Associate Professor Juraj Farkas

Associate Professor Juraj Farkas
 Position Associate Professor
 Org Unit Earth Sciences
 Telephone +61 8 8313 6794
 Location Floor/Room G ,  Mawson ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    2024 – Present: Associate Professor at the 成人大片Discipline of Earth Sciences, Adelaide, Australia


    2020 – 2023: Senior Lecturer at the 成人大片Department of Earth Sciences, Adelaide, Australia


    2015 – 2019: Lecturer at the 成人大片, Department of Earth Sciences, Adelaide, Australia


    2012 – 2014: Lecturer at Czech University of Life Sciences, Department of Environmental Geosciences, Prague, Czech Republic (adjunct status at present).


    2010 – 2014: Research Scientist at Czech Geological Survey, Department of Geochemistry, Prague, Czech Republic (adjunct status at present).


    2007 - 2010: Postdoctoral Fellow (Postdoc), Harvard University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Cambridge, USA (supervisors: Profs. Stein B. Jacobsen and Lee Kump)


    2002 – 2007: Doctoral Degree (PhD), University of Ottawa, Department of Earth Sciences, Ottawa, Canada (supervisors: Profs. Jan Veizer and John Blenkinsop)


    1997 – 2002: Master Degree (MSc), Commenius University, Department of Geology, Bratislava, Slovakia (supervisor: Dr. Jan Kral)

  • Awards & Achievements

    2007 - 2010: Postdoctoral Fellowship, funded by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) under the Earth System Evolution Program (ESEP) ()


    2006:   Recognition of Excellence for Academic Year 2004-2005, awarded by the Faculty of Science at University of Ottawa, Canada


    2002 - 2007:  International Admission Scholarship, awarded by the University of Ottawa to cover international tuition for Doctoral (PhD) studies in the field of geosciences


  • Teaching Interests

    Geochemistry II (Semester 2) - This course focuses on the chemistry of the natural world and the chemical evolution of the Earth and other planets over geological time. It covers practical and theoretical geochemistry, with an emphasis on how chemical principles are used to study problems relevant to Earth and Environmental Sciences

    Earth System History III (Semester 2) - This course studies the fundamental geological and biological processes comprising the Earth System. It focuses on the interactions between the biosphere and the geosphere as the Earth System evolved as recorded in the geochemical and sedimentary record.

    Earth's Interior I (Semester 2) - This course provides a global perspective of Planet Earth and the dynamic processes that have modified it over its 4 billion-year history. We explore Earth's place in space and time and examine the operation of its internal chemical and physical processes. Fundamental concepts are developed: the formation and structure of the Earth; the driving forces of plate tectonics and continental drift; earthquakes and volcanoes, the formation and identification of geological materials, mountain building and rock deformation; the development of the geologic timescale.

    Supervised Students: 

    Maxwell Bullen (2017 Honours Project - University of Adelaide)

    Lise Jensen (2017 Honours Project - University of Adelaide)

    Jonathan Schneider (2017 Honours Project - University of Adelaide)

    Angus Love (2017 Honours Project - University of Adelaide)

    William Giuliano (2016 Honours Project - University of Adelaide)

    Mandy Shao (2016 Honours Project - University of Adelaide)

    Isaac Kell-Duivestein (2015 Honours Project - 成人大片)

    Philip Toerber (2015-2018 PhD Project - Czech University of Life Science / 成人大片)

    Anna Pereponova (2014 Master Project - Czech University of Life Science)

    Chukwudi Nwaogu (2014 Master Project - Czech University of Life Science)

    Adriene Dejeant (2010 Master Project - Harvard University)  

  • Research Interests

    My research focuses on biogeochemistry and non-traditional isotopes, and their application to solve problems relevant to earth system sciences and environmental studies. Specifically, I am interested in the stable isotope systems of alkaline earth metals (e.g., Ca, Mg, Sr) and redox-sensitive elements, and how these new isotope tracers can be used to further constrain: (1) the isotope evolution of seawater over geologic time, (2) diagenetic processes in marine carbonates, (3) material cycling in the Earth’s outer shell, and (4) paleo-environmental conditions and depositional settings in large sedimentary basins (i.e., Paleozoic and Proterozoic basins in Europe and Australia).


