Ms Alexa McArthur

Ms Alexa McArthur
 Position Grant-Funded Researcher (C)
 Org Unit JBI
 Telephone +61 8 8313 3893
  • Biography/ Background

    Alexa is currently working within the Joanna Briggs Institute, as a Research Fellow in the Translation Science team. Her research interests particularly relate to midwifery issues, and helping clinician's transfer evidence into practice.

    Alexa has clinical midwifery experience in South Australia, New South Wales, Nepal and Somalia. She has also worked with Divisions of General Practice on immunisation issues.

  • Qualifications

    Master of Clinical Science (Adelaide University)

    Master of Primary Health Care (Flinders University)

    Diploma of Applied Science (Nursing) (SACAE)

  • Research Interests

    - Midwifery issues

    - Maternal and Child Health

    - Evidence based healthcare and translation

    - Evidence implementation and clinical audit

    - Clinical decision support systems

    - Systematic review

  • Research Funding

    2013/14 HCF Health and Medical Research Foundation. A multi-site audit of current in-hospital falls prevention practices and assessment of the effectiveness of best practice implementation strategies; co-investigator ($265,000)

    2011/12 Northern Communities Health Foundation. Promoting interventions designed to improve communications between General Practitioners and patients from a Non-English Speaking Background (NESB); Research Fellow ($20,000)

  • Publications

    Stern C, Jordan Z, McArthur A. Developing the review question and inclusion criteria. American Journal of Nursing, 2014;114:4.

    Attard M, McArthur A, Riitano D, Aromataris E, Bollen C, Pearson A. Improving communication between healthcare professionals and patients with limited English proficiency in the general practice setting. Australian Journal of Primary Health, November 2013.

    Kaguongo RK, McArthur A. Implementation of central line bundle guidelines in insertion of central venous catheters at a pediatric critical care unit in Nairobi, Kenya: a best practice implementation project. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports. 2013;11(11): 469-483.

    McArthur A, Lockwood C. Maternal mortality in Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia and Sri Lanka: a systematic review of local and national policy and practice initiatives. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports. 2013;11(4): 115-186.

  • Professional Associations

    Australian College of Midwives

    Registered Australian Health Practitioner (Midwifery and General)

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Entry last updated: Friday, 15 Apr 2022

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