Dr Benjamin Wade

Dr Benjamin Wade
 Position Senior Electron Microscopist
 Org Unit Adelaide Microscopy
 Email benjamin.wade@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 0521
 Location Floor/Room NG ,  Helen Mayo North ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Doctor Ben Wade received a BSc(Hons) from the 成人大片. In 2001 he undertook work at the Minerals and Energy Resources of Primary Industries and Resources of South Australia (PIRSA), primarily involved in the Challenger Au deposit in the Gawler Craton.

    In late 2001 he was employed as a reasearch associate for Doctor Karin Barovich, undertaking Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic analysis of various rocks and ore minerals. From 2002 to 2006 he completed a PhD entitled "Unravelling the tectonic framework of the Musgrave Province" at the 成人大片. Following this in 2007 he was employed as a Postdoctoral Researcher focussed primarily on the Musgrave Province of central Australia, and parts of the Arunta Region in the N.T.

    From 2008 to 2009 he has been employed as an associate lecturer teaching Geology for Engineers in the department of Geology and Geophysics.

    From late 2009 to present he has been employed at Adelaide Microscopy, The 成人大片. His duties here consist of running, maintaining, and traning users in solution/LA-ICP-MS, SEM, TEM, and electron microprobe.

  • Qualifications

    PhD (Uni of Adelaide)
    Thesis title "Unravelling the tectonic framework of the Musgrave Province, central Australia" Advisers: Karin Barovich, Martin Hand

    BSc (Hons) 1st class, Geology
    Geology Department, 成人大片

    (2005) Awarded joint prize for best student talk at the GSA STOMP conference in Townsville on "Towards a tectonic synthesis for the Musgrave Block".

    (2007) Awarded the Walter Howchin medal in 2007 by the Geological Society of Australia (South Australian division). The medal is awarded to a researcher in the early stages of their career who is distinguished by significant published research work within South Australia, or from a South Australian base.

  • Publications


    1.             Xu, J., et al., Numerical modelling of rare earth element fractionation trends in garnet: a tool to monitor skarn evolution. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2020. 175(4): p. 1-17.

    2.             Pring, A., et al., Coupled Substitutions of Minor and Trace Elements in Co-Existing Sphalerite and Wurtzite. Minerals, 2020. 10(2): p. 147.

    3.             Lloyd, J.C., et al., Neoproterozoic Geochronology and Provenance of the Adelaide Superbasin. Precambrian Research, 2020: p. 105849.

    4.             Lloyd, J., et al. The State-of-play of geochronology and provenance in the Neoproterozoic Adelaide Rift Complex. in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2020.

    5.             Keyser, W., et al., Episodic mafic magmatism in the Eyre Peninsula: Defining syn-and post-depositional BIF environments for iron deposits in the Middleback Ranges, South Australia. Precambrian Research, 2020. 337: p. 105535.

    6.             Goscombe, B., et al., Assembly of central Gondwana along the Zambezi Belt: Metamorphic response and basement reactivation during the Kuunga Orogeny. Gondwana Research, 2020. 80: p. 410-465.

    7.             Goscombe, B., et al., Metamorphic response within different subduction–obduction settings preserved on the NE Arabian margin. Gondwana Research, 2020. 83: p. 298-371.

    8.             Frenzel, M., et al., Halogens in hydrothermal sphalerite record origin of ore-forming fluids. Geology, 2020.

    9.             Domnick, U., et al., A Mineralisation Age for the Sediment-Hosted Blackbush Uranium Prospect, North-Eastern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Minerals, 2020. 10(2): p. 191.

    10.          Courtney-Davies, L., et al., ~ 1760 Ma magnetite-bearing protoliths in the Olympic Dam deposit, South Australia: Implications for ore genesis and regional metallogeny. Ore Geology Reviews, 2020. 118: p. 103337.



    11.          Schmandt, D.S., et al., Uptake of trace elements by baryte during copper ore processing: A case study from Olympic Dam, South Australia. Minerals Engineering, 2019. 135: p. 83-94.