    In 2018, I have established 'Metal Isotope Group' (MIG) whose primary research focus is on stable and radiogenic isotope systems of selected metals, and their application to solve problems relevant to earth system evolution studies, geochronology, metallogenesis and environmental issues. For more details on specific research projects, collaborators, and analytical facilities see also the link below for the MIG webpage:


  • Research Funding

    2024 – 2026 (as CI): Middle Age Earth: Ocean chemistry and evolution in the Boring Billion, Funded by Australian Research Council - ARC DP - Discovery Project Scheme


    2022 – 2025 (as CI): Novel isotope techniques to explore the Centralian Superbasin, Australia, Funded by Australian Research Council - ARC LP - Linkage Project Scheme


    2021 – 2024 (as CI): Glauconite: An archive recording the timing and triggers of the Cambrian radiation, Funded by Australian Research Council - ARC DP - Discovery Project Scheme


    2020 – 2021 (as CI): MIF-AS: Metal Isotope Facility with ATONA System, Installation of a new signal amplification system - ATONA - developed by IsotopX, for TIMS Phoenix instrument, Funded by AuScope Opportunity and Infrastructure Grant 


    2020 – 2022 (as co-CI): Project Coorong and HCHB Initiative, Research Module on Isotope tracing of nutrient and water sources in the Coorong Lagoon. Funded by Commonwealth and SA Government via Goyder Institute. 


    2020 – 2021 (as co-CI): Effects of Bushfires on Estuarine Systems of Kangaroo Island, Research module on isotope tracing of heavy metals released into the environment due to bushfires. Funded by: Department of Environment and Water (DEW) via the Coastal Research & Development Grant Scheme 


    2018 – 2028 (as co-CI): MinEx CRC - Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Grant for development of new technologies and methods for mineral exploration, Research Theme focused on "Metal Isotope Tracers for Exploration" 


    2017 – 2019 (as co-CI): Tectonic Geography of the World's Oldest Petroleum Play, McArthur Basin: Research Theme on "New Isotope Proxies for Past Depositional Environments", Collaborative 'Academia-Industry' Project, Funded by Australian Research Council - ARC Linkage Scheme


    2017 – 2019 (as co-CI): Calcium and Oxygen Isotope Constraints on the Origin of Carbon Isotope Anomalies: Testing the Model of Global "Carbonate Hypersaturation" of Silurian Seawater, Funded by Czech Science Foundation (GACR)


    2015 – 2018 (as co-CI): BASE-LiNE Earth: Brachiopods as Sensitive Tracers of Global Marine Environment: Insights from alkali and alkaline earth metal element ratios and isotope systems (), Funded by European Commission (Marrie Curie Actions ITN-ETN: European Training Network)


    2016 – 2017 (as CI): New laboratory facility for trace-metal isotope applications, Funded by DVCR - Uni of Adelaide Infrastructure Scheme - New Equipment 


    2015 – 2016 (as CI): Development of new method for chromium isotope analysis, Funded by the Environmet Institute - 成人大片 ()

    2015 – 2017 (as co-CI): Tracing the continental weathering during the mid-Paleozoic with Cr isotopes: Implications for nutrient fluxes and their effects on marine evolution, Funded by Czech Science Foundation (GACR)


    2012 – 2014 (as CI): Magnesium isotope record of Phanerozoic marine carbonates: Implications for chemical evolution of seawater and the formation of massive dolomites, Funded by Czech Science Foundation (GACR)


    2012 – 2015 (as co-CI): Moldavite formation: unconventional components and processes indicated by isotopic fractionation, Funded by Czech Science Foundation (GACR).


