Dr Armando Corsi

Dr Armando Corsi
 Position Associate Prof/Reader
 Org Unit Marketing
 Email armando.corsi@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 3420
 Location Floor/Room 10 ,  Nexus 10 ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Assoc Prof Corsi describes wine as, ‘not just a beverage but a time capsule, a custodian of tradition, and something which helps keeps communities alive’. This philosophy is embedded in his vast body of research into and analysis of consumers and trade behaviour in the wine industry.

    Strengthening the research-industry nexus

    Assoc Prof Corsi is primarily interested in the marketing and packaging elements that influence the purchasing decisions of a whole range of consumers, including customers, distributors, importers and hospitality venues. The mission for Assoc Prof Corsi and his team is to support the growth of the Australian and international wine industry from this perspective, so most of the projects he undertakes have a strong industry impact as well as academic output.

    The is just one excellent example of this intersection between research and industry. Assoc Prof Corsi and colleagues developed a wine tasting reference that translates Australian-specific elements into relatable Chinese equivalents. He points out that many common Australian descriptors, such as toast or vanilla, are not necessarily familiar to Chinese palates, but ginkgo nut and pine nut certainly are, and this connection makes the tasting experience more enjoyable and relevant.

    These Flavour Cards have been welcomed by the industry and widely distributed across Australia and overseas, demonstrating the tangible outcomes of scholarly research. This is extremely important to Assoc Prof Corsi, who says that one of his career highlights came in 2019 when he was selected to be part of the leadership program led by Wine Australia. As one of the first academics to be included in this leadership group, Assoc Prof Corsi says, ‘It was the moment I felt as though I had become ingrained and accepted as a key community member’.

    The future of wine

    Assoc Prof Corsi is keen to pursue further research in two growing industry trends. The first is around sustainability in terms of packaging. ‘One of the problems in this industry is that 60% of the carbon footprint comes from glass bottles. I’m not suggesting we can sell Penfolds Grange in a can, but there is a lot we can do in terms of packaging, especially for lower priced wines’.

    The other research avenue is around the discourse on health and wine consumption. In recent years, the focus has been on the effects of sugar, salt, tobacco, etc., on our diet. Assoc Prof Corsi believes that attention has already started to shift towards alcohol, as the next product category to target. However, alcohol type, consumption and context varies, and the quantities and ways in which alcopops are consumed, for example, cannot be easily compared to ‘a wine drunk around a family table with food. We have to prove this, though, and provide evidence that this is actually the case. There is a lot of work to do, for example, around nutrition and labelling information,’ says Assoc Prof Corsi. 

    Leading the team

    Assoc Prof is exceptionally proud of and excited about leading the wine business team. He says, ‘Not many other universities or business schools around the world have a dedicated group of scholars focused on wine business. We are in the unique position of being able to develop our wine business agenda as a team. We don’t just want to be good educators, or good researchers, or good at engaging with the industry – we want to be all three, and do it in the best way we can to support the sustainable growth of the domestic and international wine industry.’

  • Qualifications

    2007-2009: Ph.D. in ‘Wine Economics and Rural Development’ at the University of Florence (Italy). Ph.D. Thesis title: ‘The behaviour of Italian consumers towards wine an application of new methodologies for market segmentation and loyalty analysis’.

    2004-2006: Specialisation Degree Course in Rural Development and Sustainable Techniques at the University of Florence (Italy). Dissertation Thesis title: ‘Retailing wine in the UK: an analysis of the grocery multiple chains sector’. Final Mark: 110/110 cum laude. 

    2001-2004: Bachelor Degree in Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Sciences and Techniques at the University of Florence (Italy). Dissertation Thesis title: ‘The potential function and applicative limits of the concept of resilience to the analysis of food systems’. Final Mark: 110/110 cum laude.

  • Awards & Achievements

    Winner – Adelaide Business School – Excellence in Research Engagement Award (2021)

    Winner  The Faculty of the Professions – Excellence in Research Engagement and Impact Award (2021)

    Winner  UniSA Business School - Leadership in Research Award (2019)

    Winner – UniSA Business School - Research Excellence Award (2019)

    Winner  UniSA Business School - External Industry Recognition Award (2019)

    Winner – Wine Communicators of Australia – Best Wine Educator (2019)

    Winner – UniSA Business School - Top Research Team Award (2018)

    Winner  UniSA Business School - Top Teaching Team Award (2018)

    Finalist – Wine Communicators of Australia – Best Wine Educator (2018)

    Winner  UniSA Business School - Top Mid-career Researcher Award (2017)

  • Publications

    My Best Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

    Corsi, A. M., Lockshin, L., Louviere, J. J., Cohen, J., and Bruwer, J. (2022), ‘Bridging the gap between trade operators and consumers to better understand the U.S. wine market: A simultaneous application of discrete choice experiments’, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 106 No. October, pp. 152-165. (ABDC Ranking = A*)

    This is my second A* paper, and my first A* paper as first author. It summarises the results of the “Vennli” project, which also resulted in an industry tool titled The USA Wine Marketing Tool. From an academic perspective, it is one of the very few papers comparing the preferences of consumers with those of trade operators using identical Discrete Choice Experiments.