    12.          Schmandt, D.S., et al., Rare Earth Element Phosphate Minerals from the Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag Deposit, South Australia: Recognizing Temporal-Spatial Controls On Ree Mineralogy in an Evolved IOCG System. The Canadian Mineralogist, 2019. 57(1): p. 3-24.

    13.          Owen, N.D., et al., REE-, Sr-, Ca-aluminum-phosphate-sulfate minerals of the alunite supergroup and their role as hosts for radionuclides. American Mineralogist: Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials, 2019. 104(12): p. 1806-1819.

    14.          Netting, A., et al., A Multi-platform Microanalysis Approach to Unravelling Geological Problems: a Case Study from Olympic Dam South Australia. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2019. 25(S2): p. 2432-2433.

    15.          Li, W., et al., Trace element distributions in (Cu)-Pb-Sb sulfosalts from the Gutaishan Au-Sb deposit, South China: Implications for formation of high fineness native gold. American Mineralogist: Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials, 2019. 104(3): p. 425-437.

    16.          Li, W., et al., Chessboard structures: Atom-scale imaging of homologs from the kobellite series. 2019, Mineralogical Society of America.

    17.          Keyser, W., et al., Mineralogy of Zirconium in Iron-Oxides: A Micron-to Nanoscale Study of Hematite Ore from Peculiar Knob, South Australia. Minerals, 2019. 9(4): p. 244.

    18.          Keyser, W., et al., Petrographic and geochronological constraints on the granitic basement to the Middleback Ranges, South Australia. Precambrian Research, 2019. 324: p. 170-193.

    19.          Goscombe, B., et al., Neoarchaean metamorphic evolution of the Yilgarn Craton: A record of subduction, accretion, extension and lithospheric delamination. Precambrian Research, 2019. 335: p. 105441.

    20.          Courtney-Davies, L., et al., A multi-technique evaluation of hydrothermal hematite UPb isotope systematics: Implications for ore deposit geochronology. Chemical Geology, 2019. 513: p. 54-72.

    21.          Courtney-Davies, L., et al., Zircon at the Nanoscale Records Metasomatic Processes Leading to Large Magmatic–Hydrothermal Ore Systems. Minerals, 2019. 9(6): p. 364.

    22.          Courtney-Davies, L., et al., Hematite geochemistry and geochronology resolve genetic and temporal links among iron-oxide copper gold systems, Olympic Dam district, South Australia. Precambrian Research, 2019. 335: p. 105480.

    23.          Courtney-Davies, L., et al., Synthesis of U-Pb doped hematite using a hydrated ferric oxide approach. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2019. 513: p. 48-57.

    24.          Cook, N.J., et al., Polytypism and Polysomatism in Mixed-Layer Chalcogenides: Characterization of PbBi4Te4S3 and Inferences for Ordered Phases in the Aleksite Series. Minerals, 2019. 9(10): p. 628.

    25.          Ciobanu, C.L., et al., Silician Magnetite: Si–Fe-Nanoprecipitates and Other Mineral Inclusions in Magnetite from the Olympic Dam Deposit, South Australia. Minerals, 2019. 9(5): p. 311.



    26.          Redaa, A., et al., Testing the limits of in-situ Rb-Sr dating of igneous minerals by LA-ICP-QQQ. 2018.

    27.          Goscombe, B., et al., The evolution of the Damara orogenic system: A record of West Gondwana assembly and crustal response, in Geology of Southwest Gondwana. 2018, Springer. p. 303-352.

    28.          Farkas, J., et al. In-situ Rb-Sr dating of authigenic clays from soils and sediments: potential and limitations. in Geoanalysis 2018. 2018.



    29.          Schmandt, D., et al., Rare earth element fluorocarbonate minerals from the Olympic Dam Cu-U-Au-Ag deposit, South Australia. Minerals, 2017. 7(10): p. 202.

    30.          Raimondo, T., et al., Trace element mapping by LA-ICP-MS: assessing geochemical mobility in garnet. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, 2017. 172(4): p. 1-22.

