Dr Elizabeth Hoon

 Position Lecturer / Grant-Funded Research (B)
 Org Unit Public Health / Adelaide Medical School
 Email elizabeth.hoon@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 1567
 Location Floor/Room 4 ,  Rundle Mall Plaza ,   North Terrace
Floor/Room 1 ,  Helen Mayo North
  • Biography/ Background

    Elizabeth Hoon took up the position of Arthritis SA Florey Research Fellow, based within the School of Population Health, in July 2013. A key focus of this fellowship's research program is on empowering people to manage their musculoskeletal conditions through the examination of barriers to participation in community-based musculoskeletal preventative programs and services with a view to improving access and participation for all. This three year fellowship provides an opportunity for a university researcher to partner with a community focussed organisation which is gaining significance in the management of a highly prevalent group of chronic conditions.

    Prior to taking up this fellowship Elizabeth was Project Co-ordinator and a researcher on the Linkin Health Study (NHMRC funded project). This study of a defined population in Port Lincoln, SA (Population: 14,000) has developed a mixed methodological model to connect epidemiological and in-depth qualitative analyses of health service usage experiences and preferences for care, while translating the emerging set of knowledge into locally appropriate opportunities for health service redesign.

    Elizabeth's background and work experience in sociology and geography informs her interest in how health service research connects with wider social theories and research methodologies to effectively understand the material, social and psychological processes underpinning patient outcomes.

  • Qualifications

    BA (Hons) Social Geography

    PhD (Social Sciences) 

  • Research Interests

    Health Services Reseach

    Patient experiences and health related quality of life

    Social determinents of health

    Mixed methodologies

  • Publications

    Hoon,E, Pham,C, Beilby,J, Karnon,J, 2017, , BMC Health Services Research, 17, 1, 80-80

     Dent,E, Hoon,E, Karnon,J, Newbury,J, Kitson,A, Beilby,J, 2016, , Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 62, 53-58

    Hoon,E, Smith,K, Black,J, Burnet,S, Hill,C, Gill,TK, 2016, Take Charge of Pain: evaluating a community-targeted self-management education program for people with musculoskeletal pain, Health Promotion Journal of Australia, -

    Dent,E, Hoon,E, Kitson,A, Karnon,J, Newbury,J, Harvey,G, Gill,TK, Gillis,L, Beilby,J, 2016, , BMC Health Services Research, 16, 1, 62-1-62-9

    Hoon,EA, Gill,TK, Pham,C, Gray,J, Beilby,J, 2015, , Health Expectations, OnlinePubl, 1, 1-11

    Hill,C, Appleton,S, Black,J, Hoon,EA, Rudd,R, Adams,R, Gill,T, 2015, , Arthritis, 2015, 607472-1-607472-6






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Entry last updated: Friday, 18 Aug 2023

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