Alysha Thriscutt

Alysha Thriscutt

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine – Class of 2015

What are your hobbies?
Bushwalking around Tasmania, baking (isn’t everyone during COVID) and spoon carving at the moment.Ìý

Favourite place to eat in Adelaide? 
Dumplings R Us on Rundle street! 

If I could go back to my university days I would ...
Hold back on the Roseworthy soft serve machine and sticky date puddings.Ìý

Most prized possession? 
My bike that was auctioned for $5 at the Gawler market that we went to for biosecurity prac in final year.Ìý

I can’t get enough of ...
Brene Brown and her new podcast Unlocking Us.Ìý

Something that makes you smile?
All the beautiful and crazy coloured fungi that are currently fruiting around Hobart at the moment.Ìý

Something you are grateful for?
Share housing with great housemates and all of the house activities we’ve introduced while in lockdown to keep us all sane.Ìý

If I could pursue a different career I would…
Probably be a teacher or a bushwalking guide.

The most valuable lesson I have learned...
Is the importance of building meaningful connections and a strong community where ever you live.Ìý

I cannot get through the day without ...
A minimum of eight hours sleep or copious volumes of coffee.

Three words your closest friends would use to describe you?
Kind, optimistic and truthful.

Your definition of success?
Is the number of people in my community that would lend me $20 if I needed it.

My mother taught me...
That clean, flannelette sheets will bring you endless joy, that choosing not to make a decision is still a decision and that anything can be fixed with a good cup of tea.Ìý

Your career path in two sentences or less?
Started out in small animal general practice and then moved into emergency work. Now realising the joys of part time ER work which allows me the time and money to pursue other interests outside of being a vet.

Biggest career highlight?
The relationships I have to the nurses and colleagues I work with.Ìý

2020 is the year I will ...
Turn 30 and focus more of my time and energy on building community and activism.Ìý

How I relax ...
With a cup of tea and some crazy dancing.Ìý

When I get home the first thing I do is ...
Have a shower because I’m normally covered in animal blood and other more odorous bodily fluids.Ìý

The biggest risk I have taken ...
Was applying for a job in a very busy emergency clinic as a new graduate with almost no emergency experience.Ìý

A misconception about you?
That I work in emergency so I can cope with a lack of sleep. Couldn’t be further from the truth.Ìý

What advice would you give your younger self at university? 
Life gets a lot better after vet school.Ìý

Tagged in roseworthy veterinary alumni network, roseworthy veterinary alumni graduate profile, rva network