Mrs Johanna Cool

Mrs Johanna Cool
 Position Teaching Support Officer
 Org Unit School of Animal and Veterinary Science / Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
 Telephone +61 8 8313 1902 / +61 8 8313 7703
 Mobile +61 4 5808 9699
 Location Floor/Room G32 ,  Williams Building ,   Roseworthy
  • Qualifications

    BSc [Hons, Anatomy and Histology]

  • Research Interests

    Previous Research Interests - neonatal intestinal development, skin wound healing, effects of chemotherapy agents on bone and intestinal growth, intra-uterine growth retardation, role of growth factors on gastrointestinal diseases, correction of foetal diaphragmatic hernisa and intestinal atresias.

  • Professional Interests

    Developing animal models of diseases

    Developing image analysis techniques of histological sample

  • Community Engagement

    Siemens Science Experience - Heart of the Matter

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 26 Jan 2023

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