VQA: Vision and language

Visual Question Answering (VQA) â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹is a practical application for machine learning that allows computer systems to answer general questions about the content of an image. VQA combines vision and language processing with high-level reasoning.

Systems capable of answering general and diverse questions about the visual environment have direct practical utility in a wide range of applications: from digital personal assistants to aids for the visually impaired and robotics. 

A typical instance of VQA involves the provision of an image with an associated plain text question (see examples in Figure 1). The task for the system is to determine the correct answer to the question and provide an answer; typically in a few words or a short phrase. This task, while seemingly trivial for human beings, spans the fields of computer vision and natural language processing (NLP) since it requires both the comprehension of the question and the parsing of the visual elements in the image.

VQA Examples

Figure 1: VQA Examples

VQA is an important means for evaluating deep visual understanding, which is considered an overarching goal of the field of computer vision. Deep visual understanding is the ability of an algorithm to extract high-level information from images and to perform reasoning based on that information. In comparison to the classical tasks of computer vision, such as object recognition or image segmentation, instances of VQA cover a wide range of complexity. Indeed, the question itself can take an arbitrary form, as can the set of operations required to answer it. 


  • Competitions and benchmarks

    AIML has won numerous global competitions in VQA and has made major contributions to the development of the methodology.

    1st Place

    Visual Question Answering Abstract Benchmark (Clip-art images)


    1st place

    MS COCO Image Captioning benchmark


    1st place

    Visual Question Answering Challenge at CVPR (Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)




    AIML has proposed the following vision and language datasets/benchmarks.

  • Featured papers

  • Projects

    Deep visual understanding: learning to see in an unruly world

    Deep Learning has achieved incredible success at an astonishing variety of Computer Vision tasks recently. This project will convey this success into the challenging domain of high-level image-based reasoning. It will extend deep learning to achieve flexible semantic reasoning about the content of images based on information gleaned from the huge volumes of data available on the Internet. We will apply the method to the problem of Visual Question Answering, to demonstrate the generality and flexibility of the semantic reasoning to be achieved. The project will overcome one of the primary limitations of deep learning generally, however, and will greatly increase its already impressive domain of practical application.

    Anton van den Hengel, Damien Teney