Associate Professor Emma Miller

Associate Professor  Emma Miller
 Position Adjunct Associate Professor
 Org Unit Stretton Institute
 Location ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Adjunct Associate Professor 

    Stretton Institute

    Emma Miller is an epidemiologist with particular expertise in hepatitis C, STI, and substance use. She has experience in the surveillance of communicable diseases and a history of research in this area. In recent years she has added another stream of research interest in alcohol behaviour and its links with cancer. In various government and academic roles, including in surveillance of influenza in Victoria and sexually transmissible infections in SA, she has worked extensively with priority populations primarily affected by substance use issues, including prisoners in the South Australian correctional system. She has held academic posts at Deakin University, La Trobe University, Flinders University and The 成人大片 and is currently an adjunct Associate Professor in the Stretton Institute. 

  • Qualifications

    PhD(The 成人大片)

    MPH (The 成人大片)

    BNg (University of South Australia)

  • Awards & Achievements



    Undergraduate Teacher of the Year (Student Nominations), School of Population Health, The 成人大片



    Kerry Kirke Public Health Student Award, Public Health Association of Australia (SA).


    Margaret Grace McNair AM Foundation Award (Underdale Campus), University of South Australia:

    ·     For outstanding performance over the three years of the Bachelor of Nursing through the demonstration of academic excellence in the form of the highest grades achieved in both the theoretical and clinical components of the course.

  • Research Interests

    Hepatitis C infection and other blood borne virus, particularly in vulnerable populations

    Health of incarcerated populations

    Alcohol and other substance use

    Alcohol use and its links with cancer

    Communicable diseases and public health management

    Epidemiological methods and on line survey techniques 


    Research student Supervision:

    PhD, Terefe Gone Fuge (2022), The impact of imprisonment on initiation, adherence and effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy in Southern Ethiopia: a cohort study [Principal Supervisor] – Thesis passed without amendment and Vice Chancellor's Award for Doctoral Thesis Excellence 2021

    PhD (2021), Jane Scarborough, Looking after them? - Factors that affect access to primary health care in private general practice for patients with hepatitis C [Principal Supervisor]

    PhD (2020), Abel Fekadu, Perinatal depression: epidemiology and associated adverse birth and infant health outcomes in Ethiopia: a mixed method study [Co-Supervisor]

    DrPH (2019), Yane Vina Tarigan: Effectiveness of the strategic use of antiretroviral therapy in improving engagement of high-risk people to the HIV continuum of care in Indonesia [Co-Supervisor]

    Honours (2020), Trevor Thomas, Representation of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Australian printed press: A media analysis (graduated with First Class Honours) [Co-supervisor]

    Honours (2019), Amy Rudge: Representation of the relationship between alcohol consumption and breast cancer in Australian newspapers 2002 – 2018: A media analysis (graduated with First Class Honours, highest grade in Honours year) [Co-supervisor]

    MPH, (2021) Amandi Hiyare Hewage, Understanding mid-life single mothers’ alcohol consumption and their emotional responses to COVID-19 and Breast Cancer during early days of mandated COVID-19 lockdown in Australia and the United Kingdom [Principal supervisor]

    MPH (2021), Thomas Freeman, Feasibility and acceptability of a hepatitis B registry in South Australia [Principal Supervisor]

    MPH (2021), Thoshenthri Kandasamy, Physiotherapist’s attitudes and beliefs about telehealth and the implications of these on service delivery in South Australia [Principal supervisor]

    MPH (2020), Amalia Dwi Asanti: Factors affecting injectable contraceptive use in married women in Indonesia in 2017 [Principal Supervisor]

    MPH (2018), Sally Ellis: Epidemiology of gonorrhoea in South Australia (graduated with Australasian Epidemiological Association award for highest grades in epidemiology and biostatistics) [Principal supervisor]

    MPH (2017), Bernie Edmunds: The prevalence and socio-economic burden of hepatitis C in South Australia [Principal Supervisor]

    MPH (2016), Simone Nyon: International students and alcohol consumption [Principal Supervisor]

    MPH (2015), Ly Tran Thi: How do GPs initiate discussions about alcohol with their patients? [Principal Supervisor]

    MPH (2012), Linda Jarratt, The relationship between patient comorbidities and the development of multi-resistant healthcare associated infections in a private, South Australian Hospital [Principal Supervisor]

    MPH (2009), Miqdad Abbas, Hepatitis C and oral health: a major public health concern. [Principal Supervisor]

    MPH (2009), Krishna Bhakta Vaidya, Role for harm minimisation program in reducing the prevalence of hepatitis C in incarcerated populations. [Principal Supervisor]

    MPH (2009), Rahul Naik, The barriers to the treatment of hepatitis C in injecting drug users in Australia. [Principal Supervisor]

    Honours (2008), Jennifer Halliday, Images of health from a child’s perspective (graduated with First Class Honours, Deakin award for ‘Best Honours Project’ in 2008) [Co-Supervisor

    Availability for student supervision:

    Enquiries welcome in the areas of:

    Blood borne virus and STI 

    Alcohol use and cancer risk

    Vulnerable populations


  • Research Funding

    Year awarded

    Duration (years)

    Fund provider

    Amount $


    Project Title



    Cancer Australia


    Ward PR, Tsourtos G, Lawn S, Miller ER, Wilson C

    Increasing resilience and reducing smoking for lower socio-economic groups



    Flinders Foundation


    Miller ER, Ward PR, Tsourtos G, Lunnay B, Gesesew H.

