Dr Hue Do

Dr Hue Do
 Position Postdoctoral Researcher
 Org Unit School of Animal and Veterinary Science
 Email hue.do@adelaide.edu.au
 Mobile +61414998605
 Location Floor/Room G37 ,  J.S. Davies Building ,   Roseworthy
  • Biography/ Background

    Dr. Hue is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 成人大片. She has extensive knowledge and expertise in animal biology, particular animal genetics, biochemistry, and microbiology. She is passionate about improving animal survival and performance by targeting in genetics, colostrum, and diets. Her expertise is in various disciplines, including animal biology, physiology, biochemistry, molecular and genomics. She has participated in many projects, including pig, chicken, cattle, and sheep.


    Colostrum essential nutrition for newborns and contains nutrients, growth factors, and various immune components that helps neonates resist infection during the first days of their life. During her PhD, she investigated different colostrum components that can transfer to newborn calves after receiving colostrum to improve calf survival rate.



    Currently, Hue is investigating the molecular and biochemical mechanisms in hair follicles. She played a leading role in laboratory works to discover the drug that creates a weakened zone in the wool. 

  • Qualifications

    ·       PhD: School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, The 成人大片, Australia.

    ·        Master: Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Vietnam.

    ·        Bachelor (Animal and Veterinary Sciences): Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Vietnam.

  • Publications

    Please see My researcher profile

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Entry last updated: Monday, 15 Apr 2024

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