Dr Adele Feakes

Dr Adele Feakes
 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit School of Animal and Veterinary Science
 Email adele.feakes@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 0080
 Location Floor/Room G ,  Corridor Block ,   Roseworthy
  • Biography/ Background

    A part-time lecturer (veterinary practice management) and PhD scholar (entrepreneurship) at the 成人大片.  With her professional background and research focus, Adele contributes to curriculum development in professional capabilities, and research into factors affecting career and entrepreneurial intentions, to help students develop both innovative and enterprising mindsets to enhance success in their chosen career. Additionally Adele has begun research into levels of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in women in agriculture in Papua New Guinea.

    Adele has a background of practice ownership, mixed rural and companion animal practice, and non-practice roles, including as an On Plant Veterinary Officer. Prior to joining the 成人大片, Adele was a principal for 24 years of a successful five full time veterinarian rural mixed practice. Adele’s caseload in rural practice focused on production animals, horses and alpaca, especially reproduction. Her entrepreneurial bend was expressed in aligning the capabilities of the practice to client needs including development of the largest sheep faecal egg counting laboratory in South Australia, reproductive services for horses, cattle, sheep, alpaca and goats and a dairy discussion group. The practice hosted many students from Australian and overseas veterinary schools, and employed many graduates.

    Adele has also worked in emergency practice, as a contract On Plant Veterinary Officer for the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS) and on a sessional basis in urban practice.
    Adele has served as a director on the Board of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) and President of one of the special interest groups of the AVA, Veterinarians in Education Research and Academia (VERA) (2014 - 2016), is a committee member of the AVA South Australian Division, and of the Scientific Committee for the AVA annual conference being convenor of Education Day for VERA. 


  • Qualifications

    PhD (Entrepreneurship), The 成人大片 (2023)

    Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, The 成人大片 (2012)

    Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment (2005)

    Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Honours (1st class), The University of Melbourne (1983)

  • Teaching Interests

    Business, entrepreneurship and employability.

    Customer journey mapping and experience evaluation, business performance indicators, opportunity identification and evaluation.

    Personal and interpersonal skills, professional attribute and enterprising mindset development.

    Professional conduct and professional risk management.

    Electives and research projects into entrepreneurship and innovation for undergraduate and graduate programmes. 

  • Research Interests

    Gender and other influences including altruism on entrepreneurial intentions (PhD).

    Career sector intent of veterinary students.

    Attitudes to professional capabilities and non-technical skills of veterinary students.

    Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and capability building in small scale farmers in the monogastric sector of Papua New Guinea.

  • Research Funding

    OLT (Cat 1) 2013 ($50,000) Innovation and Curriculum Development Seed Grant 2013 "Reshaping veterinary business curricula to improve graduates's business skills: a shared resource for educators" (Adele Feakes CI, Noel Lindsay, Edward Palmer, Dana Thomsen)  /vetsci/vibe/

    OLT (Cat 1) 2015 ($21,024 of $329,000) Innovation and Curriculum Development full grant - "Vet Set Go", lead institution Murdoch University, Assoc Prof Martin Cake - CI, participating institutions 成人大片, Sydney University, University of Queensland, Nottingham University.

    ACIAR (Cat 1) 2015 ($13,485 of $1,066,060) “Enhancing the role of small scale feed milling in the development of the monogastric industries in Papua New Guinea”: Business Planning (ASEM/2010/053) (Wendy Lindsay,Adele Feakes, Phil Glatz - CI, David Byrne)

    Crawford Fund (Cat 1) 2015 ($11,050 supplement to ACIAR project) “Enhancing the role of small scale feed milling in the development of the monogastric industries in Papua New Guinea": Business Planning" (ASEM/2010/053) (Wendy Lindsay - PL, Adele Feakes, Phil Glatz - CI, David Byrne)

    Crawford Fund (Cat 1) 2015 ($1,800) Training needs in Business Planning for PNG Women in Agriculture(SA-703-2015) (Adele Feakes CI, Wendy Lindsay, Norah Omut)

    School of Animal and Veterinary Science 2019 ($1,000) Research Travel Grant 

    School of Animal and Veterinary Science 2014 ($1,000) Research Travel Grant 

    School of Animal and Veterinary Science 2013 ($2,000) Research Networking Grant 

    School of Animal and Veterinary Science 2013 ($2,000) Research Equipment Grant 

    UoA 2012 ($2,800) Equity and Diversity Grant "Improving skills of ESL students in the Veterinary Sciences programme" (Adele Feakes CI, Dana Thomsen, Christopher Riley)

    UoA 2010 ($12,000Implementation Grant - Learning & Teaching Enhancements "Enhancement of professional skills for animal and veterinary science students" (Michelle McArthur, Adele Feakes, Cynthia Bottema, Audrey Stratton, Di Barton, Gail Anderson)

  • Publications

    Please also see Researcher Profile. 

    Journal articles:

    Feakes, A.M., Palmer, E.J., Petrovski, K.R. et al. (2019) Predicting career sector intent and the theory of planned behaviour: survey findings from Australian veterinary science students. BMC Veterinary Research 15 article 27 (open access) doi:10.1186/s12917-018-1725-4.