    2011 – 2014 (as co-CI): Chromium isotopes as an indicator of natural attenuation of water pollution: Introducing mass-spectrometry based technology, Funded by Technological Agency of Czech Republic (TACR).


    2009 – 2010 (as co-CI): Recycled Carbonate-Rich Sediment in the Hawaiian Plume: Evidence from Calcium Isotopes, Funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) under the Early Grant for Exploratory Research (EaGER) program. 


    2007 – 2008 (as CI): The application of calcium isotopes to study diagenetic processes in carbonate sedimentary systems,Funded by GDL Foundation.


    2003 – 2004 (as CI): Reconstruction of Calcium isotopic evolution of seawater for Cretaceous and Jurassic, and Tentative extension of the calcium isotopic evolution curve of seawater to the Precambrian, Funded by Geological Society of America – GCA Reseach Grants.

  • Publications

    Farkaš J., Wallmann K., Mosley L., Staudigel P., Zheng, X-Y. et al. (2024) Alkalinity and elemental cycles in present and past ocean: Insight from geochemical modeling and alkali and alkaline earth metal isotopes. Book chapter in Treatise on Geochemistry (Third edition), Elsevier,


    Subarkah D., Nixon A., Gilbert S., Collins A., Blades M., Simpson A., Lloyd J., Virgo G., Farkaš J. (2024) Double dating sedimentary sequences using new applications of in-situ laser ablation analysis. Lithos (accepted),


    Baldermann A., Stamm F., Farkaš J., Lohr, S., Ratz, B., Letofsky-Papst, I. and Dietzel, M. (2024) Precipitation of short-range order hydroxy aluminosilicate (HAS) and hydrous ferric silicate (HFS) at ambient temperature: Insights into mineral formation pathways, crystal chemistry and solubility-stability relationshipsChemical Geology. 121911,


    Fox D., McGee L., Farkaš J., Payne, J., Spinks, S., Barham, M. and Aspandiar, M. (2023) Copper isotope fractionation in Archean hydrothermal systems: Evidence from the Mesoarchean Carlow Castle Cu-Co-Au depositGeochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Vol. 24,


    Rafiei M., Lohr S., Alard O., Baldermann A., Farkaš J., Brock G.A. (2023) Microscale Petrographic, Trace Element, and Isotopic Constraints on Glauconite Diagenesis in Altered Sedimentary Sequences: Implications for Glauconite GeochronologyGeochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Vol. 24,


    Taylor H., Dosseto A., Farkaš J., Kingston A., and Lorrey A. (2023) Lithium isotope composition of Ediacaran dolostones from the Nuccaleena and Doushantuo formations. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences (accepted),


    Anderson J.R., Klaebe R., Carson. C.J., Hall, T. and Farkaš J. (2023) Exploring for the Future - Strontium, Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes from the Birrindudu Basin, Australia, GA Report,


    Subarkah D., Collins A., Farkaš J., Blades, M., Gilbert S., Jarrett A., Bullen M. and Giuliano W. (2023) Charactersing the economic Proterozoic Glyde Package of the greater McArthur Basin, northern Australia. Ore Geology Reviews (accepted).


    Mosley L., Priestley S., Brooks, J., Dittmann, S., Farkaš J., Farrell, M., Ferguson, A.J., Gibbs, M., et al. (2023) Extreme eutrophication and salinisation in the Coorong estuarine-lagoon ecosystem of Australia's largest river basin (Murray-Darling), Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 188, p. 114648, 


    Leyden E.Farkaš J., Hutson, J. and Mosley, L. (2023) Controls on sulfide accumulation in coastal soils during simulated sea level rise. Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta, Vol. 347, p. 88-101.


