Dr Jacqueline Clarke

Dr Jacqueline Clarke
 Position Research Fellow
 Org Unit School of Humanities
 Email jacqueline.r.clarke@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 4268
 Location Floor/Room 8 ,  Napier ,   North Terrace
  • Teaching Interests

    Latin and Ancient Greek

    Greco-Roman Mythology

    Emotions in Antiquity

  • Publications


    Imagery of Colour and Shining in Catullus, Propertius and Horace

    Peter Lang (Lang Classical Studies): New York, N.Y. 2003, 337 pp.

    Edited Volume

    Pain Narratives in Greco-Roman Writings: Studies in the Representation of Mental and Physical Suffering. Jacqueline R. Clarke, Daniel King, Han Baltussen (eds). Brill: Leiden. 2023, 312 pp.

    Book Chapters

    'Technological Innovation and Poetical Exegisis: The Glass Lamp in Prudentius Cathemerinon 5' in Poetry and Exegesis in Premodern Latin Christianity: The Encounter between Classical and Christian Strategies of Interpretation Willemien Otten and Karla Pollman eds Brill, Leiden, Boston 2007, 99-114.


    ‘Traumatic Pain and the Transformation of Identity: Prudentius and Ovid Compared’ in Pain Narratives in Greco-Roman Writings: Studies in the Representation of Mental and Physical Suffering. Jacqueline R. Clarke, Daniel King, Han Baltussen (eds) Brill: Leiden. 2023: 205-28.




    ‘Colours in Conflict: Catullus’ Use of Colour Imagery in Carmen 63’ Classical Quarterly 51.1 (2001) 163-177 (Oxford University Press)


    ‘Colour Sequences in Catullus’ Long Poems’ Colour in the Ancient Mediterranean World: British Archaeological Reports International Series 1267 (2004) 122-5


    ‘“Goodbye to All That”: Propertius’ magnum iter between Elegies 3.16 and 3.21’ Mouseion Series III, vol. 4 (2004) 127-43


    ‘Bridal Songs: Catullan Epithalamia and Prudentius Peristephanon 3’ Antichthon 40 (2006) 89-103


    ‘Mourning and Memory in Catullus 65’ Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History XIV 315 (2008) 131-43 


    ‘Landscapes of the Body in Prudentius Cathemerinon VII’ Vigiliae Christianae 66.4 (2012) 379-97 

    ‘“Engendering Landscape”: Propertius’ Use of Place in 1.21 and 22’ Phoenix 66.3-4 (2013) 364-380

     ‘The Struggle for Control of the Landscape in Book 1 of Rutilius Namatianus’ Arethusa 47 (2014) 89-107


    ‘Gender Roles, Time and Initiation in Pan’s Labyrinth and the Homeric Hymn to Demeter’ New Voices in Classical Reception Studies 10 (2015) 42-55

    ‘Rape, Revenge and Resurrection in Correr’s Progne International Journal of the Classical Tradition 27 (2020) 23-39

     ‘Pain, Speech and Silence in Prudentius Peristephanon 5 and 9’ Vigiliae Christianae 74 (2020) 4-28.

    ‘Female Pain in Prudentius’ Peristephanon’ Classical Quarterly 71.1 (2021) 386-401


  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesArts & Culture, Language & Literacy
    ExpertiseLatin and Ancient Greek; Greek and Roman Poetry; Emotions in Antiquity; Colours in Antiquity; Early Christian Poets

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 13 Feb 2024

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