Drew Kluska

Drew Kluska

Drew with Therese Hall

Bachelor of Agricultural Science, Class of 1989–92

Founder and Managing Director of 'The Tailor', Drew believes that his time studying at Roseworthy brought him to his current role.  specialises in luxury, handcrafted holidays in Australia.

"After I graduated, I visited a friend (whom I had met from Roseworthy) in Kenya which turned into a working trip where I ended up managing a famous safari lodge for a couple of years." During these years, Drew was able to experience lots of luxury and high-end tourism from people who have had 70 years of experience. This was the inspiration he needed to bring home to Australia.

What was Drew’s fondest memory while studying at Roseworthy?
"My fondest memory while studying at Roseworthy would have to be the friendships that were made. They are lifelong. It was an unbelievable experience. Maybe I partied a little too much hence why I needed an extra 6 months to complete my degree!"

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