    Han S., Lohr S., Abbott A., Baldermann A., Farkaš J., McMahon W., Milliken K., Rafiei M., Wheeler C., Owen M. (2022) Earth System Science applications of next generation SEM-EDS automated mineral mapping. Frontiers in Earth Science (accepted). DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.956912


    Subarkah D., Nixon A., Jimenez M., Collins A., Blades M., Farkaš J., Gilbert S., Holford S. (2022) Constraining the geothermal parameters of in situ Rb-Sr dating on  Proterozoic shales and its subsequent applications. Geochronology,


    Baldermann A., Banerjee S., Czuppon G., Dietzel M., Farkaš J., Lohr S., et al (2022) Impact of green clay authigenesis on element sequestration in marine settings. Nature Communications, Vol 13, 1527,


    Redaa A., Farkaš J., Gilbert S.,Collins, A. Lohr, S. et al. (2022) Testing nano-powder and fused-glass mineral reference materials for in situ Rb-Sr dating of Glauconite, Phlogopite, Biotite and Feldspar via LA-ICP-MS/MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Reserch, Vol. 47. p. 23-48,


    Scheiblhofer E., Moser U., Lohr S., Wilmsen M., Farkaš J., Gallhofer D., Backstrom A., Zack. T.,  Baldermann A. (2022) Revisiting glauconite geochronology: Lessons learned from in-situ radiometric dating of a glauconite-rich Cretaceous shelfal sequence, Minerals, Vol 12, Special Issue: Formation and Evolution of Glauconite - New Scale Approach.; DOI: 10.3390/min12070818 


    Farias, P., Reno, B., Redaa A. and Farkaš J. (2022) In situ Rb-Sr geochronology constraints on the tectono-metamorphic history and base metal mineralisation of the Rover field, Warramunga Province. NTGS Record 2022-010, ISBN: 978-0-7245-7401-8,


    Priestley S., Mosley L., Farkaš J. Tyler J. Shao Y., et al. (2022) Sources and transport of nutrients in the Coorong, Goyder Institute for Water Research. Technical Report Series No. 22/01. Adelaide, South Australia. ISSN: 1839-2725. 


    Novak M., Andronikov A., Sebek O., Kotkova J. Kocergina Y., Stepanova M., Strnad L., Kram P., Farkaš J. et al. (2022) Chromium isotope systematics in three mantle-derived domains of Central European Variscides: Relationship between d53Cr values and progressive weathering of serpentinized ultramafic rocks, Chemical Geology, Vol. 604, 120940, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.120940


    Cox G., Collins A., Jarrett A., Blades M., Shannon A., Yang B., Farkaš J., et al (2022) A vert uncoventional hydrocarbon play: The Mesoproterozoic Velkerri Formation of northern Australia. AAPG Bulletin, Vol 106, 1213-1237, DOI: 10.1306/12162120148


    Leyden E., Farkaš J., Hutson J., Mosley L. (2022) Short-term seawater inundation induces metal mobilisation in freshwater and acid sulfate soil environments. Chemosphere, Vol. 299, 134383,


    Redaa A., Farkaš J., Hassan A., Collins A., Gilbert S., et al. (2022) Constraints from in-situ Rb-Sr dating on timing of tectono-thermal events in the Umm Farwah shear zone and associated Cu-Au mineralisation in the Southern Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 224, 105037,


    Priestley S., Tyler J., Liebelt S., Mosley L., Wong W., Shao Y., Woolstone S., Farrell M., Welsh D.,  Brooks J., Collins A., Keneally, Farkaš J. (2022) N and C isotope variations along an extreme eutrophication and salinity gradient in the Coorong Lagoon, South Australia. Frontiers in Earth Science,


    Virgo M.G., Collins A., Amos K.J., Farkaš J., Blades M., Subarkah D. (2021) Descending into the "snowball": High resolution sedimentological and geochemical analysis across the Tonian to Cryogenian boundary in South Australia. Precambrian Research;


    Frederiksen J.A., Klaebe R., Farkaš J., Swart P.K., Frei R. (2021) Cadmium isotopes in Bahamas platform carbonates: A base for reconstruction of past surface water bioproductivity and their link with chromium isotopes. Science of the Total Environment;