    Is Tinder driving increasing incidence of gonorrhoea in young, heterosexual South Australians?



    Flinders Foundation


    Tsourtos G, Ward PR, Miller ER, Lawn S

    Increasing resilience, via promoting mindfulness and social support, and reducing smoking in lower socio-economic groups



    Flinders Foundation


    Baum F, Fisher M, Miller ER, Haigh F, Freudenberg N

    Methods to assess the health impact of Australian alcohol companies: a pilot study of corporate health impact



    ARC Discovery



    Ward PR, Warin M, Wilson CJ, Olver IN, Miller ER, Bissell P, Meyer S, MacDonald S

    Understanding middle-aged women’s responses to alcohol/breast cancer risks



    Flinders Foundation


    Miller ER, Ward PR, Mwanri L, McNaughton D, Olver IN, Meyer S

    The Alcohol and Breast Cancer (ABC) study





    Flinders University, Faculty of Medicine Nursing & Health sciences


    Tsourtos G, Ward PR, Miller ER, Barton C, Wilson C

    Developing a Resilience Intervention for Smoking Cessation (RISC)



    Flinders Foundation


    Miller ER, Wilson C, Chapman J, Flight I

    Breast cancer, obesity and alcohol in middle-aged women: connecting the dots



    ARC Linkage



    (+60,000 partner funds)

    Miller ER, Eliott JA, Olver IN, Ali RL, Braunack-Mayer AJ, Crabb SH, Louise J, Baratiny GY

    Alcohol causes cancer!: Public and ethical responses to mandated alcohol warning labels about increased long-term risk of cancer.



    Faculty of the Professions, The 成人大片


    Miller ER, Eliott JA, Bouzdine-Chameeva T

    Adelaide-Bordeaux Student Alcohol Project – a Pilot Study.



    SA Health Department


    Aylward P, Miller ER

    Evaluation of the Hepatitis C Nursing Models of Care Program



    Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University


    Miller ER, McNally S, Wallace J

    Measuring outcomes of chronic hepatitis B infection in culturally and linguistically diverse communities: a feasibility study

  • Publications



    (2022) “Assessing the health impacts of transnational corporations: a case study of Carlton and United Breweries in Australia, Globalization and Health, 18:80, DOI:10.1186/s12992-022-00870-0 ()  

    Lunnay B, Foley K, Meyer SB, Miller ER, Warin M, Wilson C, Olver I, Batchelor S, Thomas J, Ward PR. (2022) “I have a healthy relationship with alcohol”: A qualitative study of midlife women, alcohol and social class, Health Promotion International, 37:1-12, DOI: 10.1093/heapro/daac097 ()

    Fuge TG, Tsourtos G, Miller ER. (2022) Risk factors for late linkage to care and delayed antiretroviral therapy initiation amongst HIV infected adults in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analyses. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 122: 885-904 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.07.037 ()

    Ward PR, Foley K, Meyer SB, Wilson C, Warin M, Miller ER, Olver I, Thomas J, Batchelor S, Lunnay B. (2022) How does social class shape women's alcohol stockpiling during COVID-19?: A qualitative study in South Australia during the 2020 lockdown Social Science and Medicine - Qualitative Research in Health, 2: 100080 DOI: 10.1016/j.ssmqr.2022.100080 ()

    Ward PR, Foley K, Meyer SB, Wilson C, Warin M, Batchelor S, Olver I, Thomas J, Miller E, Lunnay B.  (2022) The place of alcohol in the ‘wellness toolkits’ of midlife women in different social classes: a qualitative study in South Australia, Sociology of Health & Illness, 44: 488-507 DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.13440 ()]

    Huppatz E, Lunnay B, Foley K, Miller ER, Warin M, Wilson C, Olver I, Ward PR. (2022) Adaptive capacity:   A qualitative study of midlife Australian women’s resilience during COVID-19, ()

    Fuge TG, Tsourtos G, Miller ER. (2022) Factors affecting optimal adherence to antiretroviral therapy and viral suppression amongst HIV-infected prisoners in South Ethiopia: a comparative cross-sectional study. AIDS Research and Therapy 19:5, DOI: 10.1186/s12981-021-00429-4 () [JIF 2.594 Q1, Google Scholar 1 citation]

    Thomas JA, Miller ER, Ward PR. (2022) Lifestyle interventions through participatory research: A mixed-methods systematic review of alcohol and other breast cancer behavioural risk factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19:980, DOI 10.3390/ijerph19020980 ()