    31.          McMillan, M., et al., Elements and elasmobranchs: hypotheses, assumptions and limitations of elemental analysis. Journal of fish biology, 2017. 90(2): p. 559-594.

    32.          Goscombe, B., et al., Metamorphic evolution of Gondwana 2, in The Damara Orogenic System: Amalgamation of Central Gondwana and Evolution of Orogen Architecture. 2017.

    33.          Goscombe, B., et al., Deformation correlations, stress field switches and evolution of an orogenic intersection: the Pan-African Kaoko-Damara orogenic junction, Namibia. Geoscience Frontiers, 2017. 8(6): p. 1187-1232.

    34.          Goscombe, B., et al., Metamorphic response and crustal architecture in a classic collisional orogen: The Damara Belt, Namibia. Gondwana Research, 2017. 52: p. 80-124.

    35.          Courtney-Davies, L., et al., Steps to developing iron-oxide U-Pb geochronology for robust temporal insights into IOCG and BIF mineralisation. Applied Earth Science, 2017. 126(2): p. 51-52.

    36.          Ciobanu, C., et al., Short-range stacking disorder in mixed-layer compounds: A HAADF STEM study of bastnäsite-parisite intergrowths. Minerals, 2017. 7(11): p. 227.



    37.          Zammit, C.M., et al., Proteomic responses to gold (III)-toxicity in the bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34. Metallomics, 2016. 8(11): p. 1204-1216.

    38.          Xu, J., et al., Skarn formation and trace elements in garnet and associated minerals from Zhibula copper deposit, Gangdese Belt, southern Tibet. Lithos, 2016. 262: p. 213-231.

    39.          Morrissey, L.J., et al., Cambrian high-temperature reworking of the Rayner–Eastern Ghats terrane: constraints from the northern Prince Charles Mountains region, East Antarctica. Journal of Petrology, 2016. 57(1): p. 53-92.

    40.          McFadden, A., et al., Quantitative electron microprobe mapping of otoliths suggests elemental incorporation is affected by organic matrices: implications for the interpretation of otolith chemistry. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2016. 67(7): p. 889-898.

    41.          Courtney-Davies, L., et al., Matrix-matched iron-oxide laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb geochronology using mixed solution standards. Minerals, 2016. 6(3): p. 85.

    42.          Cook, N., et al., Trace element analysis of minerals in magmatic-hydrothermal ores by laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry: Approaches and opportunities. Minerals, 2016. 6(4): p. 111.

    43.          Ciobanu, C., et al., Focused ion beam and advanced electron microscopy for minerals: Insights and outlook from bismuth sulphosalts. Minerals, 2016. 6(4): p. 112.



    44.          George, L., et al., Trace and minor elements in galena: A reconnaissance LA-ICP-MS study. American Mineralogist, 2015. 100(2-3): p. 548-569.

    45.          Collins, A.S., et al., Detrital mineral age, radiogenic isotopic stratigraphy and tectonic significance of the Cuddapah Basin, India. Gondwana Research, 2015. 28(4): p. 1294-1309.

    46.          Ciobanu, C.L., et al. Trace element signatures in iron oxides from the Olympic Dam IOCG deposit, South 2008Australia. in Proceedings of the 13th Biennial SGA Meeting, Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World, Nancy, France. 2015.



    47.          Raimondo, T., et al., LA-ICP-MS trace element mapping and its application to geochemical transport in garnet. EGUGA, 2014: p. 4596.

    48.          McFadden, A., et al., Otolith Biomineralisation: Insights From a Microstructural and Microanalytical Study. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2014. 20(S3): p. 1320-1321.

    49.          Ismail, R., et al., Rare earths and other trace elements in minerals from skarn assemblages, Hillside iron oxide–copper–gold deposit, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. Lithos, 2014. 184: p. 456-477.

    50.          Cook, N.J., et al., Trace element distributions in sulphides: Progress, problems and perspectives. Acta Geologica Sinica芒聙聬English Edition, 2014. 88(s2): p. 1444-1446.