    Subarkah D., Blades M., Collins A., Farkaš J., Gilbert S., Lohr S., et al. (2021) Unraveling the histories of Proterozoic shales through in situ Rb-Sr dating and trace element laser ablation analysis. GEOLOGY;


    Leyden E, Farkaš J., Gilbert S., Huston J., Mosley L. (2021) A simple and rapid ICP-MS/MS determination of sulfur isotope ratios (34S/32S) in complex natural waters: A new tool for tracing seawater intrusion in coastal systems. TALANTA;


    Fryda J, Lehnert O., Joachimiski M., Mannik P., Kubajko M., Mergl M., Farkaš J., Frydova B. (2021) The Mid-Ludfordian (late Silurian) Glaciation: A link with global changes in ocean chemistry and ecosystem overturns. Earth-Science Reviews;


    Redaa A., Farkaš J., Gilbert S., Collins A., et al. (2021) Assessment of elemental fractionation and matrix effects during in-situ Rb-Sr dating of phlogopite by LA-ICP-MS/MS: Implications for the accuracy and precision of mineral ages. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry DOI: 10.1039/D0JA00299B


    Rippon L., Rollog M., Bruce D., Farkaš J., Pate F.D. et al. (2020) Baseline bioavailable strontium and oxygen isotope mapping of the Adelaide Region, South Australia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports;


    Shao Y., Farkaš J., Mosley L., et al. (2020) Impact of salinity and carbonate saturation on stable Sr isotopes (d88/86Sr) in a lagoon-estuarine system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2020.11.014 


    Mosley L., Priestley S., Brooks J., Dittmann S., Farkaš J. et al. (2020) Coorong water quality synthesis with focus on the drivers of eutrophication, Goyder Institute for Water Research. Technical Report Series No. 20/10. Adelaide, South Australia. ISSN: 1839-2725. 


    Novak M., Farkaš J., Kram P., Hruska J., et al. (2020) Controls on d26Mg variability in three Central European headwater catchments characterized by contrasting bedrock chemistry and contrasting inputs of atmospheric pollutants, PLOS ONE; 


    Yang B., Collins A., Blades M., Munson T., Payne J., Glorie S., Farkaš J. (2020) Tectonic controls on sedimentary provenance and basin geography of the Mesoproterozoic Wilton package, McArthur Basin, northern Australia; Geological Magazine,  


    Fryda J., Lehnert O., Farkaš J. et al. (2020) Carbon and sulfure cycling during mid-Ludfordian anomaly and the linkage with the late Silurian Lau/Kozlowski Bioevent. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110152 


    Novak M., Holmden C., Farkaš J., Kram P., Hruska J., et al. (2020) Magnesium and calcium isotope systematics in a headwater catchment underlain by amphibolite: Constraints on Mg-Ca biogeochemistry in an atmospherically polluted but well-buffered spruce ecosystem. CATENA journal.


    Shanshan L., Santosh., Farkaš J., Redaa A., Ganguly S., Kim S., Cun Z., Gilbert S., Zack T. (2020) Coupled U-Pb and Rb-Sr laser ablation geochronology trace Archean to Proterozoic crustal evolution in the Dharwar Craton, India. Precambrian Research,


    Yang B., Collins A., Cox G., Jarrett A., Denyszyn S., Blades M., Farkaš J., Glorie S. (2020) Using Mesoproterozoic sedimentary geochemistry to reconstruct basin tectoniv geography and link organic carbon productivity to nutrient flux from a northern Australian large igneous province. Basin Research (in press)


    Novak M., Holmden Ch., Farkaš J., Kram P., et al (2020) Calcium and strontium isotope dynamics in three poluted forest ecosystems of the Czech Republic, Central Europe. Chemical Geology,


