Security Awareness /technology/ en Cyber Security Reporting Obligations /technology/news/list/2022/06/02/cyber-security-reporting-obligations New cyber security obligations reinforce the need for speedy reporting of cyber incidents.  The University is now subject to statutory notification timeframes - in some circumstances within 12 hours of an actual or potential breach being noticed by a system user. Incidents should be immediately reported to the University’s Cybersecurity team using this form. June 02 2022 Nel Fredericks /technology/news/list/2022/06/02/cyber-security-reporting-obligations IT Acceptable Use and Security Policy /technology/news/list/2022/05/31/it-acceptable-use-and-security-policy The revised IT Acceptable Use and Security Policy has been approved by the Vice-Chancellor. By observing the acceptable use and security requirements, University IT users and custodians can help to prevent service disruptions and data breaches caused by cyberattacks and other threats. May 31 2022 Nel Fredericks /technology/news/list/2022/05/31/it-acceptable-use-and-security-policy Keeping your data and systems safe /technology/news/list/2021/06/23/keeping-your-data-and-systems-safe New ways to protect University systems and information coming soon: Global Protect virtual private network and multi-factor authentication of HR systems June 23 2021 Helen Foster /technology/news/list/2021/06/23/keeping-your-data-and-systems-safe Reminder to use unique passwords /technology/news/list/2020/11/20/reminder-to-use-unique-passwords Data breaches have become common with increased sophistication and volume of cyberattacks, and could affect you! November 20 2020 Helen Foster /technology/news/list/2020/11/20/reminder-to-use-unique-passwords Urgent advice to update your iPhone software /technology/news/list/2019/09/05/urgent-advice-to-update-your-iphone-software Security researchers have released information on critical vulnerabilities affecting all iOS versions before 12.1.4 and all iPhones. September 05 2019 admin /technology/news/list/2019/09/05/urgent-advice-to-update-your-iphone-software Increased 'phishing' attempts /technology/news/list/2019/07/07/increased-phishing-attempts Recent reports of a notable increase in ‘phishing' attempts in the education sector, together with news that the Australian National University has recently discovered a 2018 data breach, provide a timely reminder of the importance of data security. July 07 2019 admin /technology/news/list/2019/07/07/increased-phishing-attempts Simulated phishing - baseline phase completed with prizes /technology/news/list/2018/02/21/simulated-phishing-baseline-phase-completed-with-prizes Following on from the Chief Information Officer Bev McQuade’s email back in June 2017, simulated phishing emails were sent out to all staff between August 2017 and January 2018. They were intended to help us objectively gauge the vulnerability of the University, as well as deliver ‘just-in-time’ learning in order to build awareness of the various types of online phishing situations. February 21 2018 Karen Bath /technology/news/list/2018/02/21/simulated-phishing-baseline-phase-completed-with-prizes