    Ong, D., De Moura Santos, M., Thomsen, D., & Feakes, A. (2017). Australian owners’ attitudes and experiences of having a dog neutered. Australian Veterinary Practitioner, 47(4), 102-108.


    Judson, GJ & Feakes, A (1999). Vitamin D doses for alpacas (Lama pacos), Australian Veterinary Journal, 77(5), 310-315.

    Book Chapters:

    McArthur M and Feakes A (2015). 'Veterinary Leadership and Communication Skills.' Chapter 8. Bovine Medicine, Wiley Blackwell, 3rd edn, Editor Peter D Cockcroft.

    Feakes A and Whatling D (2014). 'Cascade Veterinary Practice – Changing Times.' Chapter 14. Veterinary Business and Enterprise: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Cases Elselvier, Editor Colette Henry.

    Feakes A and Whatling D (2014). 'Northington Veterinary Clinic – A New Lease of Life?' Chapter 15 Veterinary Business and Enterprise: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Cases Elselvier, Editor Colette Henry.

    Web publication and Project Report:

    Re-Shaping Veterinary Business Curricula to Improve Graduates’ Business Skills: A Shared Resource for Educators

    Author/s: Adele M Feakes, Dana A Thomsen, Noel Lindsay, Edward Palmer

    Lead Institution: The 成人大片

    Published: 2014 Final Report (431.28 KB)

    Web Link

    Conference presentations with published proceedings:

    Feakes, A. (2017). Entrepreneurial types – who are we graduating into the veterinary profession? In Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference. Saint Leonard: Australian Veterinary Association.

    Feakes, A. Hyams, J., Cake, M., Barber, S., Webster, B., Palmer, E., Thomsen, D., & Petrovski, K (2016). Importance of professional capabilities to veterinary medicine students. In Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference (pp. 264-267). Saint Leonard: Australian Veterinary Association.


    Feakes, A. Hyams, J., Cake, M., Barber, S., Webster B., & Palmer, E. (2016). Expected work conditions – you want me to do what? In Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference (pp. 267-278). Saint Leonard: Australian Veterinary Association.

    Feakes, A, Hyams, J, Barber, S, Cake, M, Webster, B, Palmer E, and Petrovski, K (2015)Effects of gender, age, university and stage within programme on Australian veterinary student career sector intent: implications for policy makers and educators. Panpacific Veterinary Conference, Brisbane.

    Feakes, A. Cake, M, Barber, S, Hyams, J, Petrovski, K, and Lindsay, N. (2014) Veterinary students interested in large animal practice or intensive animal production are interested in starting or acquiring a business. World Buiatrics Congress, Cairns.

    Feakes, A .M. (1996) Monitoring Alpaca Reproductive Performance Post Graduate Compendium Camelids Proc 257:105-118

    Feakes, A.M. (1996) Alpaca Condition Scoring: A Management Tool Post Graduate Compendium Camelids Proc 257:123

    Feakes, A.M. (1996) Management Practices to Enhance Reproductive performance in Alpacas Post Graduate Compendium Camelids Proc 257:119 - 122

    Conference Presentations with published abstracts:

    Feakes, A, McArthur, M, Hazel, S, Rutley, D (2011) 'Gender and other impacts on veterinary student attitudes to nontechnical skills, knowledge and attributes needed for their professional future', ERGA Educational Research Group of Adelaide, DE Palmer (ed.)

    Conference Posters:

    Feakes, A. Cake, M, Barber, S, Hyams, J, Petrovski, K, and Palmer, E (2014) Veterinary student career sector intentions – a cross-sectional analysis of 2012 students in four Australian veterinary programs; Australian Veterinary Association National Conference, Perth.

    Feakes, A, Thomsen, D, Lindsay, N, Palmer, E (2014), Re-Shaping Veterinary Business Curricula to Improve Graduates’ Business Skills: A Shared Resource for Educators; Australian Veterinary Association National Conference, Perth.

    Feakes, A, Thomsen, D, Lindsay, N, Palmer, E (2013) Re-Shaping Veterinary Business Curricula to Improve Graduates’ Business Skills: A Shared Resource for Educators; Festival of Learning and Teaching, The 成人大片 November 2013

    Continuing Education Presentations:

    Feakes, A. (2015) Marketing, promotion and farmer education. Dairy Cattle Practice: Developing a progressive practice. The University of Adelaide, 17 -18th October 2015.

    Feakes, A. (2015) Developing a progressive farm practice.  Dairy Cattle Practice: Developing a progressive practice. The 成人大片, 17 -18th October 2015.

  • Professional Associations

    Australian Veterinary Association


    • member of AVA Board of Directors 2011 - 2012
    • member Australian Veterinary Business Group 
    • committee member AVA South Australian division 2019 -
    • member Scientific Committee, 2020 AVA annual conference
    • member Veterinarians in Education, Research and Academia
      • Secretary 2012
      • President 2014 - 2016
      • Convenor Education Day 2019 - 

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Entry last updated: Friday, 2 Jun 2023

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