    Cox G., Sansjofre P., Blades M., Farkaš J., Collins A. (2019) Dynamics interaction between basin redox and the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle in an unconventional Proterozoic petroluem system. Nature Scientific Reports, Vol., 9, Article No. 5200,


    Taylor H., Kell-Duivestein I., Farkaš J., Dietzel M., Dosseto A. (2019) Lithium isotopes in dolostones as a palaeo-environmental proxy - An experimental approach. Climate of the Past,


    Shao Y., Farkaš J., Holmden Ch., Mosley L., Kell-Duivestein I., Izzo Ch., Reis-Santos P., Tyler J., Toerber P., Fryda J., Taylor H., Haynes D., Tibby J., Gillanders B. (2018) Calcium and Strontium isotope systematics in the lagoon-estuarine environments of South Australia: Implications for water source mixing, carbonate fluxes and fish migration. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol., 239, 90-108, 


    Farkaš J., Fryda J., Paulukat C., Hathorne E., Matouskova S., Rohovec J., Frydova B., Francova M., Frei R. (2018) Chromium isotope fractionation between modern seawater and biogenic carbonates from Great Barrier Reef, Australia: Implications for paleo-seawater d53Cr reconstruction, Earth and Planetary Science Letters Vol. 498, p. 140-151,


    Shalev N., Farkaš J., Fietzke J., Novak M., Schuessler J., Pogge von Strandmann P., Toerber P. (2018) Mg isotope interlaboratory comparison of reference materials from Earth-surface low-temperature environmentsGeostandards and Geoanalytical ResearchDOI: 10.1111/ggr.12208


    Yang B., Smith T., Collins A., Munson T., Schoemaker B., Nicholls D., Cox G., Farkaš J., Glorie S. (2017) Spatial and temporal detrital zircon U-Pb provenance of the hydrocarbon-bearing upper   Roper Group, Beetaloo Sub-Basin, Northern Territory, Australia, Precambrian Research


    Novak M., Martinkova E., Chrastny V., Stepanova M., Sebek O., Andronikov A., Curik J., Veselovsky F, Prechova E., Buzek F., Farkaš J. (2017) The fate of Cr(VI) in contaminated aquifers 65 years after the first spillage of plating solutions: A δ53Cr study at four Central European sites, CATENA, Vol. 158, p. 371-380,


    Novak M., Kram P., Sebek O., Andronikov A., Chrastny V., Martinkova E., Stepanova M., Prechova E., Curik J., Veselovsky F, Myska O., Stedra V., Farkaš J. (2017) Temporal changes in Cr fuxes and δ53Cr values in runoff from a small catchment serpentinite catchment, Chemical Geology,   


    Farkaš J., Fryda J., and Holmden Ch (2017) Corrigendum to "Calcium isotope constraints on marine carbon cycle and CaCO3 deposition during the late Silurian (Ludfordian) positive d13C excursion", Earth and Planetary Science Letters Vol. 469, p. 170-171,


    Novak M., Chrastny V., Sebek O., Martinkova E., Prechova E., Curik J., Veselovsky F, Stepanova M., Dousova B., Buzek F., Farkaš J, Andronikov A., Cimova N., Houskova M. (2017) Chromium isotope fractionations resulting from electroplating, chromating and anodizing: Implications for groundwater pollution studies, Applied Geochemistry. Vol. 80, p. 134-142. DOI:


    Farkaš J., Fryda J., and Holmden Ch (2016) Calcium isotope constraints on marine carbon cycle and CaCO3 deposition during the late Silurian (Ludfordian) positive d13C excursion, Earth and Planetary Science Letter. Vol. 451, p. 31-40, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.06.038 


    Farkaš J. (2016) Calcium isotopes, (book chapter) in Earth Science Series, Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, edited by W.M. White, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-39193-9_237-1


