Dr Adrian Abdo

Dr Adrian Abdo
 Position Pdoc Res Fellow (A) (with PhD)
 Org Unit Surgical Specialities
 Email adrian.abdo@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8222 6095
  • Biography/ Background

    Adrian’s research interests have been in endothelial dysfunction and inflammation in cardiovascular disease. His PhD (awarded in 2018) was on the modification of low-density lipoproteins (e.g. ‘bad cholesterol’) by oxidants during vascular inflammation. Afterwards, Adrian worked with Dr Peter Zalewski to study the role of zinc alterations in vascular protection against cardiovascular disease.

    In 2021, Adrian's research experience has broadened into microbiology research with Dr Katharina Richter. Multi-drug resistant bacteria ('Superbugs') are becoming increasingly prevalent and are a worldwide emergency, making infections difficult to treat with current antibiotic treatments. Therefore, the goal is to improve medical treatment of superbug infections, such as from surgical site infections or chronic wounds, using novel treatment strategies.

  • Awards & Achievements

    2014: Australian Postgraduate Award (University of Sydney)

    2013: Dean's Merit Award (UTS)

  • Research Funding

    2019: Heart Foundation Tom Simpson Trust Fund ($15 750)

  • Publications

    Zalewski P.D., Tvorogova Z., Abdo A., Wawer A.A., Hodge S., Murgia C., Tavella R., Psaltis P.J., Zeitz C.J., Beltrame J.F. (2021). Harvesting endothelial cells during routine invasive coronary procedures. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 77:3136-3138

    Abdo, A.I., Tran, H.B., Hodge, S., Beltrame, J.F., Zalewski, P.D. (2020). Zinc homeostasis alters zinc transporter expression in vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Biological Trace Element Research: DOI:

    Tran, H.B., Macowan, M.G., Abdo A.I., Donnelley, M., Parsons, D., Hodge, S. (2020). Enhanced inflammasome activation and reduced sphingosine-1 phosphate S1P signaling in a respiratory mucoobstructive disease model. Journal of Inflammation 17: 16

    Vallejo, A., Chami, B., Dennis, J.M., Simone, M., Ahmad, G., Abdo, A.I., Sharma, A., Shihata, W.A., Martin,  N., Chin-Dusting, J.P.F., De Haan, J.B., Witting, P.K. (2019) NFκB Inhibition Mitigates Serum Amyloid A-Induced Pro-Atherogenic Responses in Endothelial Cells and Leukocyte Adhesion and Adverse Changes to Endothelium Function in Isolated Aorta. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(1): 105

    Zalewski, P.D., Beltrame, J.F., Wawer, A.A., Abdo, A.I., Murgia, C. (2018) Roles for endothelial zinc homeostasis in vascular physiology and coronary artery disease. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 59(21): 3511-3525

    Abdo, A.I., Rayner, B.S., van Reyk, D.M., Hawkins, C.L. (2017). Low-density lipoprotein modified by myeloperoxidase oxidants induces endothelial dysfunction. Redox Biology 13: 623-632

  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesMedicine & Medical Research, Science & Technology
    Expertiseendothelial cells; endothelial dysfunction; cardiovascular disease; nitric oxide; free radicals; biochemistry; physiology; zinc; smoking; endothelin-1
    NotesInternational Society for Heart Research

    2019: Heart Foundation Tom Simpson Trust Fund Equipment Grant
    2014-2017: Australian Postgraduate Award
    2014: Dean?s Merit Award, University of Sydney

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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