    Corsi, A. M., Cohen, J., Lockshin, L., and Williamson, P. (2017), ‘Testing lexical equivalences for wine flavours in emerging markets: do hawthorns taste like blackberries?’, Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 62 No. December, pp. 296-306. (ABDC Ranking = A)

    This paper is a great example of conducting research with industry relevance. This paper summarises the main results of the “Chinese Lexicon” project, which has been mentioned multiple times in the media, and also led to the development of the “Australian Wine Flavours Card” by Wine Australia, the Australian Government authority that promotes and regulates the Australian wine industry.

    Lockshin, L., Corsi, A. M., Cohen, J., Lee, R., and Williamson, P. (2017), ‘West versus East: Measuring the development of Chinese wine preferences’, Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 57 No. March, pp. 256-265. (ABDC Ranking = A)

    This paper summarises the main results of three projects I run as chief investigator between 2012 and 2014, plus another project I collaborated on in the same period. The journal is one the most important and respected outlets in the area of sensory and consumer research in food and non-food products.

    Scozzafava, G., Corsi, A. M., Casini, L., Contini, C., and Mueller Loose, S. (2016), "Using the animal to the last bit: consumer preferences for different beef cuts", Appetite, Vol. 96 No. 1, pp. 70-79. (ABDC Ranking = A)

    This paper appears in the journal with the highest impact factor (IF 3.125) among those I published so far. This paper is the result of a joint collaboration with colleagues from the University of Florence (Italy), and the Hochschule Geisenheim University (Germany), thus showing my ability to establish international research collaborations.

    Lockshin, L. and Corsi, A. M. (2012), ‘Consumer behaviour for wine 2.0: A review since 2003 and future directions’, Wine Economics and Policy, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 2-23. (ABDC Ranking = NA)

    My most cited paper thus far. This paper summarises the main findings concerning consumer behaviour for wine published in academic journals in the last ten years. The industry version of this paper has been used by the Grape and Wine Research & Development Corporation (GWRDC) to discuss the market research priorities for the Australian wine industry in the GWRDC Strategic RD&E Plan 2012–17.

    Casini, L., Corsi, A. M., and Goodman, S. (2009), ‘Consumer preferences of wine in Italy applying Best:Worst scaling’, International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 64-78. (ABDC Ranking = B)

    This paper is part of the first and, to-date, the widest cross-country analysis of consumer attitudes towards wine in the retail and the on-premise sector. It also represents one of the first application of the Best:Worst method in the wine marketing discipline.


    Other Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals – from 2019

    1)      Gaetjens, A., Corsi, A. M., and Plewa, C. (2023), “Customer engagement in domestic wine tourism: The role of motivations”, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Vol 27, pp. 100761. (ABDC Ranking = A)

    2)      Tan, P. J., Tanusondjaja, A., Corsi, A. M., Lockshin, L., Villani, C. and Bogomolova, S. (2022) “Audit and Benchmarking of Supermarket Catalog Composition in Five Countries”, International Journal of Advertising. (ABDC Ranking = A)

    3)      Grasby, A., Corsi, A. M., Dawes, J., Driesener, C., and Sharp, B. (2022), ‘How loyalty extends across product categories’, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 153-163.  (ABDC Ranking = A)

    4)      Köhr, C. K., Capitello, R., Corsi, A. M, and Malorgio, G. (2021), ‘Decoding the chain of effects of family firm image on consumer behaviour’, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 20, pp. 1228-1242. (ABDC Ranking = A)

    5)      Victory, K., Nenycz-Thiel, M., Dawes, J., Tanusondjaja, A., and Corsi, A. M. (2021) “How common is new product failure and when does it vary?”, Marketing Letters, Vol. 32, pp. 17-32. (ABDC Ranking = A)

    6)      Tan, P. J., Tanusondjaja, A., Corsi, A. M., Lockshin, L., Villani, C. and Bogomolova, S. (2021) “Behavioural and Psychographic Characteristics of Supermarket Catalogue Users”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 60 No. May, pp. 102469.   (ABDC Ranking = A)

    7)      Lunardo, R., Jaud, D., and Corsi, A. M. (2021), ‘The narcissistic wine consumer: How social attractiveness associated with wine prompts narcissists to engage in wine consumption’, Food Quality & Preference, Vol. 88 No. March, pp. 104107. (ABDC Ranking = A)

    8)      Pabst, E., Corsi, A. M., Vecchio, R., Annunziata, A., and Loose, S. (2021), ‘Consumers’ reactions to nutrition and ingredient labelling for wine – a cross country discrete choice experiment’, Appetite, Vol. 156 No. January, pp. 104843. (ABDC Ranking = A)

    9)      Vaughan, K., Corsi, A. M., Beal, V., and Sharp, B. (2021), ‘Measuring advertising's effect on Mental Availability’, International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 63 No. 5, pp. 665-681. (ABDC Ranking = A)