    Novák M., Sipkova A., Chrastný V., Stepanova M., Voldrichova P., Veselovsky F., Prechova E., Blaha V., Curik J., Farkaš J. et al. (2016) Cu-Zn isotope constraints on the provennance of air pollution in Central Europe: Using soluble and insoluble particles in snow and rime, Environmental Pollution


    Stedra, V., Krám P., Farkaš J. (2015) Petrology and whole-rock geochemistry of metabasites from borehole cores in Slavkov Forest, Bohemia, Geoscience Research Reports, p. 103-108, ISBN: 978-80-7075-884-7


    Krám P., Farkaš J., Pereponova A., Nwaogu Ch., Štedra V., and Hruška J. (2014) Bedrock weathering and stream water chemistry in felsic and ultramafic forest catchments, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, Vol. 10, 52-55, DOI: 10.1016/j.proeps.2014.08.010


    Voldrichova P., Chrastny V., Sipkova A., Farkaš J., Novak M., Stepanova M., Krachler M., Veselovsky F., Blaha V., Prechova E., Komarek A., Bohdalkova L., Curik J., Mikova J., Erbanova L., and Pacherova P. (2014) Zinc isotope systematics in snow and ice accretions in Central European mountains, Chemical Geology, Vol. 388, 130-141, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.09.008


    Novák M., Chrastný V., Cadkova Farkaš J., Bullen T.D. et al. (2014) Common occurence of a positive δ53Cr shift in central European waters contaminated by geogenic/industrial chromium relative to source values, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 48, 6089-6096, DOI: 10.1021/es405615h


    Farkaš J., Chrastný V., Novák M., Cadkova E., Pašava J., Chakrabati R., Jacobsen S.B., Ackerman L., Bullen T.D. (2013) Chromium isotope variations (δ53/52Cr) in mantle-derived sources and their weathering products: Implications for environmental studies and the evolution of δ53/52Cr in the Earth’s mantle over geologic time. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 123, 74-94.


    Farkaš, J., Chakrabarti, R., Jacobsen, S., Kump, L., Melezhik, V. (2013): Calcium and Magnesium Isotopes in Sedimentary Carbonates. In Melezhik V., Kump L., Fallick A., Strauss H., Hanski E., Prave, A., Lepland: Reading The Archive of Earth's Oxygenation. Vol.3 Global Events and the Fennoscandian Arctic Russia - Drilling Early Earth Project, s. 1468-1482., Springer (Frontiers in Earth Sciences). Berlin. ISBN 978-3-642-29669-7.


    Vollstaedt H., Eisenhauer A., Wallmann K., Böhm F., Fietzke J., Liebetrau V., Krabbenhöft A., Farkaš J., Tomašových A., Raddatza J., and Veizer J. (2013) The Phanerozoic δ88/86Sr Record of Seawater: New Constraints on Past Changes in Oceanic Carbonate Fluxes, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 128, p. 249-265.


    Kump, L., Kuznetsov, A., Gorokohov, I., Melezhik V., Farkaš, J. et al. (2013) Chemical Characteristics of Sediments and Seawater. In: Reading The Archive of Earth's Oxygenation. Vol. 3 Global Events and the Fennoscandian Arctic Russia - Drilling Early Earth Project, p. 1457-1515, Springer (Frontiers in Earth Sciences). Berlin. ISBN 978-3-642-29669-7.


    Chrastný V., Rohovec J., Cadkova E., Pašava J., Farkaš J. and Novák M., (2013) A New Method for Low-Temperature Decomposition of Chromites and Dichromium Trioxide using Bromic Acid Evaluated by Chromium Isotope Measurements, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-908X.2013.00229.x


    Huang S., Farkaš J., Yu G., Petaev M.I., and Jacobsen S.B. (2012) Calcium isotopic ratios and rare earth element abundances in refractory inclusions from the Allende CV3 chondrite; Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaVolume 77, p. 252-265.


    Chrastný V., Vanek A., Komárek M., Farkaš J., Drábek O., Vokurková P. and Nemcová J. (2012) Incubation of air-pollution-control residues from secondary Pb smelter in deciduous and coniferous organic soil horizons: Leachability of lead, cadmium and zinc, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 209–210, p. 40-47.