    51.          Ciobanu, C.L., et al., Ore minerals down to nanoscale: petrogenetic implications. Acta Geologica Sinica芒聙聬English Edition, 2014. 88(s2): p. 1441-1443.



    52.          Morrissey, L., et al., Early Mesoproterozoic metamorphism in the Barossa Complex, South Australia: links with the eastern margin of Proterozoic Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2013. 60(8): p. 769-795.

    53.          Cook, N.J., et al., Mineral chemistry of rare earth element (REE) mineralization, Browns Ranges, Western Australia. Lithos, 2013. 172: p. 192-213.

    54.          Cook, N.J., et al., Arsenopyrite-pyrite association in an orogenic gold ore: Tracing mineralization history from textures and trace elements. Economic Geology, 2013. 108(6): p. 1273-1283.

    55.          Cook, N., et al., Correlating textures and trace elements in ore minerals. 2013.

    56.          Ciobanu, C.L., et al., Uranium-bearing hematite from the Olympic Dam Cu–U–Au deposit, South Australia: A geochemical tracer and reconnaissance Pb–Pb geochronometer. Precambrian Research, 2013. 238: p. 129-147.

    57.          Ciobanu, C., et al., U-bearing Hematite: a Tool for Dating Iron Oxide Copper Gold Systems. 2013, Deep Exploration Technologies Cooperative Research Centre.



    58.          Ciobanu, C.L., et al., INTERESTING PAPERS IN OTHER JOURNALS. Economic Geology, 2012. 107: p. 1519-1520.

    59.          Ciobanu, C.L., et al., Gold-telluride nanoparticles revealed in arsenic-free pyrite. American Mineralogist, 2012. 97(8-9): p. 1515-1518.



    60.          Netting, A., et al., Trace element micro-analytical imaging via laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2011. 17(S2): p. 566-567.



    61.          Halverson, G.P., et al., Neoproterozoic chemostratigraphy. Precambrian Research, 2010. 182(4): p. 337-350.



    62.          Schaefer, B. and B.P. Wade, Re-Os isotope constraints on the timing and origin of the Giles Complex South Australia. GeCAS, 2009. 73: p. A1167.

    63.          Schaefer, B. and B. Wade, The Giles Complex, South Australia: mantle plume or SCLM source? AGUFM, 2009. 2009: p. V33C-2057.

    64.          Howard, K.E., et al., Detrital zircon ages: improving interpretation via Nd and Hf isotopic data. Chemical Geology, 2009. 262(3-4): p. 277-292.

    65.          Cutts, K., et al., Evidence for 930 Ma metamorphism in the Shetland Islands, Scottish Caledonides: implications for Neoproterozoic tectonics in the Laurentia–Baltica sector of Rodinia. Journal of the Geological Society, 2009. 166(6): p. 1033-1047.

    66.          Clark, C., et al., The PTt architecture of a Gondwanan suture: REE, U–Pb and Ti-in-zircon thermometric constraints from the Palghat Cauvery shear system, South India. Precambrian Research, 2009. 174(1-2): p. 129-144.



    67.          Wade, B., et al., The Musgrave Province: stitching north, west and south Australia. Precambrian Research, 2008. 166(1-4): p. 370-386.

    68.          Wade, B., et al., Origin of metasedimentary and igneous rocks from the Entia Dome, eastern Arunta region, central Australia: a U–Pb LA-ICPMS, SHRIMP and Sm–Nd isotope study. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008. 55(5): p. 703-719.

    69.          Payne, J., et al., Temporal constraints on the timing of high-grade metamorphism in the northern Gawler Craton: implications for assembly of the Australian Proterozoic. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008. 55(5): p. 623-640.

    70.          Kelsey, D., et al., Discovery of a Neoproterozoic basin in the Prydz belt in East Antarctica and its implications for Gondwana assembly and ultrahigh temperature metamorphism. Precambrian Research, 2008. 161(3-4): p. 355-388.

