The Team

Governance and management

  • Management team

    The management team provides strategic direction and oversight.

    Name Information
    Project leader, Committee chair, and Program 3 leader
    Project co-leader

    Research adviser

    Program 2 leader

    Program 1 leader
    Mr Ray Chatfield
    Technical adviser

  • Technical steering committee

    The technical steering committee ensures that the research complements industry aims.

    Name Information
    Project leader, Committee chair, and Program 3 leader

    Committee co-chair
    Project co-leader
    Research adviser

    Program 2 leader
    Dr Wes Stein
    Research adviser

    Research adviser

    Program 1 leader
    Mr Ray Chatfield
    Technical adviser

Program staff and students

There are three areas of research in our project. Each is led by a researcher with international recognition in their field.
Program leaders guide the work of their team and develop strategies to grow opportunities for the Project. They also facilitate communication with the management team, technical steering committee and other program leaders.