Dr James Botten

Dr James Botten
 Position Lecturer
 Org Unit Molecular and Biomedical Science
 Email james.botten@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 5436
 Location Floor/Room 442 ,  Molecular Life Sciences ,   North Terrace
  • Teaching Interests

    Introductory Microbiology:
    Human Biology IB (Health Sciences)
    Human Sciences IA/IB (Nursing)
    Medical Microbiology and Immunology III (MBBS Elective course)

    Introductory Molecular Biology:
    Scientific Basis of Medicine IB (MBBS core course)

    Level II Microbiology:
    Microbiology II - Bacterial Pathogenesis (Science)

    Microbiology II
    Immunology & Virology II
    Infection & Immunity A (Level 3 course)

    Level II Science (Microbiolgy & Immunology, Biochemistry & Genetics)
    Infection & Immunity A/B

  • Research Interests

    While attending University is more than just the obtaining of a degree, it is the students' academic endeavours that will determine the outcomes of their future career. These endeavours rely on, and deserve, the highest quality teaching that we can possibly provide.

    In order to provide this high quality teaching, it is essential that staff and students communicate and understand their expectations of each other, particularly in regards to assessments, as it is the assessments that provide the tangible measurement of a students success in their chosen field of study.

    My research interest centres around understanding students' perceptions of the courses that I teach into, with the aim of improving the learning and teaching outcomes of those courses.

  • Publications

    Biological Publications

    Pinyon, R. A. , Paton, J. C. , Paton, A. W. , Botten, J. A. and Morona, R. (2004) Refinement of a therapeutic Shiga toxin-binding probiotic for human trials. J. Infect. Dis. 189:1547芒聙联1555.

    Jilbert, A. R., Botten, J. A., Miller, D. S., Bertram, E. M., Hall, P. M., Kotlarski, I. and Burrell, C. J. (1998) Characterization of age- and dose-related outcomes of duck hepatitis B virus infection. Virology 244:273-282.

    Education Research Publications

  • Professional Associations

    Founding Member of the Education Research Group of Adelaide (ERGA; ) which seeks to promote high quality University learning through evidence-based, practical approaches to teaching.

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 23 Jan 2024

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