    Ward PR, Lunnay B, Foley K, Meyer SB, Thomas J, Olver I, Miller ER. (2021) Trust During Pandemic Uncertainty—A Qualitative Study of Midlife Women in South Australia. International Journal of Social Quality, 11 (1&2): 289–308 DOI: 10.3167/IJSQ.2021.11010217 ()

    Vallury K, Miller ER, Baird B, Ward PR. (2022) Going viral: researching safely on social media, Journal of Medical Internet Research 23 (12): e29737, DOI: ()

    Batchelor S, Miller ER, Lunnay B, Macdonald S, Ward PR. Revisiting Candidacy: What might it offer cancer prevention? (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18:19, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph181910157 () [

    Thomas JA, Trigg J, Morris J, Miller E, Ward PR. (2021) Exploring the potential of citizen science for public health through an alcohol advertising case study. Health Promotion International, daab139, DOI: 10.1093/heapro/daab139 ()

    Alcohol and flourishing for Australian women in midlife: a qualitative study of negotiating (un)happiness. Sociology, 55(4): 751-67, DOI: 10.1177/0038038520973580 ()

    Fuge TG, Tsourtos G, Miller ER. (2021) Various structural factors influenced early antiretroviral therapy initiation amongst HIV infected prisoners: a qualitative exploration in South Ethiopia. BMC Public Health, 21:1463, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-11499-w ()

    How are the links between alcohol consumption and breast cancer portrayed in Australian newspapers?: A paired thematic and framing media analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7657 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18147657 ()

    Miller ER, Olver IN, Wilson CJ, Meyer SB, Lunnay B, Thomas JA, Foley K, Toson B, Ward PR. (2021) COVID-19, Alcohol Consumption and Stockpiling Practises in Midlife Women: Repeat Surveys During Lockdown in Australia and the United Kingdom. Frontiers in Public Health, 9:642950, DOI:10.3389/fpubh.2021.642950  (

    Lunnay B, Toson B, Wilson C, Miller ER, Meyer SB, Olver IN, Foley K, Thomas J, Ward PR. (2021) Social class and changes in Australian women’s affect and alcohol consumption during COVID-19, Frontiers in Public Health, 9:645376. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.645376 (

    Fekadu A, Miller ER, Bisetegn TA, Mwanri L. (2021) “We do not know how to screen and provide treatment”: A qualitative study of barriers and enablers of implementing perinatal depression health services in Ethiopia. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 15:41, DOI: 10.1186/s13033-021-00466-y ()

    Tarigan YN, Woodman RJ, Miller ER, Wisaksana R, Ward PR. (2021) Impact of Strategic use of antiretroviral therapy intervention to the HIV continuum of care cascade in 13 cities in Indonesia: an interrupted time series analysis. AIDS Research and Therapy, 18:22, DOI: 10.1186/s12981-021-00340-4 (

    Effect of Perinatal Depression on risk of adverse infant health outcomes in mother-infant dyads in Gondar Town: A causal analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth DOI: 10.1186/s12884-021-03733-5 (2021) 21:255 ()  



    (2020) How the media places responsibility for the COVID-19 pandemic – An Australian media analysis. Frontiers in Public Health, 8: 483 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00483 ()


    Effect of Antenatal Depression on Adverse Birth Outcomes in Gondar Town, Ethiopia: A community-based cohort study. PLOS ONE, 15(6): e0234728. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234728 ()

    Ellis S, Tsourtos G, Waddell R, Woodman R, Miller ER. (2020) Gonorrhoea increasing in young heterosexuals in Adelaide, South Australia. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 47(6): 402-8. DOI: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001162 ()

    A systematic review and meta-analyses on initiation, adherence and outcomes of antiretroviral therapy in incarcerated people. PLOS ONE, 15(1): e0233355 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233355 (URL: )

    Fekadu A, Mwanri L, Woodman R, Bisetegn TA, Miller ER. (2020) Causal mechanisms of postnatal depression among women in Gondar Town, Ethiopia: application of a stress-process model with generalized structural equation modeling. Reproductive Health 17:63 DOI: 10.1186/s12978-020-00912-z ()

    Fekadu A, Miller ER, Woodman R, Bisetegn TA, Mwanri L. (2020) Antenatal depression and its potential causal mechanisms among pregnant mothers in Gondar Town: application of structural equation model. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 20:168 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-020-02859-2 ()

    Fekadu A, Miller ER, Bisetegn TA, Mwanri L. (2020) Global burden of antenatal depression and its effect on birth outcomes: An umbrella review. BMC Public Health 20:173 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-8293-9 () [

    Fekadu A, Miller ER, Mwanri L. (2020) Antenatal depression and its Association with Adverse Birth Outcomes in Low and Middle-income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. PLOS ONE 15(1): e0227323 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227323 (URL: )

    May N, Eliott J, Crabb S, Miller ER, Braunack-Mayer A (2020) Alcohol warning labels to reduce alcohol-related harm: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18(1) DOI: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003973 (URL: )


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Entry last updated: Friday, 15 Mar 2024

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