    10)    Corsi, A. M., Modroño, J., Mariel, P., Lockshin, L., and Cohen, J. (2020), ‘How are personal values related to choice drivers? An application with Chinese wine consumers’, Food Quality & Preference, Vol. 86 No. December, pp. 103989.  (ABDC Ranking = A)

    11)    Lockshin, L., and Corsi, A. M. (2020), ‘Key research topics likely to generate Australian and other wine producer countries’ support during the period 2020- 2030’, International Journal Wine Business Research, Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 493-502. (ABDC Ranking = B)

    12)    Lee, R., Lockshin, L., Cohen, J., and Corsi, A. M. (2019), ‘A Latent Growth Model of destination image's halo effect’, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 79 No. November, pp. 102767. (ABDC Ranking = A*)

    13)    Corsi, A. M., and Remaud, H. (2020), ‘How wine is really purchased? A systematic multi-country, multi-panel analysis’, Current Opinion in Food Science, Vol. 33, pp. 78-84. (ABDC Ranking = NA)

    14)    Ribeiro, T., Corsi, A. M., Lockshin, L., Louviere, J., and Mueller-Loose, S. (2020), “Analysis of consumer preferences for information and expert opinion using a discrete choice experiment”, Portuguese Economic Journal, Vol. 19, pp. 67-80. (ABDC Ranking = NA)

    15)    Giang, T., Corsi, A. M., and Lockshin, L. (2019), ‘How country of origins of food products compete and grow’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 49. No. July, pp. 231-241. (ABDC Ranking = A)

    16)    Köhr, C. K., Corsi, A. M, Capitello, R., and Szolnoki, G. (2019), ‘Family culture and organizational systems as antecedents of market orientation and performance among family wineries’, International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol. 31. No. 2, pp. 180-202. (ABDC Ranking = B)


    Book Chapters - from 2019

    1)      Cohen, J., Lockshin, L., Corsi, A. M., Driesener, C., Bruwer, J., and Lee, R. (2022), ‘The China Wine Market: How Wine is Gaining Cultural Value in Chinese Culture’, In Charters, S. et al. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Wine and Culture, Routledge, London, Chapter 42.

    2)      Lockshin, L., and Corsi, A. M. (2020), ‘Consumer research for wine’, In Meiselman, H. L. (Ed.), Handbook of Eating and Drinking – Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Springer, New York, pp. 525-542.


    Industry Journal Publications - from 2019

    1)      Zeng, X., Corsi, A. M., and Goodman, S. (2022), “How can you use digital content marketing to improve the consumers’ experience with your brand?”, Australian and New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker, Vol. 707, pp. 80-82.

    2)      Corsi, A. M., Dolan, R., Goodman, S., and Pearson, W. (2022), “Exploring the attitudes and expectations of Australian drinkers and non-drinkers towards Low and No-Alcohol (NOLO) wines”, Wine & Viticulture Journal, Vol. 37 No. 4, pp. 70-72.

    3)      Gaetjens, A., and Corsi, A. M. (2022), “Customer engagement in domestic wine tourism: what is the role of motivations?”, Wine & Viticulture Journal, Vol. 37 No. 2, pp. 71-73.

    4)      Lockshin, L., Corsi, A. M., and Bruwer, J. (2020), ‘How wine and alcohol purchasing and consumption changed during COVID-19 isolation in Australia’, Australian and New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker, Vol. 680, pp. 112-115.

    5)      Goodman, S., Hearn, S., and Corsi, A. M. (2020), ‘(How) is Australian wine unique?’, Australian and New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker, Vol 678, pp. 85-86.

    6)      Cohen, J., Driesener, C., Huang, A., Lockshin, L., Corsi, A. M., Bruwer, J., and Lee, R. (2020), ‘Where wine is bought in China and why it matters’, Wine & Viticulture Journal, Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 55-56.

    7)      Cohen, J., Driesener, C., Huang, A., Lockshin, L., Corsi, A. M., Bruwer, J., and Lee, R. (2020), ‘The mental availability of different countries of origin in China’, Wine & Viticulture Journal, Vol. 35 No. 1, pp. 68-69.

    8)      Corsi, A. M., Lockshin, L., Cohen, J., Louviere, J., and Bruwer, J. (2019), ‘Driving the strategic growth of Australian wines in the US market – Stage 3’, Wine & Viticulture Journal, Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 64-65.

    9)      Corsi, A. M., Lockshin, L., Cohen, J., Louviere, J., and Bruwer, J. (2019), ‘Driving the strategic growth of Australian wines in the US market – Stage 2’, Wine & Viticulture Journal, Vol. 34 No. 3, pp. 54-55.

    10)    Cohen, J., Driesener, C., Huang, A., Lockshin, L., Corsi, A. M., Bruwer, J., and Lee, R. (2019), ‘What brings a Chinese alcohol drinker into the wine category?’, Wine & Viticulture Journal, Vol. 34 No. 1, pp. 67-68.

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 17 Jan 2023

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