    71.          Hand, M.P., et al., Crustal architecture during the early Mesoproterozoic Hiltaba-related mineralisation event: are the Gawler Range Volcanics a foreland basin fill? MESA Journal, 2008. 51: p. 19-24.



    72.          Wade, B., et al., Petrogenesis of ca 1.50 Ga granitic gneiss of the Coompana Block: filling the ‘magmatic gap’of Mesoproterozoic Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2007. 54(8): p. 1089-1102.

    73.          Szpunar, M., et al., Timing of Proterozoic high-grade metamorphism in the Barossa Complex, southern South Australia: exploring the extent of the 1590 Ma event. MESA Journal, 2007. 47: p. 21-27.



    74.          Wade, B.P., Unravelling the tectonic framework of the Musgrave Province, Central Australia. 2006.

    75.          Wade, B., et al., Evidence for early Mesoproterozoic arc magmatism in the Musgrave Block, central Australia: implications for Proterozoic crustal growth and tectonic reconstructions of Australia. The Journal of geology, 2006. 114(1): p. 43-63.

    76.          Reid, A.J., J.L. Payne, and B.P. Wade, A new geochronological capability for South Australia: U-Pb zircon dating via LA-ICPMS. MESA Journal, 2006. 42: p. 27-31.

    77.          Payne, J., et al. Optimising the spatial resolution, fractionation and temporal precision of monazite U-Pb LA-ICP-MS geochronology. 2006. Conference Organizing Committee.

    78.          Clark, C., et al., Coupling accessory mineral chemistry and geochronology with calculated phase diagrams: An example from the UHT Palghat Cauvery shear system Southern India. 2006.



    79.          Wade, B., K. Hatch, and M. Hand, Geochemistry and Provenance of a Mesoproterozoic (1.4 Ga) eastern Musgrave Block basin: Buddying up to the Belt-Purcell Basin. 2005.

    80.          Wade, B., K. Hatch, and M. Hand, Towards a tectonic synthesis for the Musgrave Block. 2005.

    81.          Wade, B., M. Hand, and K. Barovich, Nd isotopic and geochemical constraints on provenance of sedimentary rocks in the eastern Officer Basin, Australia: implications for the duration of the intracratonic Petermann Orogeny. Journal of the Geological Society, 2005. 162(3): p. 513-530.

    82.          Scrimgeour, I., et al., The Musgrave Province-NT's most underexplored terrane. 2005.



    83.          Wade, B., K. Hatch, and M. Hand, Proterozoic crustal evolution in the Musgrave Block, central Australia: geochemical and isotopic constraints. 2004.



    84.          Wade, B., M. Hand, and K. Hatch, Neodymium isotopic and geochemical constraints on provenance of sedimentary rocks in the Eastern Officer Basin, Australia: Implications for the duration of the intracratonic Petermann Orogeny. 2002.



    85.          Wade, B.P., Nd isotopic and geochemical constraints on provenance of sedimentary rocks in the Officer Basin, Australia: implications for the duration of the Petermann Orogeny. 2001.



    86.          Wade, B., K. Barovich, and M. Hand. Geochemical and Nd isotopic constraints on provenance of sediments in the Officer Basin. in GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA ABSTRACTS. 2001. Geological Society of Australia; 1999.

  • Professional Associations

    Member and state representative of the Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society (AMMS)

    Member and state representative of the Australian Microbeam Analysis Symposium special interest group (AMAS)

  • Professional Interests


    Ben is currently employed as a senior Microscopist in a technical role at Adelaide Microscopy.  Although now in a technical role, his primary interests centre on the use of isotopic decay of elements such as Hf, Nd, Sr and Pb to understand the temporal and and chemical evolution of the Earth.  

    He has research background in isotopic systems and their application to geological problems, and current technical expertise in microanalytical techniques such as LA-ICP-MS, SEM, TEM, and electron microprobe where he is currently charged in the maintenance and running of this equipment.  Ben is placed in an advisory role to FOX Project researchers for method development and best practice application of above instruments to solve the geological problems of the FOX project.


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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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