    Farkaš J., Dejeant A., Novak M., and Jacobsen S.B (2011) Calcium isotope constraints on the uptake and sources of Ca2+ in a base-poor forest: A new concept of combining stable (δ 44/42Ca) and radiogenic (eCa) signal, Geochimica et Cosomochimica Acta. Vol. 75, p. 7031-7046.


    Huang S., Farkaš J., Jacobsen S.B (2011) Stable calcium isotopic compositions of Hawaiian shield lavas: Evidence for recycling of ancient carbonates into the mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 75, p. 4987-4997.


    Huang S., Farkaš J. and Jacobsen S. (2010) Calcium Isotopic Fractionation between Clinopyroxene and Orthopyroxene from Mantle Peridotites, Earth and Planetary Science. Vol. 292, p. 337-344.


    Farkaš J., Böhm F., Wallmann K., Blenkinsop J., Eisenhauer A., van Geldern R., Munnecke A., Voigt S. and Veizer J. (2007) Calcium isotope record of Phanerozoic oceans: Implications for chemical evolution of seawater and its causative mechanisms, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 71, p. 5117-5134.


    Farkaš J., Buhl D., Blenkinsop J. and Veizer J. (2007) Evolution of the Oceanic Calcium Cycle during the Late Mesozoic: Evidence from δ44/40Ca of Marine Skeletal Carbonates, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 253, p. 96-111.


    Tomašovych A. and Farkaš J. (2005) Cathodoluminescence of Late Triassic Terebratulid Brachiopods: Implications for Growth Patterns, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Vol. 216, p. 215-233.

  • Community Engagement

    Associate Editor for: Geochimica et Cosmochica Acta (GCA) journal

    Reviewer for: Science Magazine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), Geology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (GCA), Gondwana Research (GR), Geophysical Research Letters (GRL), Chemical Geology, Quaternary Science Reviews (QSR), Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (CTMP), Biogeosciences, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, Applied Geochemistry, Plant and Soil, Chemie Der Erde - Geochemistry;

    Assessor for: national granting agencies: Australian Research Council (ARC), National Science Foundation (NSF), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Israel Science Foundation (ISF), German-Israeli Foundation (GIF) for Scientific Research, and German Science Foundation (DFG).


    Organization of Conferences / Workshops / Sessions: 

    2024: Theme Chair for Goldschmidt 2024 program/theme focused on "Earth's active surface", Goldschmidt, Chicago, USA

    2023: Organiser of session on "Authigenic & biogenic minerals in the ocean", Goldschmidt, Lyon, France

    2023: Organiser of session on "Isotope fingerprinting & novel geochronology", AESC 2023, Perth, Australia

    2020: Organiser of session on "Metal isotopes in Earth's near-surface environments", Virtual Goldschmidt 2020

    2019: Co-Organiser of workshop "Reaction Gases + ICP MS = New Frontiers for Earth Sciences", Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona

    2018: Convener of the session "Traditional and Non-Traditional Isotopes in Geobiology", Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, USA

    2018: Co-Organiser "Calcium Isotope Workshop", Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, USA  

    2016: Convener of the session "Non-traditional isotopes" and "Sprigg Symposium" at AESC 2016, Adelaide, Australia

    2014: Chair of the session “Trace Element and Metal Biogeochemistry” at the Biogeomon 2014 Conference (Bayreuth, Germany),

    2013: Chair and organizer of the theme “Evolution of Earth’s Environment” at the Goldschmidt 2013 Conference (Florence, Italy), and a co-convener of the session “Seawater Geochemical Evolution: Application of Elemental and Isotopic Proxies”.

    2011: Convener of a session on “General Geochemistry” for the Goldschmidt 2011 Conference (Prague, Czech Republic)


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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 16 Jul 2024

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