk markers in Indigenous Australians with periodontal disease: the PerioCardio study. BMC Public Health 11, 729, 2011.

    LM. Jamieson, K. Kapellas, K. Roberts-Thomson, S. Sayers, Validity of dental screening questions in an Indigenous young adult population. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health 35, 87-88 2011.

    E. Megson, K. Kapellas, PM. Bartold, Evidence synthesis: Relationship between periodontal disease and osteoporosis. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 8, 129-139, 2010.


    Non-Referred Publications

    Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health [prepared by K. Kapellas & GD. Slade] The relationship between diabetes and oral health among Australian adults. Australian Dental Journal 53, 93-96, 2008.


    Conference Presentations

    K. Kapellas Does imprisonment increase inequalities in Indigenous Australians living in the Northern Territory, Australia? 54th IADR ANZ, Brisbane, Australia 30th September 2014. [Invited symposium presentation].

    K. Kapellas, LJ. Maple-Brown, MR. Skilton, LM. Jamieson. Effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on glycaemic control & vascular endpoints: results from the PerioCardio study. First International Indigenous Oral Health Conference, Adelaide, Australia 28th August 2014. [Awarded best oral presentation for ARCPOH staff member].

    K. Kapellas, LJ. Maple-Brown, PM. Bartold, A. Brown, LG. Do, K. O’Dea, GD. Slade, DS. Celermajer, LM. Jamieson, MR. Skilton. Effect of a periodontal intervention on pulse wave velocity in Indigenous Australians with periodontal disease: the PerioCardio randomized controlled trial. World Congress in Cardiology 2014, Melbourne, Australia 6th May 2014.

    K. Kapellas, LM. Jamieson: Is multiple imputation a correct method to assess missing data from an RCT with heavy loss to follow-up? 6th Dental Biostatistics Conference – Methodological Issues in Oral Health Research, Adelaide, Australia 2nd April 2014

    K. Kapellas, MR. Skilton, LJ. Maple-Brown, LG. Do, PM. Bartold, GD. Slade: Periodontal Outcomes from Single-visit Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy among Indigenous Australians. International Association of Dental Research (IADR) 91st General Session, March 23rd Seattle, USA 2013.

    K. Kapellas: Does periodontal treatment influence surrogate markers of cardiovascular disease? Findings from Meta-analyses. Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapist Association (ADOHTA 2011) 3rd International Conference, August 18th Canberra, Australia 2011

    K. Kapellas, LM Jamieson: Oral Health Research Among Aboriginal Populations. Dental Hygiene Association of Australia (DHAA) National Conference, July 2nd Darwin, Australia 2010.

    K. Kapellas: Can periodontal disease be predicted accurately without probing the gums? Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapist Association (ADOHTA 2009) 2nd International Conference, March 12th Perth, Australia 2009.


    Conference Presentations (Poster)

    K. Kapellas, LJ. Maple-Brown, LM. Jamieson, LG. Do, K. O’Dea, A. Brown, DS. Celermajer, GD. Slade, MR. Skilton. The effect of periodontal therapy on carotid intima-media thickness among Indigenous Australians: A randomised controlled trial. World Congress of Epidemiology, Anchorage, USA 18th August 2014.

  • Professional Associations

    International Association of Dental Research

    Publich Health Association of Australia (and Oral Health Special Interest Group representative for South Australia)

    Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapist Association

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Entry last updated: Saturday, 6 Aug 2022

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