Dr Katja Hogendoorn

Dr Katja Hogendoorn
 Position University Research Fellow (B)
 Org Unit Agricultural Science
 Email katja.hogendoorn@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 6555
 Location Floor/Room S116A ,  Waite Building ,   Waite
  • Biography/ Background

    Katja Hogendoorn is a senior researcher at the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine. Her research focuses on the maintenance and enhancement of bees as pollinators of crops and native plants. At a more general level, she is interested in ecology and evolution of bee behaviour and diversity. Katja aims to use her understanding of bee behaviour to inform management decisions for the improvement of bee health, biodiversity, and crop pollination services.

    Katja is currently involved several collaborations between Australian researchers, primary industries, and governmental organisations to improve pollination in protected cropping. She is also active in bee conservation and chairs the IUCN-Oceania WIld Bee Specialist Group.

  • Qualifications

    PhD. Ethology and Sociobiology. Utrecht University, 1994.

  • Research Interests

    Applied: Enhancing the environment for crop pollinating bees; Development of native bees as greenhouse pollinators; The use of bees as vectors of biological control agents; Conservation of native bees. 

    Fundamental: Behavioural ecology and evolution of native bees, in particular related to mating behaviour and social behaviour; Taxonomy and phylogeography of native bees;

  • Publications


    Hogendoorn K., Keller M.A. 2013. Preparedness for biological control of high-priority arthropod pests. Final Report UA 1201, Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation, 78 pp.



    Junqueira C.N., Hogendoorn K., Augusto S.C., 2012. The use of trap-nest to manage carpenter bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Xylocopa spp.), pollinators of passion fruit (Passifloraceae: Passiflora edulis). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 105: 884 – 889.






    Hogendoorn K., Bartholomaeus F., Keller M.A. 2010. Chemical and sensory comparison of tomatoes pollinated by bees and by a pollination wand. Journal of Economic Entomology 103: 1286-1292.







    Hogendoorn K., Gross C.L., Sedgley M.& Keller M.A., 2006. Increased tomato yield through pollination by native Australian blue-banded bees (Amegilla chlorocyanea Cockerell). Journal of Economic Entomology 99: 828-833.







    Hogendoorn K., Steen Z. & Schwarz M.P., 2000. Native Australian carpenter bees as a potential alternative to introducing bumble bees for tomato pollination in greenhouses. Journal of Apicultural Research 39: 67-74.


    Schwarz M.P. & Hogendoorn K., 1999. Biodiversity and conservation of Australian native bees. In: The other 99 %. The Conservation and Biodiversity of Invertebrates. The Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, p 388-393. Australian Zoologist.





    Hogendoorn K. & Leys R., 1998. The life-cycle of Halictus rubicundus (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) in the Netherlands: comparison of two populations. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 70: 347-352.






    Hogendoorn K., 1991. Intraspecific competition in the carpenter bee Xylocopa pubescens and its implications for the evolution of sociality. Proc. Exper. & Appl. Entomol (N.E.V. Amsterdam) 2: 123-128.




  • Files

  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesAnimals & Veterinary Science, Agriculture & Farming
    ExpertiseBees, in particular native bees
    Bees as flying doctors
    Crop pollination
    Social behaviour
    Animal behaviour
    Mating behaviour
    NotesAssociate editor of Arthropod Plant Interactions
    International Union for the Study of Social Insects
    Australian Pollination Ecology Society
    European Society for Evolutionary Biology
    Australian Society for the Study of Animal behaviour

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Entry last updated: Friday, 18 Aug 2023

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